Let's Get to Work

    What will we do when the election is over and the crusade to elect Obama has ended?

    (Please feel free to add your own ideas)

    ■ I will open a clinic to rehabilitate Republicans addicted to simplistic ideas. Therapy will consist of a revolutionary 1-step program costing only $50,000 or a first-born child.

    ■ Josh Marshall will build a media empire to counter the influence of the media mega-monster created by the sale of News Corp. to the Republican National Committee.

    ■ CT will spend the remainder of his day constantly redialing the White House to complain that the vice-president failed to mention that his father's instruction to "Get up, Champ!" was actually a veiled reference to cheap energy.

    ■ Dick Cheney will return to exile in Argentina, opening a small dental clinic for patients requiring "special measures."

    ■ Readytoblowagasket finally will.

    ■ Stillidealistic will change her user name to Increasinglypragmatic.

    ■ George Bush will become fabulously wealthy as the creator and spokesperson for W's Pork Sausage, a surprisingly tasty brand with the slogan: "Now that's flavor Saddam will never know."

    ■ Karl Rove will never find work in this town again.

    ■ Raider99 will join forces with PiratePete to open the boutique apparel chain Marauding Outfitters.

    ■ Sarah Palin will invent a better moosetrap.

    ■ John McCain will be committed to a mental hospital for the elderly, where he will routinely remind other patients "I know how to eat Jello, my friends. I am not afraid to eat Jello! I look forward to eating Jello. I will follow Jello to the gates of Hell!"

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