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    Just How Screwed Are We?

    I have for some time now been trying to get my arms around how big a trillion dollars is, without much success.

    John Allen Palous, a noted Temple University Math Professor has simplified it. If you had spent one million dollars a day since Jesus' birth, you STILL wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars. In straight math, if you gave someone one million dollars everyday, it would take 2840 years for you to have given them one trillion dollars.

    The National Debt is now north of 10 trillion and rising by the day. Anybody got any brilliant ideas about how we are EVER to going to pay that off?

    Assuming that the powers that be are able to keep the whole world's economy from going ass over applecart, (presumably by adding another couple of trillion to the deficit - and who knows if that will even work...) the only one that comes to my mind is that we are going to have to inflate our way out of it.

    If that is true, hold on to your hats boys and girls, this is going to be quite a ride!

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