Heracles was a Greek Hero.
Romanized, he was known as Hercules.
But this Hero was linked to Hera, Queen of the Gods.
But actually, Heracles was the son of a daliance between
Zeus and Alceme.
As a matter of fact, speaking of Gods, Heracles was
a demigod. As opposed to a demigog: Heracles was half
god and half man. Kind of like FDR.
Anyhow, Heracles had quite a life, to say the least.
Sometime along the way Heracles pissed off Hera and she
sent the Furies to screw up his life.
I do not think that Hera had any personal animous against
Heracles, she was just pissed off that Zeus had cheated on
her with a mortal woman. I mean Hera had been renewed as a
virgin every new year and that is why I think that Zeus always
seemed to have blood on his hands; so to speak.
The Furies entered Heracles' mind and screwed him up so bad that
he murdered his wife and two children.
This is whence we discovered the defense known as the Furious
Anyway, the Gods had to do something as far maintaining Law & Order and
so they got together and sentenced Heracles to serve some minor
King by the name of Eurystheus.
I think that Eurystheus used to do business in NYC as a
real estate mogul, but I cannot find the site.
Anyway, Eurystheus decided to use our heroe's talents and ordered him
to perform ten labors. (I always thought it was twelve labors but my
memory is less than....)
So I thought I would list the ten labors of Heracles and discuss these
labors within a present context.
Now this lion would take valuable women as hostages?
I do not really believe that the lion would violate these VW's but
his actions seemed to piss others off because they could not perform
their own violations?
Anyway, Heracles seemed to trick the lion by blocking some cave
entrance and our hero evidently killed him with magic arrows.
Oh and Heracles wore some other poor dead lion's fleece as armour?
So the Nimean Lion was no more.
Now I see Trump more as a Eurystheus but...
I believe that The Donald sees himself as more of a
So I thought, what the hell; let us review these ten labors
in light of Donald's mindset?
Let us begin with the First Labor of Heracles!
Donald's Nimean Lion appears to be the tyrant of North Korea.
Donald has used all of his available talents to deal with this lion.
Just as an aside, I had the opportunity to see my pixies this year and
Precious and her sister take the time to call each other 'poopy head'.
And they continue this tete a tete until Daddy yells:
So Kim el fuck yells:
And so our Esteemed Leader yells:
Of course there is no cave, to speak of.
And I really do not feel that Donald has a protective lion cover.
And, of course we are dealing with the issue of nuclear War.
And if we bomb NK well...SK might suffer from the slings and arrows
of outragious radiation.
But our Esteemed Leader appears to be dealing with the situation.
I am heartened by our Repub Leaders when they underline that our
Esteemed Leader knows what he is doing.
So I assume that Donald will find the cave wherein Kim el Fuck resides
and destroy him.
After all Heracles is an ancient Greek Hero and Donald is an ancient
I am sure of that.
Just make sure that if you hear some terrible sound that there is a
desk available for you to hide under.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of
Donald and the Hydra.