The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


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    Newt was once an important force in American Politics.

    The news of the day not only underlines his hypocrisy but his most evil of intents.

    Today, The Newt pronounced that any attempt by Speaker Pelosi to call the House to Order following the elections where repubs will take over the entire world by January 2nd, 2011 would be an attempt to subvert the Constitution of the United States of America.

    I see no plans in the making for all of this. Neither do pundits on the official top tier of the Web.

    When the House has passed 300 bills that have not even been considered by the Senate because of the intransigency of the right wing fascist pricks who reside in that sacred upper body; why would Grandma Nancy wish to pass some more bills that would never be passed?

    You see, this is where it becomes clear that in order to attempt to enter into some meaningful discussion with the right, reason is fruitless. It is a waste of time Jason, and God knows I love Jason.  But beckerhead's illogic has won out. He and rush rule.

    THE NEWT insists that there is some sinister plot to somehow soil the election results of 2010 with the sinister use of protocols (like the Senate repubs have been doing for two years) and this plan is unconstitutional, indefensible and ....I don't know...naughty?


    Let us return to the days of old...back to 1998 when I still had a business and see what took place under THE NEWT'S rule.

    Conservative media figures have repeatedly claimed or suggested that it would be unprecedented and "corrupt" for Democrats to address "controversial" issues during Congress' lame duck session following the 2010 elections. But in 1998, Republicans impeached President Clinton during such a post-election congressional session.

    You have to grasp this. Or as Staebler might say: Y'ALL have to grasp this important segment of history

    Every time I see that bastard's face, you know the senator from SC, I could puke because I recall him sitting so formally with his buddies from the House after they had impeached my President during a lame duck session of the House of Representatives. People wonder why I detest Graham so much. And it is that picture of that hypocritical bastard touting family values and all that incenses me more than even THE NEWT. And I don't care what anybody says, I know Lindsey is gay and continually backs constitutional amendments to destroy gaydom. Ah but back to the subject at hand.

    Despite the recent hype, Marianne does not believe Newt is really serious about running for president. Why not? He's too busy making lots and lots of money. Here's Esquire:

    He wants to run for president.

    She gives a jaundiced look. "There's no way," she says. She thinks he made a choice long ago between doing the right thing and getting rich, and when you make those choices, you foreclose other ones. "He could have been president. But when you try and change your history too much, and try and recolor it because you don't like the way it was or you want it to be different to prove something new ... you lose touch with who you really are. You lose your way."

    So the Newt began to sing to Marianne on an entirely new level:

    Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    You gotta have somethin'
    If you wanna be with me
    Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    You gotta have somethin'
    If you wanna be with me

    I'm not tryin' to be your hero
    'Cause that zero is too cold for me, Brrr
    I'm not tryin' to be your highness
    'Cause that minus is too low to see, yeah

    Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    And I'm not stuffin'
    Believe you me
    Don't you remember I told ya
    I'm a soldier in the war on poverty, yeah
    Yes, I am

    [Instrumental Interlude]

    Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    You gotta have somethin'
    If you wanna be with me
    Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    You gotta have somethin'
    If you wanna be with me



    Oh Marianne can't you just understand?

    Regardless, he then announced that, though he'd been having an affair for six years, "he and Marianne had an understanding," a claim Marianne denies. "Of course not," she says. "It's silly."

     He delivered divorce papers to his first wife -- his former high-school teacher -- while she was in the hospital recovering from uterine cancer. He broke things off with his second wife seven months after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

    ·        A Family-Values Hypocrite  Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly writes:  "Gingrich, for example, haggled over the terms of his divorce from his first wife while she was in the hospital, recovering from uterine cancer surgery. He had already proposed to his second wife before he was divorced from his first... All of this, of course, would be easier to overlook if (a) Gingrich didn't seem entirely serious about running for president in 2012; and (b) Gingrich weren't running around saying things like, 'The Democratic Party has been the active instrument of breaking down traditional marriage.'"

    ·        Damaging-But Not Fatal, writes The Atlantic's Nicole Allan: "Gingrich certainly does not emerge from the profile looking good... theatlanticwire

    Nothing like family values to fuel a faux campaign. Ha

    Newt's second wife, Marianne splains everything. Newt like Palin and Bachman and every NAZI motherfucker out there on the airwaves is seeking to fill the individual purse of that speaker. Period. There is no if, ands or buts about all this.

    Therefore, every time one hears some speech by some repub spouting family values, and conservative principals, and constitutional safeguards and national patriotism and balanced budgets and ....

    It all comes down to this:


    The best things in life are free
    But you can keep 'em for the birds and bees
    Now give me money, that's what I want
    That's what I want, yeah
    That's what I want

    Your lovin' give me a thrill
    But your lovin' don't pay my bills
    Now give me money, that's what I want
    That's what I want, oh yeah
    That's what I want

    Money don't get everything, it's true
    What it don't get, I can't use
    Now give me money, that's what I want
    That's what I want, yeah
    That's what I want

    Money don't get everything, it's true
    What it don't get, I can't use
    Now give me money, that's what I want
    That's what I want, yeah
    That's what I want

    Now give me money
    A lot of money
    I wanna be free
    Oh, outta my head
    That's what I want, oh yeah
    Now give me money
    A lot of money
    Oh yeah, I need money
    Oh now give me money
    That's what I want, yeah
    That's what I want!