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    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

    President Obama,

    As you prepare to leave the Oval Office, I just want to take a moment to say that you've done your people, and America, proud. You've proven that a Black man can be one of the greatest presidents this country has ever known, and history will undoubtedly reflect that fact.
    You've faced bigger challenges than any president in the history of this country, and with less congressional support.  Yet, in spite of that, you've not only endured, but excelled You've pulled this nation from the jaws of certain disaster, and you've had no scandals, no loss of faith, and you and your beautiful wife and family have perfectly represented everything that America professes to hold dear.  That says it all.
    Because of you, Black people will never have to defend either their worth, or their intellect, ever again. You represent everything that Black people need to say to this country, the world, and to our children. So thank you so much, good brother.
    Regardless of what your detractors say, you are a great man - one of this nation's greatest - and again, history will document that. In light of how horribly Black people have been treated by this country over the centuries, how ironic is it that it took a Black man to save it?  Thus, I see you as a message from God, and if America is wise, it'll listen.


    People like Tavis Smiley, Cornel West and other envious haters of their ilk claim that Black people only dismiss their criticisms of President Obama because he's Black. But that's not the case at all. The anger that they see coming from the Black community regarding their criticism of President Obama is Black outrage over their indulging in the crabs-in-a-barrel tradition that was inbred in us as slaves. Black people recognize that many of President Obama’s Black critics, including Cornel West, aren’t really interested in policy; they’re just using public policy as a pretext for attacking the President himself, and they’re so steeped in their Willie Lynch mentality that they either don’t realize, or don’t care that they’re doing a grave disservice not only to the African-American community, but to Black people all over the world.
    And the fact is, many of Obama’s White conservative critics aren’t really interested in policy either. Like Obama’s Black critics, they have an ulterior motive as well, but their motive has nothing to do with crabs-in-a-barrel. Their primary motive is defending their claim of White superiority, and President Obama, in his soft-spoken and laid-back way, is dragging that claim through the mud. That’s why racists and conservatives hate him so.
    Conservatives recognize, as we all should - and especially Black people - that President Obama is not just another president. President Obama is the most high-profile symbol of Black competence in the world. In addition, what he has accomplished is the perfect equivalent of a conquered slave rising to become the emperor of Rome - and, one of its greatest emperors. So Barack Obama is going to be remembered by posterity as one of the greatest men in ALL of human history, and his story will be inspiring Black children a thousand years from now.
    Racists and conservatives recognize that fact, so naturally, they’re desperate to tear down Barack Obama’s image, and build up the image of criminals like Ronald Wilson Reagan, and there is no excuse for Black idiots like Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and Boyce Watkins not to recognize that fact. That’s what makes them so detestable. Instead of trying to help racists tear down this Black icon, they should be offering RESPECTFUL suggestions in an attempt to ensure that Barack Obama is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents that this nation has ever know, even if they have to drag him up Mt. Rushmore kicking and screaming. But instead, they’re allowing themselves to be pointed to by racists who are claiming, "See, even Black people know he doesn’t live up to the standard of White presidents."
    Thus, people like Smiley and West are giving their own egos, self-service, and their Willie Lynch-inspired need to tear-down a Black historic icon priority over Black history, and the role that history is going to play in helping to raise the self-concept of the Black culture. In short, they’re trying to sabotage the self-esteem of Black children who are yet unborn. The mere thought of that kind of ignorant selfishness is absolutely disgusting - and especially when clothed in faux scholarship.
    So Cornel West and the others like him are not Black leaders, they’re clueless Black cultural afflictions, and if I wanted to take even more time (maybe I'll do it in a book), I could methodically take apart every argument that they've put forward against President Obama. But the short version is, there are some things we have to do for ourselves - and with good reason.
    As alleged "educated" men, they should all realize that Obama is merely President Obama, not King Obama.  The United States Constitution is very specific in giving SOLE power over spending to the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans (that’s why they could refuse to pay the light bill and shutdown the government). So President Obama can’t do a damn thing for us without getting the Republicans to go along with him. That’s why he has to slip us everything on the down-low, because if the GOP knows it’s for us, they’re going to dig-in, and if Obama goes to war against them over the issue, they're not going to allow him to do anything for ANYBODY, and as President of ALL of the people, he can't allow that to happen, so he has to wrap Black interests in the interest of ALL the people.
    In addition, as a thinking man (unlike many of them), Obama realizes that he has to think about precedents. If he grandstands like many of them suggest and say, "This is what I'm going to do for Black people," what are you going to do when the next White president says, "This is what I'm going to do for White people?"  And he'll justify it by calling it "The Obama Doctrine." 
    So Cornel West, Tavis Smiley - and also the others who share their backward-thinking proclivities - they need to use some of that alleged brain power to think, instead of burning it up trying to maintain their image, or attempting to hide their true motivations for attacking this President. I didn’t hear them saying a damn thing when Bush was in office. So they can try to clothe their true motivations in a tux, but it still has the funky smell of Willie Lynch all over it. 
    Eric L. Wattree 

    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    You may want to visit the president and see if he'll let you massage his balls. 


    It must have taken you all night to come up with a childishly stupid statement like that, and I love it.  Whenever I can inspire an idiot to puke on himself, it tells me I've nailed it. So thank you so very much for your complete idiocy.

    "Joe Smith" - you're probably Donald Trump, or maybe even Tavis Smiley or Cornel West. But again, I love your comment.   

    I think he's a WH fence jumper who didn't quite clear the top post.

    LOL!!!  Ouch!

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