by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I want to send you first to the site that demonstrates a man in deep psychological trouble--although a lot of us are in deep psychological trouble.
Thank you for making my blog an economic success. I would not have reached critical mass without you.
Thank you for demanding that the PATRIOT Act be used to put me in Guantanamo. It illustrates your gigantic hypocrisy ever so well.
Thank you for your harassing "anonymous" phone calls calling me a coward and an amazing number of other vile things. I am making careful notation of your numbers -- you think you're anonymous, you're not....
It is comforting to know that the domestic enemies of the Constitution really are as vile, criminal, stupid and easily baited as I thought them to be. Whipping you people is going to be easy. Please start the shooting war anytime you feel ready.
So we touch upon the passion of this Christ figure. Feel free all you psychoanalysts out there to read into all of this the twelve stations of his cross at that sipsey site.
Who is this guy? Where did he come from?
After spending parts of October patrolling the border in New Mexico, Mike Vanderboegh and the two or three others who made up his Alabama Minuteman Support Team decided they'd had enough. Despite the presence of an alluring array of military toys -- "night vision devices, global positioning systems, portable seismic intrusion detectors and ham radios" -- the men, all once associated with the militia movement of the 1990s, decided to call it quits. Apparently, their citizens' patrol, aimed at keeping illegals out of America, proved less than thrilling.
As of Nov. 1, the tiny group gave itself another name -- the Alabama Minuteman Surveillance Team -- and the mission of making life miserable for any business that hired undocumented workers. "We hereby put exploitative employers and crooked politicians on notice," Vanderboegh declared after ending the patrols and deciding to return to Alabama to concentrate on the situation there. "We intend to make it toxic for anyone doing public or private business to use illegals. If I were a politician in Alabama right now, I'd start getting REAL careful about who I accepted money from. Because we're fixin' to flip on the light switch."
Vanderboegh denied any suggestion of vigilantism, telling The Birmingham (Ala.) News that all his group sought was enforcement of existing laws. He had similarly shrugged off criticism of the paramilitarism of the militias back when he was associated with groups including the Alabama Constitutional Militia, the Tri-States Militia and the 1st Alabama Cavalry Regiment, Constitutional Militia. Along with New Mexico Minuteman Bob Wright, Vanderboegh in 1996 was among militia leaders from 19 states who signed a declaration distancing the militia movement from racists and neo-Nazis.
Vanderboegh has consistently portrayed himself as a moderate, first in the militia world and now in the anti-immigration movement. But he hasn't always sounded that way. Back in the mid-1990s, he wrote a document entitled "Strategy and Tactics for a Militia Civil War" in which he discussed the utility of snipers using "violence carefully targeted and clearly defensive: war criminals, secret policemen, rats (Pitcavage take note)." Mark Pitcavage, a historian, was then running a Web group called The Militia Watchdog and doing some work for police agencies. He is currently the fact-finding director of the antiracist Anti-Defamation League.
This little bit of history demonstrates a man who has been involved in Para militarism despite his protestations as well as part of the 'border militia movement' that we heard about primarily at the time that the McCain/Graham immigration initiatives went down the tubes.
It certainly appears that he has been involved in many other ventures and, as I hope to demonstrate, loves to speak out of both sides of his mouth....actually several sides of his mouth at once. And he has run into trouble with his own peeps so to speak in communicating in this manner. I think this is where Vanderboegh gets the idea that he is a 'moderate among militiamen'.
Make no mistake about it, between Firedoglake and Rachel, I have no doubt that Vanderboegh intitiated these attacks on the Democrats over the weekend:
On Friday, former militia leader Mike Vanderboegh called for anti-Democratic vandalism across the country to protest the health care bill. There were attacks in-at least-Wichita, KS, Tucson, AZ, Rochester, NY, Niagara Falls, NY which appeared to respond to Vanderboegh's call and for which he has proudly claimed credit.
After reviewing several sites, Mike V seems to have certain points that he likes to make on any occasion where he is asked to render his opinions:
1. April 19th is of import because it was April 19, 1775 that marked the first battle of arms between the colonies and Great Britain that set off the Revolutionary war; which by the way is why McVeigh bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19th. So this 19th of April Vanderboegh will lead the armed contingent on one side of the Potomac while his brothers march on the DC side of the Potomac without weapons. Vanderboegh estimates that two or three thousand of his brethren will join him on the armed side of things.
2. Lincoln, at the time of his inauguration, began the most evil Administration that this country had ever witnessed UP TO THAT DATE--March, 1861.
3. Jefferson Davis and the rest of the secessionists were peaceful heroes who simply wished to fade with their constituency into the mists of history. They did not wish war at all. Their one big mistake was firing on Fort Sumter which gave the dictator Lincoln the excuse to send down his troops and attempt to stop the insurrection.
4. Therefore, all modern militias must refrain from making the same mistake as Jefferson Davis--the modern militias must not fire the first shot. The true citizen must be prepared and wait to be attacked. This will somehow make everyone know that the citizen's militia is in the right and in that manner; the populace will flock to them. And revolution will be had.
5. The next worst president of the United States of America was FDR. For so many reasons you have to read his reasons. Paper currency is worthless and we should go back to the old days where we dealt in gold coins. The FDIC, The Department of Interior, The Department of you name it have ravaged our original Constitution.
6. Obama is the worst president since FDR. Bush and Clinton and, evidently all of the presidents since FDR were fronts for the collectivists. John "I Support the Bailout" McCain is just as bad. Obama is better because he will act crazier and spur the citizen militia to action. But no one should assassinate Obama because that is what they did to Lincoln and that made Lincoln a Messiah and that is why we are in the trouble we are today. Obama must be arrested following the victory of the armed militia and properly tried before he is executed. If this is accomplished everything will work out fine and dandy.
7. The revolution will somehow come when Obama and the collectivists come to collect the militia's weapons. Or when the IRS comes to take all their money. No Fort Sumters but no Oklahoma City Bombings either because innocents were hurt in the McVeigh massacre.
8. And finally, be patient. We should not move too quickly.
9. Every five minutes or so Mike V likes to write or say Qui Bono. This is supposed to be translated as 'who benefits'. Vanderboegh always attempts to make himself look well read.
We still have time to prepare, recruit, organize, train. If, that is, we have resolve.
As a good old friend of mine just reminded me, this is not new. Like the Israelites, the American people have asked for a King and one has been given to them.
If you think this stuff is scary, you have to read this guy's diary over the last few days. This is a diary of sorts, single spaced, attempting to keep track of every minute of every hour from the standpoint of what he is thinking to what is being reported about him as well as the sipsey people.
End the War on Freedom site:
He also likes to make posters; almost 700 are available for your review. If this does not prove that old Mike is out of his frickin mind, I do not know what else could convince you.
You also might listen to him on three consecutive videos. . It is a radio program that aired sometime, somewhere. The importance of listening to this panel discussion lies in Vanderboegh's cleverness. He comes off so militant, but he keeps saying:
Wait until the time is right.
Now what I think happened with regard to these brickings, was that ole Mike V. blew a fuse. If you read some of the threads contained in the links I have provided, you should come to the conclusion that he never tells anyone to shoot anyone or throw bricks at anyone or break any law whatsoever. Yet he manages to make all the right wing nuts happy in their delusions.
But when you attempt to play this game, the game of the tight rope walker, you will run into some insurrections of your own:
'Tis summertime in Alabama, and thus the season for mad- dogs, maggots, and keyboard kommando militia generals to be pounding their line of masturbatory drivel across the Internet. In the case of Red Mike Vanderboegh, who is a combination mad-dog, a maggot, and Moreass the Sleezester's favorite in-fill-traitor militia general, this is especially the case this season of his discontent. Now Red Mike is especially discontented.
Last year, Red Mike decided to attack myself because he hated the principle of an active, effective militia movement making common cause with the Resistance. I then favored the splitting up of the above-ground militia organizations into five- to three-man "leaderless resistance" cells. I also favored the end to witless militia generals' cowardly Politically Correct whining concerning "How we are not racists!" to everyone in the media or general public who would listen to such with a straight face. I gave a number of political and moral reasons for a change in tactics and strategy, which can be perused in the body of my writings on various listservers and WWW pages.
Red Mike took offense, as well he should...
This site contains more than just this one blog or post. But you can see the author is more angry at 'Red Mike' than he is at the President of the United States. He feels that he has been stabbed in the back by this Brutus who keeps promising action when no action ensues. You see?
At first I thought the entire blog was written in some code. Now I do not think so. The anger gets so intense I almost think the writer could shoot Mike Vanderboegh on sight with little remorse.
I have come to some conclusions about all of this.
First, Mike Vanderboegh has committed a felony. He could be charged with inciting a riot for instance. Whether he is convicted or not is different from the standard for probable cause. And I am purposely being vague on this because there are so many statutes under which he could be charged. A riot statute, a hate crime statute, an aiding and abetting statute (because he surely knows personally one or two of the felons involved directly in the crimes), the Patriot Act and many, many state statutes. His admissions to all this are recorded.
Second, Mike somehow is funded; he makes money on this propaganda scheme. How else could he afford to simply walk the borders for years? Where and how did he buy all this army surplus stuff besides the fire power? And this fellow who calls him Red Mike alludes to this.
Third, Mike has blown a fuse of late. He is out of his frickin mind. Why now? I mean it is less than a month before his scheduled armed insurgency on the Potomac. To call out for the first brick to be thrown now says something to me.
Fourth, under the umbrella of the Patriot Act, Mike Vanderboegh cannot speak on a telephone, blog on a pc, twitter on a tweeter, or find solace in a loo without complete and total surveillance by the FBI and/or Homeland Security.
Now I went on too long again but I do have some thoughts about Mike Vanderboegh--someone who does not even appear in Wiki--in terms of context.
Rachel Maddow points out that Palin has this scoped rifle bullseye thing goin on with regard to Congressional maps. It is a military metaphor. Just remember there are a lot of people out there with guns.
Rush Limbaugh is calling for the Democrats to be 'wiped' off the face of the earth.
LIMBAUGH: There is no love on the left. There's no love of country. If anything there's a dislike of it to whatever degrees, and this adds to the pain we all feel when we realize that a certain segment, percentage of the population has no love for the country. And as such it's not possible for them to see what kind of damage this is going to do.
Just look at yesterday's blog for inflammatory language all over the conservative cable and radio.
Like Heracles discovered, every time a head is removed from the Lernaean Hydra, two new heads grow in its place. Mike Vanderboegh may or may not be out of the way for awhile, but there will be others who are waiting to take his place.
WARNING: I have a dear friend who warned me that even logging onto some of these fascist blogs may open your PC up to some bad, bad viruses. Now I of course never left a comment, but I guess that has nothing to do with it.
What struck me in all this was that I really hate to be intimidated. I got nothing to lose.
At any rate I feel like I am publishing the type of warnings you might hear in a Viagra commercial. enough said!!
He's baaaaackkk... At TPM...
Militia Leader Threatens To Rip Reid’s Balls Off Over Bundy ‘Civil War’
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Thu, 05/01/2014 - 2:47pm