The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Japan photos

    A ferry ended up stranded atop a building in Otsuchi.
    Credit: Yomiuri Shimbun, via Associated Press

    Parents looked at the body of their daughter, whom they found in the vehicle of a driving school in Yamamoto, Miyagi Prefecture.
    Credit: Kyodo News, via Associated Press

    A resident was pulled from the rubble in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture.
    Credit: Noboru Tomura/Asahi Shimbun, via Associated Press

    Offered as a poignant reminder that ink on paper has not become a useless technology:

    Residents searched for the names of missing family members at a temporary information center in Sendai.
    Credit: Jo Yong-Hak/Reuters

    Feel free to share others in comments.


    Did you want videos as well or just photos?  I saw a 3 minute video a few minutes ago that blew me away, already long gone viral:

    Yes of course, anything anyone wants to share. Stories as well. There was just nothing in the news section to put these on, as all the recent posts  there are specifically on the nuke story, and I couldn't put them as a new  news post as a single link wouldn't work.

    I just watched it, gosh pretty incredible. And  I couldn't believe those people out there on their apartment building balcony in the beginning of the tape taking pictures. I was thinking cars and boats are going to hit the foundation and they are going to be gone.  I guess they made a wise decision to stay because they might not have gotten far enough away with the warning they had. But still I just don't think that way--i.e., let's take pictures--I would be screaming hysterically. Taking pictures if you are in a helicopter is different than if you're in the middle of it.

    I was thinking cars and boats are going to hit the foundation and they are going to be gone.

    That was my thought as well.

    One where the foundation held with a string and a prayer:

    Caption: Iwate, Japan — People wait for rescue on a rooftop Friday.
    Credit: Kyodo News

    No permalink, currently available on the LATimes' slideshow here as #106.

    from Tokyo streets and shops empty – and the air is heavy with fear

    After the earthquake, nerves are beginning to fray in Japan's capital following the tsunami and nuclear crisis

    By Justin McCurry,, March 14, 2011

    Caption: In Tokyo, disruptions to transport affecting deliveries and panic-buying mean supermarket shelves are empty. Shops are switching lights off at night to save power, making darkened streets seem more eerie. Photograph: Miyoko Fukushima/Demotix

    A poignant reminder that a working landline telephone can be a precious thing rather than something to be ridiculed:

    Caption: Tokyo — People line up in front of public telephone booths Friday at Shibuya station.
    Credit: Yomiuri / Reuters

    No permalink, currently on LATimes' slideshow here as # 86.

    Caption: People watch their city's port area burn
    Credit: Keiichi Nakane / Yomiuri Shimbu.

    No permalink, currently on LATimes' slideshow here as #76.

    Caption: Kamaishi, Japan — A ship that had been under construction now sits on land next to damaged homes.
    Credit: YOMIURI SHIMBUN / AFP / Getty Images

    No permalink, currently on LATimes' slideshow here as # 79

    Caption: Rikuzentakada Iwate, Japan — Soldiers remove a body.

    No permalink; currently at LATimes' slideshow here as # 55.


    Caption: Tanohata, Japan — Rescue workers search for victims in Tanohata, Japan

    Credit: Reuters.

    No permalink; currently at LATimes's slideshow here as #11.

    Where no one took pictures:

    In Remote Towns, Survivors Tell of a Wave’s Power

    By Martin Fackler and Michael Wines, New York Times, March 15, 2011

    INAMISANRIKU, Japan — Jin Sato, mayor of this quiet fishing port, had just given a speech to the town assembly on the need to strengthen tsunami preparation when the earthquake struck. The tsunami came just over a half-hour later, far exceeding even their worst fears.

    He and other survivors described a wall of frothing brown water that tore through this town of more than 17,000 so fast that few could escape. Town officials say as many as 10,000 people may have been swallowed by the sea. Even many of those who reached higher ground were not spared by waves that survivors said reached more than 60 feet high.

    “It was a scene from hell,” Mr. Sato, 59, said, his eyes red with tears. “It was beyond anything that we could have imagined.”

    Much of the destruction unleashed by the tsunami that struck Japan’s northeastern coast on Friday was captured on television, for all to see. But the most lethal devastation took place in remote fishing communities like this one, where residents said steep mountains and deep inlets amplified the size of the crushing wave, unrecorded by television news helicopters or Internet videos.

    The only record now is the accounts of the survivors, and as word of what happened here has begun to seep out, even disaster-struck Japan has found itself aghast....

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