The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    John McCain is So Predictable

    Problem: John McCain has used the word "celebrity" to define Barack Obama in a single word that captures his existing public image and campaign rhetoric while casting it in a negative light.


    Return McCain's favor.


    As in McSame. As in NOT a maverick. As in NOT a reforming centrist. As in just another Republican. As in more bad economic policies and wars. As in everything you would expect from a geriatric warmonger with ties to influence peddling and big oil, no respect for women and a penchant for flip-flopping.

    As in this ad:

    Clip from "Original Maverick" McCain ad

    He'll reform Wall Street, battle Big Oil, make America prosper again. He's the original maverick.

    Sound F/X: Needle scratching across record.

    Picture freezes. Fade to McCain and then Phil Gramm.

    Announcer: Well, well. John McCain is at it again. He says he'll reform Wall Street, but his economic adviser resigned after he scolded Americans for "whining" about hard times, at the same time lobbying Congress for a foreign bank so his client could push more subprime mortgage loans.

    Footage of shuttered homes, "Foreclosed" sign. Cut to John McCain on oil rig.

    Announcer: McCain wants billions more in tax breaks for big oil companies while they line their pockets and charge record prices at the pump.

    For average Americans, that means more of the same worn-out policies. John McCain. He's so predictable.

    Voiceover: I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message.