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    Clip Art Graphic of an Ill Pig Recovering In A Hospital

    Two tapes were sent to 'The Pajama Blogs' and reached me by mistake.

    I thought I might share parts of them with you.

    March 10, 2004


    So rang the message from the Oval Office. He was particularly worried about

    the state of things:


    Well it was rover who first came lapping in, pursing his lips and panting at the same time.

    Rover, I just went over some history here. You know what history is rover.

    History is a reiteration of what might have taken place at some time prior.

    But these days, there are video tapes and audio tapes.

    Yes sir Mr. President, but as you know we deny those just as well and it seems to work. We have Fox News right now...

    Turdblossem, now cut that out.  They've been atellin me that there are otherstations out there on the cable thingy that do not cut and splice like Fox and sometimes, I think you just leave their channel on in this oval office in order to

    shield me from reality. As a matter of fact, you have fixed so that I can't even CHANGE THE GODDAMN CHANNEL. Can't you at least get that Maytag

    repair guy in here to fix this?

    But Mr. President, Fox has not only promised me a job once we are finished but you can also....




    "Under the new law, officials may conduct court-ordered surveillance of all modern forms of communication used by terrorists." 10/27/01

    "Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires - a wiretap requires a court order.  Nothing has changed, by the way.  When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so."4/20/04

    "...FISA is for long-term monitoring.  What is needed in order to protect the American people is the ability to move quickly to detect.

    Now, having suggested this idea, I then, obviously, went to the question, is it legal to do so?  I am -- I swore to uphold the laws.  Do I have the legal authority to do this?  And the answer is, absolutely.  As I mentioned in my remarks, the legal authority is derived from the Constitution, as well as the authorization of force by the United States Congress." 12/19/05

     "When FISA was passed in 1978, there was no widely accessible Internet, and almost all calls were made on fixed landlines.  Since then, the nature of communications has changed, quite dramatically.  The terrorists who want to harm America can now buy disposable cell phones, and open anonymous e-mail addresses.  Our laws need to change to take these changes into account." 9/7/06


    These quotations of my speechifications make me look bad everywhere BUT Fox. And this Hume guy aint gonna be on much longer. You know I always liked his deep deep voice, reminded me of gramps in the old days when I used to ride the pony.......but I digress...

    Oh, I remember writing those Mr. President. You know I got a lot of the materials from '24' and even Law & Order. Ah those were the days indeed Mr. President...we never had sex with those wiretaps.....hahaha.....


    Gonzo approaches the holy sepulcher with trepidation.

    Gonzo what the fuck is this then? Would you care to read this aloud to turdblossom:

    Title 50 - War and National Defense, Chapter 36 - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance,
    Subchapter I - Electronic Surveillance, sec. 1801. 
    Definitions (h) (4)

    "...with respect to any electronic surveillance approved pursuant to section 1802 (a) of this title, procedures that require that no contents

    of any communication to which a United States person is a party shall be disclosed, disseminated, or used for any purpose or retained for

    longer than 72 hours unless a court order under section 1805 of this

    title is obtained or unless the Attorney General determines that the information indicates a threat of death or serious bodily harm to any person." 

    sec. 1809.  Criminal sanctions

    (a) Prohibited activities

    A person is guilty of an offense if he intentionally--

    1. engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by statute; or
    2. discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by statute.

    Now you told me you went to law school and everything. I mean I put you on the goddamn Texas Supreme Court for Chrissakes. Where did this come from?

    But we researched that, Gonzo said with more trepidation. We researched this

    and gave you a 500 page memo and stuff.

    I never saw no 500 page memo...

    But sir, you told me you had no such time for such nonsense and to 'hone it

    down' as it were so I reduced it to 20 pages and then you..........

    You know Gonzo, you are even dumber than you look. Now listen here Yoo just

    told me that 'they' are going to change the law, change a law...

    But I only just got here sir, I...

    YOO you idiot, John Yoo

    Oh...Gonzo was worried there for a second. I mean sometimes w just goes into

    this kind of haze kind of thing and speaks with his heavenly father and stuff and

    loses complete track of what is really happening.

    So I want you Gonzo to get your but over to the hospital. I mean it looks like we

    got a few hours and the laws that we are not following anyway are going to

    revert. Now Yoo said revert, so what I think he means is that these laws or AUTHORIZATIONS as he calls them aspire soon...

    You mean 'expire' do you not Mr. President...


    Now we have some Commie guy running the Justice Department. A commie in

    my administration and he said he aint gonna sign no more illegal papers. Ha!!!

    Who in the hell does he think he is talking to anyway. And beside Dicky just told

    me what was legal and what was not legal.

    What we need is the mighty penmanship of Ashcroft. He aint no commie.

    Get your ass down to that hospital with a pen and one of those extension

    documents and get that goddamanable Ashcroft to SIGN OFF AND I MEAN


    Yes sirree bob Mr. President. I am at your command...with that Gonzo

    turdtaco ran from the room as if on wings of ... well you get my drift.


    Mueller, who also was rushing to the hospital, spoke by phone to the security

    detail protecting Ashcroft, ordering them not to allow Card or Gonzales to

    eject Comey from the hospital room.

    Gonzo arrived out of breath with the Card. And 'they' would not allow the two into the hospital room. The dynamic duo had to wait for Mueller to show up.The Attorney General of the United States lay in the intensive care unit, his gallbladder had just been removed the day before due a case of gallstone pancreatitis.

    Gonzo and good ole Andy Card were present at the boob coverer's bedside, in an attempt to give him their support--as well as a pen and some signature sheets.

    Deputy Attorney General Comey as well as FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III were also present. As was Mrs. Ashcroft.

    You are looking pretty good there General, Alberto began as Andy looked on with one of those pleasant smiles like he had just emptied his bowels a short time earlier, and oooooooooooh how good that felt.

    ((*$$*)))(**^^&%$$##@@!@##&&(  replied the boob wrapper. (Translated: Go fuck yourself you illegal alien)

    Why thank you General. Very kind of you to say so.

    *&*^&*%$#@ Ashcroft added. (Rough translation--well you really do not want to know, let me tell you)

    Now we kind of found ourselves in a discombobulation here General, why don't you tell em Andy.

    As the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I am telling both of your TO BACK OFF.

    We are here under the direct order of the President of the United States Director Mueller and...

    Fine, I warned you, and I want you to know that I am a witness here...pulling out his handy recorder and putting it on the water table...and this man is not compus Mentus...

    Well General, we are here to see that justice is done. You remember that fine statue of liberty and justice you had draped with that fine gown General...Well George W wanted us to come down and just see that you were ok and everything.

    And this here paper well papers were developed to keep that cover on our fine statue of justice and.........

    Who the fuck are you kidding Gonzo...Deputy Attorney General Comey spoke up.

    You think this is some kindergarten class on Fox News? This is reality and this man is sick and I have the order right here......SEE IT YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER......making me Acting Attorney General until Attorney

    General Ashcroft says otherwise.......

    Now boys, can't we all just get along? Andy liked to say that a lot. He never really knew what it meant but it was one of those happy expressions he would use all the time...and then give that wonderful smile that had gotten him to the place he now enjoyed.

    Fine. Go ahead Andy. BUT I REMIND YOU ONCE AGAIN AS THE CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, that I stand here as a witness to this ruse. With that Mueller sat down.

    Well General, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we find ourselves in quite a mess here and...

    *&*&%$%#@#$%#  (Translated as I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME GENERAL YOU TWIT)

    I agree General, most heartedly.

    Did you hear that Director, he wishes to be heard and you are trying to cut off important communication here, Gonzo said as liason Attorney for the President....whatever that means.

    All of a sudden the corpse sat up, stunning everyone:

    I AM NOT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES RIGHT NOW; HE IS, pointing to Deputy Attorney General Comey.

    I kind of have received that statement loud and clear Gonzo and so did my recorder, exclaimed Mueller.

    And with that the 'meeting' kind of dissolved.

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