The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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                                                                     RAND PAUL

                                                       ONE OF THE WEE PEOPLE

    Okay, so it is the bottom of the 9th, two outs and the home team is behind 5-4.

    Bo is up and on a 3-2 count, he strikes out.

    Okay, so the umpire declares that since he did not like the previous nine innings, everyone has to play a tenth inning.

    This is different mind you, from the situation where the umpire following the game admits that he screwed up a call at first and ruined a perfect game. No do-overs allowed.

    Even though the score would have remained the same, the perfect game does not go into the record book.

    What I am saying is that the scariest scenario for any of us on this god-forsaken planet is when some umpire or referee changes the rules of a game that has been played for time immemorial in the middle of a game.

    We rarely like change anyway. I mean after almost forty years some baseball fans are still upset about the designated hitter rule. It was only since 1895 that the infield fly rule was instituted.  And do not forget that at one time the proper manner in which to throw a runner out was to hit him with the goddamn ball.

     But that is another story.

    Changes in the rules of baseball did not occur until due notice of changes were sent out through the public airways as well as through newspapers and magazines with regard to changes in rules affecting our favorite sports. Panels were created to discuss the potential changes in any sports rule. Testimony is taken and statistics reviewed.

    For instance, at one time there were numbers of ex pro or semipro ballplayers who kept walking into walls and claiming to have personally spoken with the Christ. After this significant problem came to light, all batters began wearing helmets at the plate.

    If rules in professional baseball are not kept by a player, he may be called 'out' or he may be thrown 'out' of the game or even out of the damn league. I mean, not when he is hitting 80 home runs or pitching perfect games. But other times for sure

    But things do not seem to always work out so in the so-called real world. Some people just do not like rules. When things are not working out, these people just make their own rules.

    It seems that Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul's rogue ophthalmology certification outfit, the National Board of Ophthalmology, is still recertifying doctors even though the group has virtually no public footprint.

    Ben Smith at Politico reports on the group Dr. Paul founded to protest changes in the national American Board of Ophthalmology's certification policies:

    I wish to say up front that I like nekked women a lot!!! But is not Rand Paul just cute as the dickens?  Anyway that does not mean that Rand has had it easy or anything. How would you have liked to have gone through life being referred to as Cute Curly and getting slapped on your behind until you were thirty two years of age? 

    Professional Boards are set up so that certain standards are met for the professionals practicing in a chosen field.  A member is required to demonstrate proof that he or she has kept up with the most recent research and practice applicable to the profession.  This adds credence to the profession and provides some protection to the public.

    If you were ever dumb enough to wander into Curly Rand's office, you would see all these fine certificates on the wall.  And one special certificate certifies him as meeting national standards for eye doctors across the land. Except you would not know that Curly's own company printed that certificate--which he received at a discount--and that the certifiers are phonier than labels on pork loins that read FDDA.

    Curly Rand never set up a panel for eye doctors to decide what would be the best course for the public and the profession. Curly Rand never studied any statistics in order to discover what the best procedures were for sticking knives in people's eyes. Curly Rand did not meet with other professionals to decide on a proper course of continuing education.

    No no no. Curly Rand woke up one day and said: I am going to do whatever the fuck I want to do anytime I wish to do so and there is not one fucking thing you can do about it!!!

    Just exactly the kind of guy you want to represent you in the United States Senate.

    Speaking of short people:

    Following a meeting with President Obama, BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg assured the public that despite being a "large corporation," he and BP "care about the small people."   tpmlivewire

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah the wee folks who live in the clover and come out every March 17th to help young people throw up in the alleys of most of our fair cities.

    At first I was angry with Svanberg (sounds like a male star in pornos, doesn't it/). Then after thinking about Curly Rand and all, I found that I had a profound disagreement with Svanberg. I tend to agree more with Randy Newman:

    Short People got no reason
    Short People got no reason
    Short People got no reason
    To live

    They got little hands
    Little eyes
    They walk around
    Tellin' great big lies
    They got little noses
    And tiny little teeth
    They wear platform shoes
    On their nasty little feet

    Well, I don't want no Short People
    Don't want no Short People
    Don't want no Short People
    `Round here

    Short People are just the same
    As you and I
    (A Fool Such As I)
    All men are brothers
    Until the day they die
    (It's A Wonderful World)