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    The Morphing of The American Right. From Burke and Buckley to Baptists and Falwell

    While discussing the general state of affairs in this country in chat the other night, I was given a link to an article in Salon by Michael Lind on The American Right. A kind of later 20th century history of sorts that is rather insightful, at least to me.  According to Lind, conservatism in the US was not originally enmeshed with fundamentalist religion as it is now. Here is what he says on the matter.

    Following World War II, the American right was a miscellany of marginal, embittered subcultures -- anti-New Dealers, isolationists, paranoid anti-communists, anti-semites and white supremacists. Russell Kirk and others associated with William F. Buckley Jr.'s National Review sought to Americanize a version of high-toned British Burkean conservatism. While the eighteenth century British parliamentarian was embraced by conservatives for his opposition to the French Revolution, Edmund Burke, a champion of the rights of Britain’s Indian, Irish and American subjects, could also be claimed by liberals like Yale Law School’s Alexander Bickel, who preferred gradual, cautious reform to radical social experimentation. In its liberal as in its conservative forms, Burkeanism disdains reaction and radicalism alike, and favors change in lesser things when necessary to maintain the continuity of more fundamental institutions and values.

    The religious equivalent of Burkean politics is orthodoxy, not fundamentalism. Orthodoxy means the continuity of a tradition, as interpreted by an authoritative body of experts, such as priests, rabbis or mullahs. The term "fundamentalism" originated in the early twentieth century as a description of reactionary evangelical Protestants in the U.S. who rejected liberal Protestantism and modern evolutionary science and insisted on the inerrancy of the Bible. The phrase is nowadays applied indiscriminately and often inaccurately to various religious movements, some of which, in the Catholic, Jewish and Muslim traditions are better described as ultra-orthodox.

    In other words it was more of a rational approach to conservatism that was more centrist and down to earth.  When the South abandoned the Democratic Party over civil rights and the anti-Vietnam War and became solid Republican, this Orthodoxy was replaced by the fundamentalism of the Southern Baptist and other fundamentalist churches.

    America’s Burkean conservatives like Kirk tended to favor Catholicism or the Anglo-Catholic school within the Anglican church. For them, establishment and hierarchy were terms of praise. But once white Southerners captured the Republican party and the conservative movement, the High Church right that found Kirk and Buckley among its college of cardinals gave way to the political equivalent of the Foot-Washin’ Baptists.

    Today Protestant fundamentalism is associated with the Scots-Irish in the Bible Belt from West Virginia to Texas, but its ancestry lies in now-secular New England and the Midwest and it migrated southward only after the Civil War. As Burke observed at the time of the American revolution:

        "All Protestantism…is a sort of dissent. But the religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principle of resistance: it is the dissidence of dissent and the protestantism of the Protestant religion."

    It is also the populism of Populism. As an intermediary between the soul and God, the church hierarchy has been all but replaced by the Bible in fundamentalist Protestantism. Nor is there any need for theologians to expound the Bible, which was conveniently written in English so that it can be understood by any plain American.

    The increasingly-Southernized American Right has transferred the fundamentalist Protestant mentality from the sphere of religion to the spheres of law and the economy. Protestant fundamentalism is now joined by constitutional fundamentalism and market fundamentalism.

    With religious Orthodoxy being replaced by fundamentalism, so to was financial Orthodoxy being replace by market fundamentalism.

    The increasingly-Southernized American Right has transferred the fundamentalist Protestant mentality from the sphere of religion to the spheres of law and the economy. Protestant fundamentalism is now joined by constitutional fundamentalism and market fundamentalism.

    In all three cases, the pattern is the same. There is the eternal Truth that never varies -- the will of God, the principles of the Founding Fathers, the so-called laws of the free market. There are the scriptures which explain the eternal truths -- the King James Bible, in the case of religious fundamentalism, the Constitution or the Federalist Papers, in the case of constitutional fundamentalism, and Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom in the case of market fundamentalism (The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand can be substituted for Hayek, on request).

    "There’s only one book you ever need to read," a Bible-believin' Texan Baptist once assured me. He was two books short of a populist conservative bookshelf. But in the age of post-intellectual, fundamentalist conservatism, three books are sufficient to make anyone the equal of the most erudite intellectual. The books need not actually be read, and for the most part probably are not; it is enough, in argument, to thump the Bible, and to thump "The Road to Serfdom" and "Atlas Shrugged," too.

    This fundamentalist approach to politics also replaced their main spokesmen with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and Ed McAteer, founder of the Moral Majority.  But this market fundamentalism is as much a fantasy as their religious beliefs. Choosing to ignore those historical facts that contradict it the,  same as they choose to ignore certain parts of the Bible. Any Burkean conservative would not be caught dead aligning with their fundamentalist and libertarian views.

    ......Russell Kirk wrote that any true conservative would be a socialist before he would be a libertarian. But then he was a Burkean High Church conservative.

    And the consequence of this is a total breakdown in political discourse. With the current conservatives being of the One True Religion.

    The rise of triple fundamentalism on the American right creates a crisis of political discourse in the United States. Back when conservatism was orthodox and traditional, rather than fundamentalist and counter-revolutionary, conservatives could engage in friendly debates with liberals, and minds on both sides could now and then be changed. But if your sect alone understands the True Religion and the True Constitution and the Laws of the Market, then there is no point in debate. All those who disagree with you are heretics, to be defeated, whether or not they are converted.

    This One True Religion approach to politics and economics leaves progressives with a very difficult time dealing with them.

    For their part, progressives have no idea of how to respond to the emergent right’s triple fundamentalism. Today it is the left, not the right, that is Burkean in America. Modern American liberalism is disillusioned, to the point of defeatism, by the frustration of the utopian hopes of 1960s liberalism in the Age of Reagan that followed and has not yet ended. Today it is liberals, not conservatives, who tend to be cautious and incremental and skeptical to a fault about the prospects for reform, while it is the right that wants to blow up the U.S. economy and start all over, on the basis of the doctrines of two Austrian professors and a Russian émigré novelist. Barack Obama, who would have flourished in an age when conservatives and liberals shared a common Burkean sensibility, finds himself as baffled and flustered by the tribunes of the Tea Party as Edmund Burke would have been by the young Marjoe Gortner.

    This is the problem we currently face.  A group that is totally consumed - every thought - by a fanatical fundamentalist belief system that refuses to listen to anyone or anything that does not adhere to their ideological dogma.  That holds martyrdom in nearly as high esteem as some  fundamentalist Islamic sects and sees those who disagree as the enemy to be exterminated. You simply cannot think of these people that now make up conservative republicans in a rational way for they are nearly totally irrational. 

    Which also leads one to wonder how any of them can claim to care about anyone else - any other living thing - even their spouse and children, if they completely reject those who do not conform to their righteous standards.


    Interesting thoughts on fundamentalism and orthodoxy.  Both are equally destructive, I think, in their need for rigidity and intolerance.  Change is to be feared, a concept fully in line with Conservatives, and probably the reason we're always going to butt heads.

    I never understood why the South followed the Democratic Party ever.  There is nothing in the Dem's platform that would ever have appealed to the South.  Labor Reform?  Hah!  Civil Rights?  Hah!  Justice?  Hah!  Tolerance?  Double Hah!

    But I am surprised and dismayed at the numbers of Christian fundamentalists now holding positions of power.  They would like us to believe that they're the majority, but I don't buy it. 

    Still, they're somehow pushing enough buttons to get the results they want, and I still haven't seen an explanation for that.  I just don't get it.  There's a psychology there that's beyond me, I admit.


    The South was Democrat (well Dixicrat) because they blamed the republicans for the Civil War and more importantly reconstruction. Which was an abysmal failure.

    Democrats love wage slaves.

    These same wage slave owner democrats, want to give amnesty to a million more wage slaves, in order to force wages and benefits down.

    The Republicans fought slavery back then; the democrats were all for it.

    FDR the democrat used Socialism to get American Capitalism back on it's feet

    What makes people think the democrats want to return to FDR's plans or methods to save America?

    Democrats love slavery. Wage slaves to support the government who'll relieve the plantation owners of their responsibilities.

    The government will give you healthcare, the government will give you a place to live, the government will feed you through the food stamp program. The government will do all these things as long as the wage slaves pay their taxes.

    The slaves are now responsible for their own upkeep.

    You plantation owners should be grateful for the new Democrats. You plantation owners no longer have to worry about what the middle class wage slaves demand, the government will just open the border and allow 20 million more wage slaves under an Amnesty program,  to under cut the uppity middle class.

    WTF you slaves. because the Obama administration has no plans to deliver you.

    Can you slaves say Uncle?

    Lincoln made it illegal to own Black slaves, the democrats figured a way to enslave everyone else.

    Ramona, civil rights and racial tolerance were not always core elements of the Democrats' platform--certainly not in the 19th century but not even in the first half of the 20th. Many of the old unions excluded blacks. Woodrow Wilson segregated the federal government. FDR interned Japanese citizens. Civil rights and racial tolerance didn't become Democratic priorities until after World War II, at which point the great Southern realignment began.

    And speaking of religious orthodoxy, one of most progressive anti-corporate Democratic presidential candidates was Williams Jennings Bryan of Scopes monkey trial fame.

    As for change, I would say that today's right wing has far more aggressive plans than liberals, who are mostly trying to hang onto the status quo--or else trying crawl back a couple of decades to liberalism's glory days.

    I keep hearing that we're trying to go back to the glory days.  It's not a matter of going back and reliving them again.  It has nothing to do with nostalgia and everything to do with what it takes to build a healthy economy.  We thrive best when the majority are working at  jobs that can actually sustain them and allow them to participate.  We grow a healthy economy by recognizing that sharing the wealth is more than just altruism.

    There are no perfect answers, no perfect heroes, and I'm not so awash in nostalgia that I pick and choose what I want to remember about the so-called glory days.  Bad things happened but it's sometimes necessary to be reminded of what did work.   

    We came out of a miserable depression, fought a deadly, costly war, and still managed to build a healthy economy where the working class could actually afford to live in a manner that was as close to rich as they were ever going to get. 

    That's gone now, and if we tend to look back with many sighs, trying to remind a new generation of what can be accomplished with a lot of hard work, all I can say is it can't hurt.

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