by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
And he is not that fond of the 'Brown' folks either.
Buchanan is back at it again.
White America is doomed he says and he devotes an entire chapter to this opinion in his new book:
Just kidding. The real title has something to do with America committing suicide which is a title I would agree with but for different reasons than this heir of the most shameless president in the history of our nation.
Anyhooooooooo, old Pat says that all of America will soon look like California:
Buchanan said that the people of color in California "are not bad or evil people," but that they are bankrupting the state. He concluded, "What happens when all of America is like that, when every American city is like LA? ...What California is today, America is in 2041 if we don't change course."
Buchanan then went on to discuss the voting patterns of various racial groups in the U.S. Noting that African Americans and Latinos vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, he predicted that the Republicans faced a dire future thanks to the current demographic trends. Buchanan seemed to think this was not a very good thing.
Buchanan, of course, is no stranger to controversy. Most recently, he drew fire for saying that African Americans were living on a "liberal plantation
So Pat's racism is...well Pat by no means intends to get personal. All he is attempting to say is that the vast majority of Minorities (catchy phrase huh?) are worthless people and do our nation great harm! He just thinks that we need to get rid of all the minorities so that we might become a stronger nation.
Now it is not like Mr. Buchanan is alone in these views.
And we should not chide him for being a dick, because he is in very bad company.
I already discussed Ron Paul's views on this subject. But here are some other gems that have come out of this man's mouth:
If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992
"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992
"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992
"What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" - Ron Paul, 1992
The Newt is right in there with these ultra-patriotic rats:
"The traditional notion of our country as a union of one people, the American people, has been assaulted by multiculturalism, situational ethics, and a values-neutral model in which Western values and American history are ignored or ridiculed. Unless we act to reverse this trend, our next generation will grow up with no understanding of core American values," Gingrich said. "This will destroy America as we know it, as surely as if a foreign conqueror had overwhelmed us."
Gingrich went on to supply solutions to fight this pseudo-foreign conqueror:
As a member of Congress, Gingrich had an anti-civil rights record and called for the discontinuation of affirmative action programs. In his Contract With America, he favored cuts in social spending to fund more prison construction, and advocated for increased drug sentences and the three-strikes laws that have placed devastates communities of color. And he wanted to replace multicultural teachings in the schools with patriotic education.
Now we are getting somewhere. I mean rather than just bitching about a national problem; Newt knows how to attack it.
All we have to do is take these lesser races out of our schools and build more prisons.
(Newton would also execute all those of the Muslim Faith which is primarily made up of people who are not so white, but that is the subject for another day)
Once we get all the Brownies back over our Southern Borders and put all the Blacks in prison (where they can be sold as slaves to corporate fruit picking enterprises), we will once again have a free and viable nation that could last forever.
Not to be outdone, Pizza Man does everything he can to demonstrate that he is no credit to his own racial roots.
Pizza Man would electrocute all the Brownies who would enter this land of Eden and wash the brains of the Minorities still left in this country.
And those who cannot be deported or brain-washed anew or imprisoned? Well he would simply starve them to death.
Michele (my belle) Bachmann would get rid of all 'illegal aliens” as well as their kin; which would include the President of the United States.
Ricky Santorum would simply get rid of all gay people.
I mean he wants them all out of military showers.
And he wants anti-homosexual act statutes put back on the books.
And Gay people should not be allowed to be teachers or have any jobs involving government or have any jobs with companies that receive monies from the government.
Even those folks who have (unbiblically allowed) sex in the privacy of their own homes should be prosecuted.
If one takes a closer look at the different political platforms of the GOP front-runners I am beginning to see a pattern. I feel there would be agreement among all of them for the following legislative measures.
We need to put more American Citizens in prison. Since something like 75% of all prisoners/ parolees/ probationers are minorities; this would be a good way to round up the real enemies of America and keep a better eye on them.
Narrow the definition of citizenship. Of course those 'without proper papers' should be deported tomorrow after being round up and put in camps under authority of Sheriff Arpaio. Even if you were born here, you must be able to prove that both your parents were born here and have always properly stood when the Star Spangled Banner was played. You will need pictures. And if you have kin in this country who do not have proper papers then you are guilty of contributing to the delinquency of our Citizens and you will be automatically deported.
Anybody who claims to be a Muslim will be deported immediately. No more discussion needed.
Everyone will be taxed. Now there will be some age requirement but like Representative Paul informed us, Negroes will be taxed beginning at age 12 since they mature much faster than White folks. White folks will all be taxed by the age of 16. A national sales tax shall be instituted instituted on the sale of everything from potatoes to cars. There will be some exceptions. Yachts and limousines and private planes will be exempted—as well as any piece of jewelry valued in excess of $10,000.00. Nobody earning more than two million dollars a year shall be taxed for anything.
There shall be a fence built upon our entire southern border that shall be two hundred feet high and electrified. On each side of this fence there shall be erected a twenty foot fence made out of horse feces. A radar system shall be put in place that will detect whenever some lower member of our species attempts to cross into Shangri-La. Once the alarms goes off, water shall be sprayed on the detected area so that the would be B & E suspect will slip and slide away in a pool of unbelievable stench. On each side of this tri-fence there shall be constructed a moat filled with human sewage as well as alligators.
In addition, two hundred thousand troops shall be employed to act as sentinels guarding our borders.
Planned Parenthood and all clones thereof shall be outlawed along with abortion, birth control devices and sexual fun toys. Whites shall be allowed as many children as is feasible. Minority heterosexual couples shall be allowed one child; all children in excess of one produced from this union shall be declared non-citizens and deported to Mexico or some other country where the lower members of our species reside. Anyone caught in a gay-homosexual act will be offered a prison term of no less than ten years or a one year residence in a rehabilitation unit.
In addition to these measures, any heterosexual with an annual income of less than fifty thousand dollars caught have sex outside of marriage will be offered a prison term of no less than five years or a six month resident in a rehabilitation unit.
A Sex Commission shall be commissioned in order to study the following issues:
Can women really have sexual communion with each other when they do not have thingies?
Do porn sites enable a white person to have more children by exciting his thingy to a point where it will do more good than harm?
Should rich white folks be allowed to adopt poor white children when those children are a product of outlawed white sexual unions?
This is just a start, but I feel I have highlighted the intentions of most of these Repub candidates.
When I read the news article about that chapter in Buchanan's new book, and the hysterical warning that by 2041, America was going to be California, my first thought, other than you were going to have a field day with it, was what the hell does he mean, " ... if we don't change course." I mean the underlying problem he was bemoaning was the changing racial demographics. How does one 'change course' in such a situation? Ethnic cleansing? It just sent a chill up my spine. How does one become, much less get away with being, such an unabashed bigot? As someone whose family roots trace back to both Jamestown and the Mayflower, I resent Buchanan's implication that White Americans who are eligible for the DAR/ Mayflower Society are somehow being represented by him. Anyway, thanks for extrapolating and laying out the upcoming GOP platform so clearly.
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 8:16am
There are recent links which I omitted demonstrating how nuts Newt has become--again!
And all this talk about our wonder these walking dead movies keep multiplying.
And there is no shame from these people.
Perry makes one statement about compassion and gets booed off of the stage--so naturally he changed his tune and started attacking Mitt for off color gardeners!
And wait, just you wait...there will be asides made on MSM about how Pat and Newt and the rest are of course not racist.
How in the hell does one define racism except by recent statements made by these fascists.
See, I am just getting mad again.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 10:39am
Oh, Mr. Day! Pat, Ron, and Newt didn't get the memo! The U.S. Census has declared that brown is the new white! They fixed it. White Majority America is safe once again.
by wabby on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 10:10am
I thought about that. Actually I think about it every time I fill out some meaningless form on the internet.
There are blond haired blue eyed Mexicans.
There certainly are Black Central Americans.
And after the third generation, are you American or Hispanic?
The repubs would make life simpler; easier to understand.
There are good solid Americans and then the rest.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 10:44am
Good one, Mr. Day. On the Sex Commission I think they should also thoroughly examine underwear design. Also examine how much underwear can be showing. Also skirt lengths. Stiff fines on vibrators.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 10:41am
Well I must render unto Oxa (once again) the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of Oxa from all of me. hahahaha
That's no vibrator, that my fife. hahahahahaha
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 4:45pm
It's my fife and I'll do what I want.
by Donal on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 5:36pm
Just clean the fife once in awhile Donal--you know like with the antibacterial stuff. hahahahahahah
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 5:38pm
Get enough people in prison, you could reinstate the three-fifths of a person system through the parole process. Whenever you get out, two-fifths is taken away. Redistricting, taken to the next level. Why not sweeten the deal and make the parolee liable for the expenses of the incarceration?
In regards to your design for the border defenses; I don't mind alligators, they keep my watery ditch a lively place with all the splashing. But I object to the concentrations of horse manure. I have to watch my pH.
by moat on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 6:49pm
Hi ya Moat!
So you are not that much against moats. hahahahahah
PH is everything. hahahahah
But fifths.
Hell, I grew up with a dad who loved his fifth.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 6:54pm