Those amazingly civil centrists.

    So, centrist hero Rahm Emmanuel had some bad news today. As you may recall, the gentleman is running for mayor of Chicago. Yes indeed. And his candidacy brings all that classic charm and respect for the electorate that we have all come to love and appreaciate to the Twitters with this amazing bio:

    Bio: Your next motherfucking mayor. Get used to it, assholes.

    So, while we chastize each other over every off-color remark and statement that could be construed as "mean" ... shall we see how one of the luminaries of centrist philosophy is conducting himself? On to the TWITTERZ!  We'll hop in .... oh, randomly at the middle of the Chicago game yesterday (today's twits will be bold).

    1. When Axelrod gets stressed out, he has to take a shit. He's been in the bathroom for most of this fucking quarter.
    2. Oh goddamn motherfuck. That's the fucking motherfucking game. I am going to get so fucking drunk I'll be hungover until Wednesday.

    3. Fucking empty motherfucking emptiness.

    4. Kanye's got his vocoder set to a minor fucking key. We're all lost in this motherfucking world. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

    5. I'm not sure Axelrod's ever going to fucking get over this.

    6. Tweedy's post-game snack: the Hanie. A jalepeno popper stuffed inside a pizza roll. "Tastes like sadness."
    7. Oh coffee, you glorious motherfucking bean.
    8. Motherfucking shit fucking fuck shitters. What the fucking fuck motherfucking happened?!
    9. OK, Carl the Intern makes a good point: Appellate courts are for pussies. We're going to motherfucking Supreme this bullshit.
    10. My brain feels like it's on motherfucking fire.
    11. Throwing that chair through the window wasn't the best fucking decision in the world just now. Now we're fucked AND it's cold.
    13. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm just lighting any fucking thing on fire right now. Just to feel fucking something.
    14. Holy fuck, we're so not getting the security deposit back on this motherfucking apartment.
    15. Axelrod's got his Bears helmet on and is just fucking punching gaping fucking holes in the walls with his motherfucking head.
    16. Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck
    17. Carl the Intern just tossed a lit mattress through the window. "We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn."
    18. HOLY FUCK: Axelrod just flipped the Civic. This shit just got motherfucking realer than real.
    19. Every fucking thing in this motherfucking apartment is going through the front fucking window right fucking now.
    20. shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
    21. Double birds to the motherfucking world. TO THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD.
    22. They'll get to you too. They'll destroy you. They're untouchable, man... I'm so fucking exhausted I can't see straight.
    23. Motherfucking empty fucking emptiness. again.
    24. Fucking why
    25. Fotherfucking why

    26. Fuck.

    This is unqestionably the twitter-feed of the day for pure lulz and adolescent rantings from someone billing themselves as qualified to hold the most imporatnt posts in government. And to think, Obama really made this assclown the most powerful man in America.

    Centrists: he's all yourn. Stay classy.

    [Update/Note:  Hehe. I got completely pwned. This was totally satire. And I totally bought it hook-line-and sinker! Gotta love the internets.]

    hrowing that chair through the window wasn't the best fucking decision in the world just now. Now we're fucked AND it's cold.


    That feed is a brilliant, totally spot-on joke.  Which makes me wonder why Twitter suspended my BofAMoynihan account.

    Makes me wonder too. There doesn't seem to be a single entity consistently applying policy consistently in America these days.

    Uh, kgb, you know that this feed is a fake, right?

    No, actually. They got me. I don't generally twitter ... and it was reported on HuffPo as if a legitimate feed. I'm blaming (90%) Destor. Based on his s explanation of satire on the Twitters, I thought an account such as this would be against the rules?

    Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck social networking.You fickle-ruled mistress!

    But this DOES restore at least a bit of my faith in humanity ... so that's a good thing. I was truly shocked. Now I'm damn curious what his REAL feed looks like though.

    Actually, this is his real feed. He's just counting on everyone assuming it's a spoof. This explains why "Destor's rule" need not be followed.

    Actually, as of now, they suspended it.

    Mho, you got the "centrist hero" part wrong too. He a ruthless partisan. Also he's definitely a warrior where civility is not part in the arsenal, no spouter of the famous Rodney King maxim, Rahmbo Emmanuel maxim: no we can't all get along.

    Edit to add: the twitter parody may not be that over the top. Real life examples from wikipedia:

    Emanuel is said to have sent a dead fish in a box to a pollster who was late delivering polling results.[18] On the night after the 1996 election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name."[7][8]  Before Tony Blair gave a pro-Clinton speech during the impeachment crisis, Emanuel reportedly screamed to Blair's face "Don't fuck this up!" while Clinton was present; Blair and Clinton both burst into laughter.

    Dude. Listening to Destor? 



    And hilarious.

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