by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have been mulling over an idea lately that has me a bit distressed.
This nation is just horrifically divided. It isn't just a political divide, as if that isn't bad enough. It is religious, economic, almost every way we can be divided, we are. We're divided on abortion, on education, on gun control, on health care, on torture, on gay rights, on environmental issues, on the wars... If there is a issue, we're divided. I seriously cannot come up with one on which we have consensus.
I thought Barack Obama would be the catalyst to bring us together. He is eloquent, inspiring, pragmatic; a man who makes you stop and listen, and pay attention. He is not an ideologue. He is both black and white. He has lived poor, he has lived rich. He inspires me to have faith in this country, to become a better citizen. I thought most everyone would feel the same way. Even republicans. I really believed they would follow him, at least some of the time.
But alas, they will not follow him. Not this President. Not anywhere. Not anytime. Not ever.
I don't know if it would be the same with any Democratic president, or just this one.. Is it racial or political? I don't think we will ever know for sure, because by the time there is another Democratic male in the presidency, the dynamics of the country may have changed...race may finally no longer be an issue (okay, I can hope can't I?) so it won't be scientific. I suspect it has more to do with his race than his party, but that is just my opinion.
"United we stand, divided we fall."
I am convinced we are in the process of falling, the question is, can we brace ourselves before we hit the ground? If Obama will not be the catalyst, who or what will?
Now hold that thought, and let's shift to our so-called "homeland security."
9/11 changed this country, there is no doubt about that. While we are not yet ready to close the borders, we are spending an unbelievable amount of money on both the wars, and trying to keep up with all the different ways the terrorists have to disrupt our society. We have felt our vulnerability for the 1st time since Pearl Harbor. Only this time they struck on our mainland. A place where we felt safer than any other on earth.
We went after the terrorists in Afghanistan, then foolishly, started another war in Iraq. We are still mired down in both, despite, what I consider to be, admirable attempts on Obama's part (not all of you will agree with that, but hey, division, you know?) to get us out. We are spending a king's ransom on those wars, new technology for our airports, a whole new department, TSA, and many, many other resources designed to make us feel safer, whether they actually makes us safer or not. The terrorists have us so scared, that now, even a failed attempt to kill even 200-300 people sends us scurrying about and disrupts our lives, costing millions in lost productivity.
What do these two thoughts have in common? Let's start blending them...
We are horribly divided. Our government is broken, fractured, dysfunctional. We are going broke because of the greed of corporations and Wall St. and the money being spent on wars that threaten to go on for years and faux security. The cost of health care is going through the roof. Lobbyists seem to be controlling congress. The "patriots" (and I believe many of them truly believe they are patriots) are feeding into the best interests of the terrorists with their divisive behavior. The gap between the races, the haves and have nots, the political parties; all are getting deeper and wider. I don't know that there has been a time when this country has been at more risk of imploding than it is now.
What could possibly bring us back together again?
I can think of nothing.
Except for another terrorist attack on our shores.
(Long pause.)
We are well on our way to destroying ourselves. The terrorists truly do not have to have another success in their war on us. Just nibbling around the edges is all they will ever have to do to keep us on the path to self-destruction.
Attacking our shores would pull us together.
I wonder if they know that?
Do we need to pull back on our defensive measures and let them whack us?
Or do you think we can start acting like true patriots, pull together like our lives depend on it, and get this country moving in a positive, forward direction without another attack?
I think we can, but I am unconvinced we will.