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    Sir Lancelot, Sir Gore & The Damsels in Distress

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    So Sir Lancelot and Sir Gore were notified that Lady Lee and Lady Ling were being held by King John Ill in a dungeon and that the intent of the evil king was to feed them to the dragon of that realm.


    Our two heroes were dispatched at once to rescue these ladies and so they left Camelot with no promise of gold coins nor fiefs and proceeded with only the hope and purpose to do right.


    And this King John Ill was so struck by their appearance at his gate, having heard of their fame and the glory of their past feats of valor that he invited them into his castle.  And after much discussion, the ladies were released into the knights' custody without the need for battle.


    And Sir Lancelot and Sir Gore returned to Camelot and were welcomed  and greatly honored for fulfilling their quest.

    Euna Lee and Laura Ling are safe at home and in the warm embrace of loved ones and it's hard to feel bad about this. But, since Bill Clinton has a hand in their release, someone's got to step up and naysay the effort, and predictably, that task has fallen to former UN ambassador and noted rage-walrus John Bolton, who says the "Clinton trip is a significant propaganda victory for North Korea, whether or not he carried an official message from President Obama." Of course, holding Lee and Ling as prisoners was also a significant propaganda victory for North Korea, insofar as the ravings of a crackpot rogue nations can be held to be significant. If Kim Jong Il bakes a mediocre angel food cake today, North Korea will claim they've achieved a significant propaganda victory.

    Of course, no one was negotiating "merely for the sake of it." The negotiations were for the sake of Euna Lee and Laura Ling. You'll note that Bolton never mentions them by name, once. This is not surprising, because that would take actual humanity.

    Who is this idiot Bolton anyway?

    During the George W. Bush administration, Bolton has been the Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security (2001-2005) and U.S. Ambassador to the UN (2005-2006). Wiki

    A deputy acting for John Bolton told the Associated Press that Mr. Bolton orchestrated the firing of the head of a global arms-control agency in 2002. Jose Bustani, a Brazilian diplomat for the agency, was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors into Baghdad. The former deputy told the AP that Mr. Bolton did not want that to happen because it might help defuse the crisis over alleged Iraqi weapons and thereby undermine a U.S. rationale for war. A spokeswoman told AP that Bolton has no comment.

    Oh, well it appears Bolton was right there, in the middle of one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on our country. 

    Bolton is alleged by Democratic Congressman Henry Waxman to have played a role in encouraging the inclusion of statement that British Intelligence had determined Iraq attempted to procure yellowcake uranium from Niger in Bush's 2003 State of the Union Address.[40] These statements were claimed by critics of the President to be partly based on documents later found to be forged.[41]

    Well, it turns out that Johnny boy is not an idiot at all, but the devil incarnate. He knew and he knows exactly what he was doing. Here is a man who has dedicated his life to destroying every single thing that I have ever believed in. Here are some wonderful past quotes from this fascist:

    ·       There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

    ·       We estimate that once Iraq acquires fissile material - whether from a foreign source or by securing the materials to build an indigenous fissile material capability - it could fabricate a nuclear weapon within one year.

    ·       I don't do carrots.

    ·       I have never taken a class in international law.

    ·       Bolton actually says that the only error Bush really made was not giving the Iraqis 'a copy of the Federalist papers and saying, "Good luck."

    And Bolton had been working for evil for years before this. During the Reagan and Bush 1 administrations he worked in the Justice Department.

    His Justice Department position required him to advance Reagan administration positions, including opposition[citation needed] to financial reparations to Japanese-Americans held in World War II-era internment camps; the insistence of Reagan's executive privilege during William Rehnquist's chief justice confirmation hearings, when Congress asked for memos written by Rehnquist as a Nixon Justice Department official; the framing of a bill to control illegal immigration as an essential drug war measure; and, issues related to the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair.

    See, the man has never done the proper thing in his entire lifetime; which is why you can usually find him on Fox News these days as well as WSJ.  And from these various threads I came to the conclusion that this fellow would not only wish America to declare full fledged war upon North Korea but Iran as well. This man would have us be in a continuous eternal war against all our enemies at once. And he was actually our Ambassador to the United Nations for 14 months, without the advice and consent of the Senate of course. A republican controlled Senate I might add.

    The New York Times reports that President Bush recently held an off-the-record meeting with conservative writers. During the meeting, Council on Foreign Relations fellow Max Boot asked Bush why he had diverted from the priorities of his first term. "That's ridiculous," Bush said. Boot then read from a Wall Street Journal op-ed by war hawk John Bolton in which Bolton said Bush's presidency is "in total intellectual collapse." Bush then lashed out at Bolton:

    Bush grew more agitated at the mention of his own former senior diplomat. "Let me just say from the outset that I don't consider Bolton credible," the president said bitterly. Bush had brought Bolton into the top ranks of his administration, fought for Senate confirmation and, when lawmakers balked, defied critics to give the hawkish aide a recess appointment. "I spent political capital for him," Bush said, and look what he got in return.

    Matthew Yglesias notes, "Of course Bush is right, Bolton isn't a credible thinker on national security issues. But Bolton is also right -- the inherent unworkability of the Bush doctrine has persuaded Bush to substantially abandon it in the waning days of his administration.

    See, Bolton is so goddamnably right wing that even w came to the point that he hates the guy.

    So Sir Lancelot and Sir Gore, in saving the two ladies from the evil dragon, managed to piss off only one character in the entire realm.



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