The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Hillary Needs to Expand The Bush/McCain Pairing To Include VP

I think Hillary - and the rest of the Dems, for that matter - needs to expand the Bush/McCain linking to the Bush/CHENEY/McCain comparison. First, Cheney is even less-liked than Bush.   The worst President AND the worst Puppet Master Vice President.Second,...

Beautiful Timing: Front Pager Tying McCain Home History To Carpet-Bagging History

I was very pleased to pick the paper out of my cactus (missed the driveway again, guys) and see the above-the-fold headline:  "Tempe homeowners:  John McCain slept here".  Great timing, thought I.  For those who don't want to click on...

How Sweet! McCain's Long-Time Lawyer Representing Monica Goodling

Sure, John Dowd's a high-flying, bluster-filled attorney who represents many Republican politicians, I think it is yet another connection between John McCain and the Bush Presidency.  But, Dowd has benefitted from John McCain's (and his buddies') legal/ethical missteps several times over...

A Top Arizona Journalist Runs Down McCain History - lots of info with some new, damning anecdotes

Just out today is an article from one of Arizona's best journalists (two-time Press Club Journo of the Year) going over John McCain's history in AZ.   A MUST READ!!!  CHECK IT OUT: (By the way, a couple of her...

Maricopa County Attorney is promoting right-wing talk show host's book on illegal immigration; hot on heels of news that he doles racketeering funds to religious groups

A few weeks ago, the Phoenix New Times exposed the County Attorney's propensity to use seized racketeering funds to organizations committed to "bring(ing) sinners to Christ" - a key constituency going into his re-election campaign this fall., County Atty...

My Heart Is Heavy; Sickening Display in Lebanon

Hezbollah released the remains of the two Israelis ambushed, which triggered the Israeli war against Hezbollah two years ago. They had never indicated whether the Israelis were alive or not, and Israel held out hope. In return, Israel release remains...

DON'T Mistakenly Go To www.fightthesmears.o__!

Someone's already put up a counter-site to Sen. Obama's  (e.g. MO didn't use term "whitey".  TRUTH: she called them "crackas")I haven't checked to see who owns this faux URL, but I'm surprised the Obama people didn't buy all of...

SOLID Evidence of McCain Encouraging VOTER FRAUD!!!

Or, at least, to the Bush Justice Department, it could be.  (If it was a Democrat's website, that is.)I got such a chuckle out of Josh's item about McCain's website giving "Golf Gear" similar billing with his "Decision Center" and...

Soooo, Does This Mean That McCain IS For "Capitulation"?

I left the office earlier to the sounds of a McCain "sr. policy adviser" on MSNBC saying that Obama's Iran policy is "premature capitulation." First, it is obnoxious and obnoxiously wrong. But, second, is she suggesting that McCain is for...



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