My Friends, I Am But a Humble Hero

    I came to love my country so much that in that dark cell in Hanoi, I cam to see that America deserved to be able to torture, too.

    I love my country so much that I invite all who disagree with my government to change it by joining the military and serving in a war zone as many times as it takes.

    I love my country so much that I'm not ashamed to say equal academic opportunity has been achieved for everyone except rich, white evangelicals who need vouchers for their rich, white, evangelical kids.

    I love my country so much that I'm not ashamed to drill here and now because I don't believe in the ingenuity of Americans to unleash alternative energy.

    I love my country so much that I'm willing to put an unproven 2-year governor and secessionist in the Oval Office should I croak.

    And friends, I love my country too much to let you forget that I am a hero and a POW who doesn't believe it's "his time" to be president,, just that this is my last chance to run for the office before you never have the opportunity to elect me and honor my service first, last and always.

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