by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I find I'm unable to let this day pass without sharing it with you.
Notification of this event was in the local paper; their web address was included.
Rhythm and Soul: Participate in the Global Shift as We Ignite the Flame of Human Potential.
Beckwith's ministry is headquartered in LA; the video of devoted followers show a number of teevee stars even I can recognize, but not name. And right now I can't find the danged Star Power Video; rats.
Here's part of what the group says about The Shift:
People from all over the world have been drawn to live in SW Colorado, the heart of the Four Corners area. Each one has a 'story' about what brought them. To some it was the energy of the land, while others say it was a Spiritual call. In 1997 we began to meet in groups using Michael Bernard Beckwith's Life Visioning process, to listen, to capture God's idea of the bigger collective purpose for this "reunion of souls", as it was referred to in the meditations. The out-picturing of the vision captured in the practice of listening within and living beyond what we currently know... into a realm of new possibilities, is greater individual expression and the joy within the community as each one plays her part in this extraordinary time of evolution.
We have come to see that many of us drawn here were the ones that left the Mesa Verde area in the early 1300's, when the land shifted and the ancient ones knew it was time to move on. Part of our purpose has been to anchor shifts that have been occurring in the land in the area. About thirty gathered in 1999 to open, in a sound ceremony, a powerful vortex of clear love that extended 70-80 miles in four directions. Since 2005 crystalline energy has opened throughout the Mancos Valley creating a clear resonance with the frequency of pure love. This new opening feels expansive, similar to the Lake Titicaca area in Peru.
Beckwith has some connections: Oprah, Larry King, The guy who wrote The Secret, played for the Dalai Lama, etc. Serious New Age Juice.
It looks like there are plenty of places on Beckwith's site
to donate...and a page about abundance, which may echo the memes in The Secret.
The musicians videos are so-so, except Robert Mirabal, who is awesome; I have to wonder what he's doing with Beckwith,
Now I've lived here since 1973, and when I read that there had been extra Chrystalline Love Energy here, and many of my friends may have been Anasazi, I had to take notice, and read, read, read! (Though I felt like a Serious Flop that I hadn't tuned in to the extra cosmic Chrysalline Love poring forth from the Vortex.)
The very same week, the local paper carried a story of a new UFO group in the Four Corners; members claim that craft can often be seen over Sleeping Ute Mountain, the next mountain west of Mesa Verde. One new member claims she has been abducted numerous times.
A coincidence? I don't think so!
The event will be held all day today at a dude ranch north of here. I know I will keep my eyes peeled in that direction; and at night for any UFOs that may hover.
I will try to alert you if a shift occurs; that is if I'm sensitive enough to feel it.
Then again, it all might trigger something like The Rapture, and you'll no longer hear from me.
Tickets for VIPs are $120, but you get some cool extras; $49 for regular folks...
(Apologies to any readers who might be into Michael Beckwith and Agape Ministries.)
*** I have been going on a bit on the boards (pace, if it's been obnoxious) about community and loving-kindness being one of the keys to the future of us extricating ourselves from Some of This Hideous Mess we're in today, so it's possible I shouldn't be poking fun. But my evil twin just can't let it alone. My town; chrystalline energy vortices, the cosmic seat of the Global Paradigm Shift; I ask you!
If you want me to share my new Cosmic Chrystalline Knowledge with you, send $45 to my paypal account: The Reverend Wendy Davis #1234567.
,ipad covers review
by aetm5self5j on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 4:40am