Re: "Fever Swamp" and (barely) in defense of Drudge (gasp!); BONUS: what about the gun-running cop???

    Re: Josh's item titled "Fever Swamp" (7/1 3:49pm ET):   In (minimal) defense of Drudge:  He is just quoting the Houston Chronicle's headline, verbatim.  The difference: you can read the context easily underneath the Chron's headline, but you have to leave Drudge's site to learn more (which most of his "readers" probably do not).  So, Drudge is being (slightly) more irresponsible than the Chronicle (what a surprise).   Of course, the context of the story that most of Drudge's readers and many of the Chronicle's readers probably will not get to is that the feds are NOT looking for the guns, they are trying to find out how certain guns came to be found in Mexico after being used in crimes down there.  And, the agents are doing it through old-fashioned detective work, since the U.S. govt cannot keep a database of guns.  Here's the link to the Chronicle article, for those who don't want to help inflate Drudge's ratings:   And, given the context, it is obvious that the Chronicle's (and thus, Drudge's) headlines are truly inaccurate.    BTW, the closing anecdote in the Chronicle's story desperately calls for a follow-up on the GUN-RUNNING COP.  Here's how the reporter ends the story:    "Some stories, they say, are hard to believe.

    The lamest so far came from a police officer: He said he bought a few military-style rifles, left them in his car and -- on the same night -- forgot to lock a door. He couldn't explain why he didn't file a police report or why he visited Mexico the day after the alleged theft."


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