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    The Mask (film) poster.jpg

    I have been streaming Person of Interest on Netflix lately because I have no life and it keeps me from falling into total despair as I view the election proceedings dissolve into chaos.


    This character (played by Caviezel) is the main character who fell into total despair and disrepair following his employment as a spy from some governmental agency.


    This character (played by M. Emerson) developed some computer program based cloud that follows the paths of everyone on this planet. Finch finds TMITS and talks the ex-spy into becoming part of this computer cloud's team in order to fight for truth, justice and the American Way.

    There are several other intriguing characters that appear in this super spy epic that consists of over 100 episodes during five years of its run.


    But my favorite character is Root (played by Amy Acker)
    Root is a pathological, psychotic, sociopathic terrorist who becomes a member of this crime-fighting team.

    On the face of it (to say the least) Root becomes the enemy of Finch's enemies. However, Finch is scared to death of her. hahahah

    Now I am a man in his latter 60's who has given up any romantic notions; but I am in love with this sociopathic character. hahahahah

    It turns out (through some flashback?) that Root received some ear implanted device that connects her to Finch's Cloud while she loses hearing in that ear except for the goddess of the cloud.

    I have morphed into the old man speaking to ducks as I feed them crumbs. But Root talks to her cloud all the time.

    Root's best line whilst she speaks to the cloud:

    I was not talking to you. hahahaha

    Root will shoot her way through crowds of terrible terrorists with guns blazing from both of her hands. Root will blow up entire buildings in a single bound.

    Of course many of Root's victims are somewhat innocent.

    There is no such thing as an innocent man.

    These victims might be cops or security folks or members of other governmental agencies who are simply following orders from their superiors.

    We know almost nothing concerning these victims of Root's assaults.

    I mean we must deduce that these victims had wifes or sweethearts and/or children at the time of their deaths. Some of these victims might have dedicated their free time to charities or to other societal functions. These victims might have volunteered to lecture at local schools?




    Anyway, I have fallen in love with Root. hahahahah

    Look, people go nuts over these Zombie portrayals in movies or on TV series. There are even talk shows dedicated to praising the Zombie holicosts that are presented in these exhibitions.

    Somehow, the ability of fictional characters to randomly slay other human beings is appealing to many audiences.

    I guess that these dramas or melodramas fullfill some aching or itch in our Jungian souls?
    Well I admit that my favorite random killer is Root. I mean that she is my favorite psychopath of all time. hahahahah

    So what the hell is my point?


    John Wayne's characters must have slain thousands of victims during his 50 year career.

    And Wayne always murdered these victims with the eye towards truth, justice and the American Way.

    There was some old story about Wayne during his waning years.

    It seems that during one of his last films, a director had discovered some affinity towards the anti-hero. The fellow must have fallen in love with Leone or some such and he directed Wayne to shoot some fuck in the back. hahaha

    Wayne replied to this director:


    And what if the enemy has his back to you and is about to kill your compadre?

    I could go on and on about Wayne's politics and my resentments toward he and his politics and...

    But who cares?

    The guy is long dead.

    Suffice it to say that Wayne became his character; his persona.

    Wayne never once appeared in battle.

    Amy Acker would never become her character as portrayed on Person of Interest.

    Amy Acker is taleted and mature and interesting and....

    But Amy Acker would never become a pathological terrorist. hahahah

    Donald Trump has developed this persona. A persona that came to be over many decades.

    The real Donald Trump, of course, is a balding old fat jowling man who could disgust most people as soon as he opened his goddamn mouth. hahahah

    I have no space left to really get into this so:






    Oh that is enough of that.
    You can always hit Slate, who hates this sombitch.


    But, Donald will order the executions of the families and neighbors of accused terrorists, bill Mexico for a $30 billion dollar wall, jail Hillary, .....oh who cares?

    Like Wayne, Donald Trump has become his character.

    Not that Trump has any character in the moral sense.

    Unlike Amy Acker, Trump has become like Wayne.

    Trump has become his own fictional character.

    But he cannot memorize written scripts like Wayne.

    Trump just makes it up as he goes along.

    I am attempting to come up with some song. hahahahah

    The Who as in Who are you?

    Mr. Jones?

    All I can come up with this:

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