This is my first blog post here, and I hate being a newbie, but I feel as if I've come out into the sunlight from inside the Bushman's cave, and I just can't stop talking.
I started my political blog on January 20, Inauguration Day, in answer to Obama's call to service. I remember thinking as I wrote the first post that I wouldn't have enough to say and it would probably just wither on the vine. But now, after over a dozen posts, I have a growing list of topics that might keep me going until I can't hit the keys anymore.
Yesterday, I read a piece on Common Dreams about
Slavery in Florida's tomato fields. I wrote a piece about it, and followed more links until I had a whole folder full of articles dating back to 2003 about Florida's modern-day slave trade. Unbelievable!
To say I felt stupid for never having known about it is an understatement. How could this have gone on for so long without me seeing it? Well, it's opened up a whole new world and I'm just immersed in it right now. It's horrible--enough to cause nightmares for the rest of my life, if I let it. But, alas, it's just one in a long list of horrors perpetrated against laborers in this country. It's not going to end tomorrow, but if enough of us spread these stories around, somebody somewhere will finally have to do something about it.
Will Obama be the one? He's the most likely, but it appears he has his hands full at the moment.
I'll stop here since this is my first post. You can read my take on this subject here:
Ramona's Voices