Pondering the bear shit

    Two hikers walked deep into the woods. As they hiked beneath the green shade of tall trees, one felt something squish under his step. He looked down and saw that he had stepped in a pile of bear shit. It smelled awful.

    "Ughhh!" he exclaimed. "God, this smells like shit!"

    "It is shit," his hiking companion said.

    "But dammit, what's it doing here? In my way, on this path?"

    "Nothing important, I'd say," said his bemused friend. "Let's go." And he kept walking.

    "No! Not until I find that bear and beat the shit out of him!" said the angry hiker, examining his shoe.

    And he stayed pondering that pile of bear shit, leaning over to smell it occasionally (oh god, it still stank), waiting impatiently until the bear came and ate him.

    Moral of the story: Yeah, shit happens, but it's better to ignore it.

    Maybe we shouldn't spend so much time focused on the bear shit we have to go through for health care. Maybe instead, we should just finish the hike we started on.

    Do Ripper A Favor And Multiply Your Efforts By A Thousand Day

    Call two friends or family members on the phone tomorrow and convince them to commit to attending a town hall in favor of health care. Then go one step further and -- this is the important part -- convince each of your two friends to call two other people and keep it going.

    In just nine cycles, anyone who does this can turn out 1,023 people at your local town hall. (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512=1023)

    Since your town hall may be coming up soon, it's important to complete as many cycles as possible, as soon as possible.

    If your town hall has passed or you just want to help turn out friends of health care reform elsewhere, sign up to make calls at Organizing for America.

    And quit pondering the bear shit! Your country needs you to step away from the stinking lies of the Far Right and just finish this hike.

    Yes we can. Si se puede.

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