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    No Poison Pill On Healthcare Mr. President

    We all know that the untrustworthy politicians who comprise the bulk of Democratic members of Congress and the key decision makers in the White House are furiously scheming to ditch the "public option" compromise upon which Obama and Co. sold this insurance subsidy plan to progressives.  We all know that it was disasterous to waste most of this year looking for a mythical group of Republicans willing to negotiate in good faith on the subject of healthcare reform because no such group exists: never did and never will.  We all know it was also a foolish mistake on the part of Obama and the progressives to take our strongest and most desirable health care reform position off the table before anything else.  We all know and even Obama himself has made plain that he knows it too, we should not be debating an insurance subsidy bill which is what is going on but instead we should be focusing on some form of single payer plan such as Medicare for All. 

    Obama's foolish bargain with the devil to flip flop on single payer once he became a candidate for President is the biggest tactical error among many that he has made during his metamorphasis from liberal Senator leading the fight for change to conservative, timid, DLC Democratic defender of the status quo.  Now, because of his desire to be popular with the monied interests so they would help fuel his campaign, the nation suffers and faces a choice between an, at best, undesirable alleged healthcare reform bill including a pale imitation of the public option Obama himself previously stated was an absolutely necessary feature of any reform package and a flat out rotten bill written by and for the special interests that primarily sucks billions out of the treasury to further enrich the greedy, unethical businessmen profiting off the current bad system.  If the first bad choice is adopted it might be to the political benefit of Democrats.  If the latter is chosen it will be disasterous for Democrats and those elected officials who get thrown out of office as a result will have richly earned their defeat.  Unfortunately, once again, the people who will suffer most are the common, everyday Americans who always have to suffer most.

    We all know that what stands in the way of reform more than anything else is not the reluctance or confusion of the American people but the opposition of the health insurance, pharamceutical, and other industries that benefit from the current rotten system we have which is too expensive, doesn't cover everyone and produces amongst the worst health outcomes in the industrialized world.  We all know it isn't the Republicans who stand in the way of real healthcare reform because they are such a tiny minority they cannot have much influence on the outcome unless the Democrats abdicate their power which they seem more than willing to do at every turn.  We all know that even with the great power of the insurance and associated parasitic industries, the Democrats have enough votes to pass anything they wish but that there are enough corrupt Democrats up for sale such as Nelson, Landrieu and Lieberman that the 60/40 partisan split in the Senate is really only technically a fillibusterproof majority and the margin in the house is, in fact, much smaller than it appears for the very same kinds of reasons.

    We are faced with a familiar political problem now which is all as a result of the predictable and now commonplace Democratic cowardice and lack of backbone.  Obama and many Democrats campaigned on reforming healthcare dramatically and the people supported that proposition overwhelmingly as evidenced by the huge majorities in Congress and the Democratic victory for the White House.  But the Democrats haven't in the past and don't have now, the courage to actually propose and support the kind of reform that is needed.  The best, easiest to implement, easy to explain, most cost efficient and effective healthcare reform is to pass some form of single payer national healthcare plan.  This fact is really beyond rational and honest dispute.  The best single payer option out there is, IMHO, the Medicare for All bill.  But the Democrats in DC are such cowards and so afraid to anger their owners, on behalf of the people they are supposed to represent, that they ran away from the one option really worth fighting for and the one that would seal Democratic victory for the next 40 years just as Social Security did many years ago.  So they ditched single payer and sold us a bill of goods called "a public option" without which the President told us, there could be no real reform.  So reluctantly, progressives started lining up behind the public option as at least a start and an example.  But in an all too familiar move by the Democrats of DC, they have all but ditched even the public option at this point and are now hiding behind euphemisms for weak imitations that theoretically could provide some of the benefits of the public option idea.  So instead of fighting for the public option feature we are being asked to swallow a poison pill that will cover the politicians' asses but not those of the American people when they get sick and need healthcare.

    Instead of healthcare reform, we are witnessing yet another version of the usual set of excuses and reasoning for why the people must accept the failure of corporate centrist Democrats to represent their interests and to do even remotely what they were elected to do.  The President and his people have been telegraphing for weeks that they are going to dump their own "essential" feature of healthcare reform and instead hide behind the famously time worn industry-friendly phrases "competition" and "choice".  Now, anyone who's lived the past 35 years knows everytime an unsuccessful attempt at reform is made in DC of some industry directly impacting the lives of most Americans and gets hijacked by the industry and its lobbyists that they always hide behind those phrases or variants of them.  And it always means the little guy is going to get royally screwed.

    The Obama of earlier in the year would have pointed out truthfully that there is no meaningful competition or choice in the area of healthcare without, at minimum, a strong public option.  Not anymore.  Now it's simply a matter of finding any excuse to justify and rationalize this pig in a poke so the President can achieve a victory in name only that isn't worth having and the people are simply presented with the poison pill and told to take their medicine once again.  That the President and his people are so willing to flip flop so dramatically and now try to hypnotize the public into believing that the opposite of what they said about a public option is true is genuinely disappointing and downright disgusting.  After all the other flip flops and open betrayals of his campaign promises one has to wonder if there really is anything at all that the President campaigned on that doesn't become instantly unnecessary if even one right wing or monied interest raises an objection.  It's as though the President and his people are afraid of everything.  With all the backpedaling and excuses for not doing as promised, the President looks more and more like the weakling Harry Reid who seems unable to organize a trip to the bathroom let alone major reform legislation.

    What remains of the much vaunted effort to reform the nation's healthcare system is now not much more than a massive subsidy plan that will enrich insurance companies, cost taxpayers far more than real reform, not cover everyone and which will quickly become deeply unpopular.  If, at minimum, there is no public option that is designed to succeed (not fail) included in the legislation it will not be worth passing or signing.  It will be worse than leaving the current system as it is because the average voter will get little out of it other than increased costs.  The foolish DLC type Democrats will argue that we "must" pass "something" this year or else it will be disasterous.  Oh really?  These people, like Rahm were also the guys advising Democrats to support the Iraq war resolution in order to "take the war off the table" as an issue when a majority of our people were against the war.  These same people were advising Democrats to avoid the war issue in 2006 election because it was too risky.  They were wrong on these and many other things.  They are wrong now and have been wrong all year on healthcare reform.

    Mr. President, if you are listening, or if someone there at 1600 is paying attention please pay some heed.  The middle of the road half measures you've proposed are too little, too late, and far too expensive for the American people to swallow without what you yourself told us was absolutely essential: a strong public option to keep the insurance companies honest.  Anything less and we all know the tinkering in the rest of the bill means little.  The people were expecting real reform of the healthcare system but instead you apparently think it's okay to hide behind the buzzwords  "choice" and "competition" to make them think that will make the bad bill you are willing to support an acceptable "compromise" when in fact it is at best a capitulation.  Do not hide behind these words in the hopes of getting us to swallow the poison pill that is your "compromise."  It isn't too late Mr. President for you to stand up and fight at least for the public option instead of surrendering to the worst elements in healthcare related industries, Washington and the Democratic Party itself.

    There are worse things than losing and one of them is saddling our people with a "reform" package that sucks and primarily serves the interests of the parasites while making little or no positive difference in the lives of average Americans.  At least if you lose while fighting for what is right you can be proud of what you managed to do under difficult circumstances and you will have the distinct benefit of giving the public a clear choice in the next off year elections and people will know where the Democratic Party stands on healthcare.  It would be far better politically to lose and use that defeat against the Republicans and the corrupt Democrats in next year's elections.  It is far, far better to make the lines clear for the people about who is actually on their side and who is not than it is to blur the lines so badly as you have already done far too much of.  Why not just for once flip flopping and taking the progressive position instead of telling the vast majority of those who voted for you against Hillary to take a hike once again?

    No poison pill Mr. President.  Please.  You've already hoodwinked us into swallowing poison pills on transparency in government, the rule of law, the bailout of the Wall Street crooks, and ending the two pointless wars.  A poison pill on healthcare too?  No thanks.  That's just not a pill that I or many progressive Democrats are willing to swallow. 

    I have a prediction though, if you ignore all the progressive voices warning you of disaster and are successful in getting enough Democrats to swallow the poison pill of healthcare reform sans the real reform: the damage you will have done to your own future electoral chances and that of Democrats up and down the line will be catastrophic. 

    So, just this once Mr. President, stiffen your backbone and lead like an actual Democrat and not some milquetoast corporate centrist.  Not only will your conscience be clear Mr. President, but your political future will be much brighter indeed.


    I am very amazed at how the democrats seem ready to sell themselves down the river to please the republicans, corporations, and a minority of the American people.

    This really is amazing to watch. It makes me really wonder who runs this country? The direction things seem to be going seems like hari kari for the democrats... demonstrating that they are weak willed in leading a majority.

    And what would we have to do... to get the health care reform a majority of Americans seek?

    And those movements where we took the streets and fought... they always had leaders... someone got fed up, started stepping up and rallied the public to take action together. Maybe we have to have a third party but it will never happen without leadership to rally around.

    Maybe that's when we actually get real health care reform... when the person who can lead us to demand it and not take no for an answer shows up.

    I am waitin till tomorrow. Grandma Pelosi sounds like she will call for a vote on a health package that includes a 'public option' whenever she gets the green light.

    The Senators are all over the place. And I for one do not wish to be Snowed by Snow but....

    Reconciliation will take place after the two Houses

    I do not know. But Oleeb, this is fine with me, keep the heat on. We all need to keep the heat on.

    The biggest insult and failure of the democrats in my perception will be to pass a final bill that 'includes' mandates but 'leaves out' a public option or just puts in the 'trigger' decoy.

    To demand that I purchase insurance from those who have provided us with the status quo would be an outrage.

    I agree but you know that's pretty much what they're planning on shoving down our throats. And they'll call it a victory or healthcare reform.

    My mind will remain open but you'd have to be in denial to think the White House is going to come out with much more than a few rhetorical flourishes followed by groveling and compromising away the pre-compromised concept of healthcare reform.

    I'm thinking they'll pass a public option in the house and then fail to get one in the conference committee and that is where Pelosi will capitulate and betray the few remaining progressives who refuse to swallow the poison pill. I hope and pray I'm wrong DD.

    Amazing to watch? You really didn’t think that the corporations and the wealthy were really running the show? I wish I could see some way out of this mess, but the almighty dollar seems to be in charge. New leadership would probably be bought after we followed it. Even a new party would probably be bought after we elected it.

    I’m afraid health care reform in my lifetime is rather like Neville Chamberlain’s “peace for our time” - an illusion.

    (Please, please, somebody find something that will convince me I’m too jaded and cynical and pessimistic. But I warn you I’m hard to convince...)

    I am hoping that if it comes to that and she capitulates on the public option that she will demand that the 'mandate' be lifted.

    Another thought... if we can't get the public option, maybe we should demand a trigger for the mandate that it only takes affect when the public option trigger takes affect.

    Oleeb, I think I agree with everything you have written. But I confess I could not read past the third paragraph. The font that displays on my screen is just too hard to read. It looks like a bolded font that is very heavy on the serif.

    Regardless, I think I am with you.

    That would be nice but she won't.

    Sorry about that. I can never tell till I hit the publish button what this stuff is going to look like despite my best efforts. I suppose you can always cut and paste it into a doc and then change it to a more legible font.

    You could try the preview button.

    I have. I often get something in the preview window that simply does not look the same as what happens once published. I can't explain it. What I got on this post doesn't look like what I got in the preview window. Other days and other posts it comes out as intended.

    I have had this problem. Then it just magically went away although Seashell gave me a two hour look over and 'did something' at the blog site.

    And yes, preview is just 'f..k you' sometimes. But the problem appears to be gone for the most part.

    Make sure you speak with Seashell about this. Or someone that knows what they are talking about.

    Great post Oleeb. As I mentioned on another blog I would rather really minor reform that regulates insurance comanies' ability to drop folks, exclude pre-existing conditions etc. to passing a bill requiring mandated insurance with no measures for cost control (and a delayed "trigger" public option. If we pass bad healthcare reform just to declare a victory in name only, we will be paying for this literally for years to come - bleeding the system of the money needed to reform healthcare and further deepening the pockets of the health care interest lobby to fight against any more changes.

    And if we can't pass real health care reform with huge majorities in the house, senate and a president elected with a huge mandate, when will we be able to do it?

    We are of one mind on this issue dijamo.

    That is odd. The page and font I am seeing is the normal one that is the default Times New Roman font with the normal point size and isn't bolded.

    It is worth mentioning that the way the page looks is controlled by both the page itself and by the settings of the browser it is being viewed with.

    It is not recommended to use any manner of settings on a browser different than defaults if you are going to do blogging etc. It will confuse the hell out of you because you can't really tell what the actual result looks like.

    If you happen to have made a lot of customizations in that way on your browser I recommend to do a full reset of your browser back to it's initialized settings. It won't remove favorites or anything like that. At worst it'll change your home page. That is easy to put back to what you want.

    I reset browsers all the time when doing service on computers because people get them twisted all around in crazy ways just by tinkering.

    In IE the Advanced tab in Internet Options has a reset button to perform this. Other browsers have a similar function. I only use IE so I don't know where to reset the others.

    Obama has yet to figure out healthcare or anything else will only get done by using the power of the executive and by strongarming democrats. Forget republicans. They have made it clear they will not be participants in anything lead by democrats.

    He also needs to get after industry groups in a very harsh way and make it clear to the American people that their government is running this country and not the corporations. He has the power to do that and he can make it stick if he wants. He has to decide though which side he is on and realize he is not working inside a framework of negotiation.

    In the end the country will take what it can get -some watered down "reform." Without the public option, Obama goes down as potentially one of the greatest weasels of political promises. The higher the hype, the lower his reputation will finally fall.

    I want my money and time back. Like so many others who worked for him so long and hard.

    I went back and resaved it and it seemed to clear up. Can't account for it. C'est la vie!

    Tell us what you really think.

    Yes, Mr. President, march right off that cliff.

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