by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Do you really think that we won WWII and that the NAZI's were done for?
Ahhhhhhh, no!
Buchanan is not alone in this nation as a fully vetted NAZI sympathizer.
Pat just denies being a NAZI, but then again, Hitler was not all wrong.
In my opinion, an active repub legislator from Arkansas denies nothing with regard to his NAZI leanings
Regarding slavery, Hubbard wrote:
“… the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” (Pages 183-89)On the subject of school integration, Hubbard described black students as having a "a lack of discipline and ambition," which he said has hurt the entire educational system.
Hubbard also tackled immigration and said that Christians in America are in a similar position to that of Germans during Hitler's rise to power.
... the immigration issue, both legal and illegal ... will lead to planned wars or extermination. Although now this seems to be barbaric and uncivilized, it will at some point become as necessary as eating and breathing." (Page 9)Hubbard declined to comment on the book when contacted by The Huffington Post, saying that he did not have time.
Now this Ole Muther Hubbard is not alone in this assessment of slavery.
Pat Buchanan has, on many occasions discussed his opinion that the slaves in the U.S. Had it good; that they were originally sold into slavery by barbaric warring tribes in Africa and that all Black Americans should be feel lucky to have become part of the greatest country on this here earth.
And who could ever forget Dinesh D'Souza and his pronouncement that the slaves had it good in this country 200 years ago because people tend to take care of their possessions!
Well hell, the same argument could be made that women in this nation had it good for a couple hundred of years when they were treated as possessions by their men!
(Oh and you gotta read about the Confederate one-percenters who caused the Civil War in order to protect their investment.)
Back to Ole Mutha Hubbard:
And perhaps the most important pledge I can make to the people of District 58, the citizens of Arkansas, and to myself, is to do whatever I can to defend, protect, and preserve our Christian heritage," Hubbard says on his website. "Regardless of one’s religious beliefs, if we as a nation continue to turn away from those Christian principles and values upon which this great nation was founded, we will have truly lost everything worth saving!" (IBID)
Extremism is no vice among Arkansas Republicans. And, no, I'm not talking about neo-Confederate Republican Rep. Loy Mauch, who once tried to have Abraham Lincoln's bust removed from the Hot Springs Convention Center.
There's also Rep. Jon Hubbard of Jonesboro, famously unhinged, who's put some of his choicest thoughts on paper in a book available on Amazon, “Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative.” I'd heard a lot about this book and was talking to Lindsey Millar this morning about ordering a copy. But Michael Cook at Talk Business has already written about some choice excerpts. I confess that publicizing thoughts such as these might only serve to encourage the Republican voter base. But the truth will set someone free.
'Ill have some book excerpts shortly, but this is from his own website:
Q. Do believe that the law of the U.S. is inconsistent with the principles stated in the Ten commandments? A. Abortion, failing to use the death penalty, Socialism, graduated income tax, and our entire economic system is in violation of God’s law.(IBID)
Here is how the radical Christian Right fits into all this crap:
Congressman Paul Broun (R-Ga.) said last week that evolution and the big bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of Hell."
"God's word is true. I've come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the big bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell," said Broun, who is an MD. "It's lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior...
Broun is a high-ranking member of the House Science Committee, of which Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is also a member.
Oh well back to the American NAZI's:
And what has emerged as the major political issue of the day? Concern over illegal immigration?
Historians will recognize this as a classic pattern. When societies feel themselves in peril, they seek out scapegoats to blame.Hitler rose to power in Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s exploiting the victims of hyperinflation, economic upheaval, and political turmoil. Many beleaguered Germans found comfort in blaming the Jews. Hitler said the Jews were taking all their jobs.
Now I beg you to discern who might have said the following over the last four to ten years; Newt? or McConnell? or Cantor? or a host of other American Repub leaders:
Right from the beginning of the Third Reich, Nazi leaders had proclaimed the existence of a Volksgemeinschaft (People's Community). Nazi policies divided the population into two categories, the Volksgenossen ("National Comrades") who belonged to the Volksgemeinschaft and the Gemeinschaftsfremde ("Community Aliens") who did not. Nazi policies about repression divided into three types of enemies, the "racial" enemies such as the Jews and the Gypsies who were viewed as enemies because of their "blood"; political opponents such as Marxists, liberals, Christians and the "reactionaries" who were viewed as wayward "National Comrades"; and moral opponents such as homosexuals, the "work-shy" and habitual criminals, also seen as wayward "National Comrades".
Oh that's not fair; some would argue.
But take a close look at the phrases:
Marxists and liberals.
The 'work-shy'.
Habitual criminals.
Here is the other side of the argument:
While anyone who grew up admiring Wiesel as a moral voice must approach any criticism of him with reluctance, if Hinojosa’s recollection is correct, he has, unfortunately, done something that he has often criticized: made an inappropriate use of a Holocaust analogy.
The implicit comparison here between Nazi race laws and the simple fact that the United States, like any sovereign nation, has the right to control entry into its borders is an abominable misuse of the legacy of the Holocaust. The analogy is also false because the dehumanization of the Jews was a pretext for their murder. No one, not even the most radical Know-Nothing anti-immigrant rabble-rousers, want to harm the illegals or deprive them of their humanity or destroy them as a people. They just want them to be deported for violating the law. It should also be pointed out that the Jews were not only not “illegal” in Europe, they were a people whose citizenship was illegally revoked by a criminal regime.
If this argument is true and right then why are 'illegal aliens' being sent to concentration camps run by felons like Arpaio?
120 degree heat, if you can find your way under an open tent; green bologna for dinner, recalling that under Fuhrer Arpaio you only get two meals a day.
Oh and closet NAZI's?
All over the place for chrissakes!
Anyway, Ole Hal Turner just got out of stir.
The once-incendiary shock jock and blogger was sentenced to 33 months in prison in December 2010 after he was found guilty at a third trial of threatening to assault and murder three judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago, with the intent to intimidate or retaliate against them. Turner's first two trials ended in hung juries.
Turner's tarring of the judges in a June 2009 blog post as "traitors to the Constitution" who "deserved to die" for upholding local gun bans was nothing more than scathing commentary protected under the First Amendment, he and his lawyers have argued
You must recall that in 2008, this arsehole called for the assassination of Barack Obama but when he called for the death of three Federal Judges in Illinois in 2009...well that was the end.
Especially when he broadcasted the judges' addresses; including pix of their homes....
Anyway, he is imprisoned now in his home—why this bastard still has a home is beyond me—and cannot broadcast anything until 2016.
And of course ole Hal calls himself an American Hero!
My point?
The NAZI's were not all killed in WWII and the NAZI's were not all prosecuted at Nuremberg.
And Germany in WWII was not filled with robots. All Germans during WWII were human beings.
Our nation is one of human beings and yet some of those would and could be responsible for a brand new Holocaust if we let them!
Oh...Dick is over the edge again!
Well guess again!