That Way Lies Madness

    I used to bash Hillary when I thought it was warranted. No more.

    From this point forward, I will make no post and recommend no post that airs a past or present grievance against Sen. Clinton. It just doesn't advance any cause I'm interested in.

    Am I saying I won't comment? No, but I'm likely to tell you to lay off Hillary if your post is all about "Can you believe Hillary did this?" or "Hillary did that." And if you sound like an anti-Obama troll for McCain, I'll probably let you know in no uncertain terms that you're a doofus in sheep's clothing.

    Am I saying Hillary will be such a perfect person that I will never feel aggrieved by her future actions or inactions? No, but I'll keep my grievances to myself. Whatever she does or doesn't do, it will be what it is. No amount of complaining, no precision of logic, no moralizing will have any effect but to further alienate her longtime supporters. And the fact is, they've been through a lot, just as Obama supporters like me have. I can't force unity. But I won't reopen old wounds, either.

    That's my pledge. If you agree to these terms and wish to make it your pledge also, please comment in agreement.

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