The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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You are in the river
You are part
Where you were, long gone
It's role played
Where you are going
But a figment
All a story well told. Lived.

Tweet, Twitter, Trifle, or Piss in the Wind For All I Care

It is not that there is anything particularly new about twitter - other than it is horribly popular and it has unified two areas of communication and grew them into a social networking platform. We can debate the merits of social networking, but that is secondary to my thesis. Twitter represents (key word - represents) an expansion or development of how we manage information. We are always generating more data. Much of the data can be classified as garbage. In many cases we generate data that we have no idea of how to handle it or what to do with it.


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16 years 3 min