It's Raining, It's Pouring, Obama is Snoring

    The sky hasn't quite fallen yet, but it has been drenching Barack Obama's parade in faintly yellow precipitation for the past six weeks. In Biblical terms, this would qualify as raining for 40 days and 40 nights.

    So since the creek is rising, will someone please go wake Sen. Obama?

    Blame Rev. Wright. Blame Hillary, the GOP and the MSM (wait, I said GOP, didn't I). Yes, they're all liable for distorting Obama's message. But has anyone told the candidate or David Plouffe that the campaign's been snoozing lately? With Hillary gaining ground across the board, you'd think someone might sit up and take notice.

    She's framing the debate with emphasis on the hugely deceptive McCain/Clinton proposal for a gas tax holiday. So naturally, Obama plays along with his response ads. Naturally? Come on!

    Here's a guy who can run rings around her on the issue while contrasting his theme of change with her game of Washington bait and switch. Or he can change the game by focusing on his message in more down-to-earth terms that connect the dots between his policies and their effects on real people.

    Obama needs to snap out of his lethargy. Shake things up a bit. Maybe announce a major economic initiative that people can understand easily and take to the bank quickly. One that is economically sound and doesn't pander.

    At the least, he could show some real passion on the trail, for godssake. Take the emotional level up about three notches. Rail about the plight of families and single Moms, about homeowners and displaced workers and kids — not "crumbling schools" but the KIDS themselves and what their future is going to look like if things don't turn around. Take off the suit coat AND the tie when he addresses a rally.

    He doesn't have to slam shots of Crown Royal to show he cares. But he does have to show it.

    Senator Obama, try channeling Teddy Roosevelt or Jack Kennedy. Quit stuttering your points. Make them firmly and with the conviction that's in your heart. Let it come out. Banish the persona of the Constitutional law professor for a week and you might finally connect with those blue-collar whites who think you don't care.

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