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    Lifeline to a drowning state

    I found the TED video above on McClatchy's Mexico unmasked blog: 

    This is a 12-minute video from a recent TED conference in San Miguel de Allende. The presenter is Emiliano Salinas, the son of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, perhaps the most polarizing and disliked politician in Mexico's modern history. The son makes a very effective presentation about the apathy and denial of many Mexicans to the crisis facing the nation. He says Mexicans must move from portraying themselves as victims and denial of the crisis into phases of anger and nonviolent action.

    What strikes me is that many of the criticisms he levels at Mexicans could be leveled some of their Northern neighbors. Though we're not living in a failing state, Americans do seem apathetic and in denial about living in a corporate oligarchy.


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