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    Question: How Do You Define Robust Public Option?

    For me, this is an easy answer.  Here's the honest and best definition of a genuninely robust public option:


    Single Payer!


    Single Payer!


    Single Payer!




    If Obama wimps out next Wednesday, the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party needs to assert itself by making it clear in advance they will not support any healthcare reform bill that does not include, at minimum, the kind of "public option" proposed by House Democrats and modeled after Medicare.  They should also make clear that any bill that benefits insurance companies, drug companies and the other parasitical corporations that profit from the illnesses of the American people more than it will benefit the common everyday American, then they will not support it.


    Along with these declarations, the real Democrats in Congress should push hard for and demand debate on the Medicare for All Bill and make that concept, which has the support of a large majority of Americans, the clarion call for Democrats and the test of whether members of Congress in both parties work for the people or the interests. 


    It's time to quit messing around and looking for compromise with people who aren't negotiating at all whether Democrats or Republicans and who will never agree to anything like the healthcare reform we know our people and our nation require. 


    We must once and for all declare that the health of our people is no longer a negotiable item and the days of for profit healthcare in the United States are numbered.  If Democrats really stand for something then let them be honest about it.  We know what the people need, we know what they will support and we know the best way to provide it. 


    It is time to do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may.  It is time to confront and fight the special interests instead of trying to find ways to allow them to keep fleecing our families and our people.  It's time to put an immediate halt to 18,000 Americans losing their lives each year because they have no access to medical care.  It is time to put an immediate end to the 1 million bankruptcies filed in America every year that are caused by catastrophic medical costs.


    Let's hope it doesn't come to the point where progressives in Congress are forced to do this, but should the President fail to lead, then the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party should not fear to take the provide the leadership we need, to join the battle and move the nation forward at long last.



    If Obama wimps out next Wednesday

    IF??? Are you still holding out hope that he won't?


    AMEN! Sing it and preach it! Oh Yeah!

    Not to be trite, but the time is now. No doubt, no reservations, no hesitancy.


    I am hoping against hope that he's not gonna do what I think he's gonna do... or worse.

    "Let the chips fall where the may"? That's a great mantra for government policy, unless you're a parent and actually CARE how this is all going to end up and who is going to pay the bill.

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