The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Sorry, Avvocato - it just struck me

In the discussions regarding Arizona State Univ not giving Pres. Obama an honorary degree, Avvocato noted that "Raul H. Castro" stuck out like a sore thumb on the list of those who have rec'd honorary degrees from ASU.  I replied...

Pilates Class Punishment For Joe?

Breaking Lieberman expelled from Pilates class in Senate gym. --Josh Marshall ************************ I'd say that's a stretch....

Repbulicans Talking About the "Likely Obama Victory": Clever Tactic?

I've been following the reports of Romney and other Republicans seeing a "likely" Obama victory next week.  I've been hearing the right-wing talkers harping about the same "foregone conclusion."  And, I've been watching the increasingly-excited comments from fellow Democrats. It...

"Oui, on peut -- Yes we can!" OBAMA ZYDECO FROM LOUISIANA 2008!

In the growing genre of Obama music, this is one of the best!!!   It had me from Gumbobama!  ...

STRAY THOUGHTS: If This Is "myTPM beta Blog"...

...does that make me a beta-blogger?...

Palin's Speechwriters Display Their Power, Belittle Sarah, and Even Give Shout-out To Palin Staffers' Power

I found this morning's WaPo write-up of Palin's Thursday activities to be quite revealing.  And, a bit disturbing.  Unless Palin was actually ad-libbing (or wrote some of her own material), the speechwriters had her say that she was begging them:...

Calling William Safire: When You "Pal Around" With Someone, You Are "_______ Around"?

This has been bothering me for the last several days, since Sarah Palin has taken up the Sean Hannity/John McCain/Andy Martin/Republican line of Barack Obama being "pals" with William Ayers. I propose that the transitive tense of the word henceforth...

Katie Couric: McCain Used 20/20 Hindsight on Regulation "two years ago"

A few days ago, McCain fans were making much of a Kevin Hassett commentary on that blamed Dems - including Obama - for the current mess.  In his kicker paragraph, he noted that McCain had been a co-sponsor of...

It Is NOT Just McCain - ALL Arizona Republicans Are On High Alert!!!

In keeping with this afternoon, I JUST (4:06, AZ Time) received an e-mail from the Arizona Republican Party, titled "AZGOP Alert". Here is the complete text (please read or scroll allllll the way down): **** Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy...

Why McCain and Obama SHOULD Have a "Re-Purposed" Debate Friday; What We Know

It has been suggested that it is more important for the candidates to be in Washington on Friday than to debate.  Better to "do" something than to "talk" about it.I strongly disagree, and think that the Friday debate should be...



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