by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Q: Then on to Harvard Law School: What was that like? Understanding Harvard Law School is very important to understanding our president, Barack Obama. He is very much a creature of Harvard Law. To understand what that means you have to understand that there were more self-declared communists on the Harvard faculty than there were Republicans. Every single idea this president has proposed in the nine months he’s been in office has been orthodox wisdom in the Harvard faculty lounge.
Q: Why are they so far to the left? The communists on the Harvard faculty are generally not malevolent; they generally were raised in privilege, have never worked very hard in their lives, don’t understand where jobs and opportunity come from. If you asked the Harvard faculty to vote on whether this nation should become a socialist nation, 80 percent of the faculty would vote yes and 10 percent would think that was too conservative.
Moderator: What percentage of the American legislature do you think are card-carrying Marxists or International Socialist?
West: It's a good question. I believe there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party. It's called the Congressional Progressive Causcus.
"How much more socialist can you get than a government telling everybody what they can do, what they can't do, how they can live," he said, warning of consequences should the high court uphold the Affordable Care Act. "Individual liberty is gone as soon as this bill is held constituional."
"It's control of the means of production," King said. "Owning the means of production is Marxism. Controlling the means of production is more in the realm of socialism."
“No, I didn’t care for the books. I think Collins is trying to incite rebellion by portraying Katniss Everdeen as the heroine. Meanwhile, President Snow is painted as an evil dictator. It is the same problem we have in this country. Too many people want handouts and they paint the wealthy as the enemy. The Capitol was not the bad guy. The Districts rebelled because they were Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. They wanted something for nothing. Instead of destroying the Districts, the Capitol was compassionate and created the Hunger Games. The districts were taught the disadvantages of not conforming and the winners of the games were handsomely rewarded. I think we can learn a lot from the Capitol and that is why, as President, I will institute a Hunger Games-like competition to deal with illegal immigration.
“I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply side economics. I helped lead the effort to defeat communism in the Congress.
"Well, I've never been involved in politics. 'Cuz it's just neh neh neh, neh neh neh. But all of a sudden it was, it was: Oh, Hillary Clinton is a socialist, she wants to socialize medicine. Well, I'll have to vote against her. And then all of a sudden a communist appears! Out of nowhere! And that's when I started to get involved. So I did research. Uh, black liberation theology, his church, is Marxist. And his professors are Marxist. Redistribute the wealth --"
Well I could go on and on; as is my wont from time to time.
The point here is that we have a responsibility; as parents, as grandparents and as citizens of this great country.
I have attempted for decades to teach my children well.
And now I have found a new generation that I might give my decades upon decades of wisdom; a new generation ready to protect our nation from the red menace!
I said to Noela:
We must hunt out these commies and call them to task.
The first thing I had to do was locate this heir; and there she was attempting to hide from this red menace.
Noela; we must look for these commies and not hide from them for we are mightier than they in thought, word and deed! Do not hide from these monsters for chrissakes.
Help us find them and bring them to JUSTICE!
So Noela and I went on a sojourn. We would find those damnable commies together!
And my granddaughter was none too skeered to help me in my search!
And lo and behold we found a commie right there under the damn carpet!
Hurrah I said with aplomb (after all I never say anything without aplomb.) But there ya go!
All I ever find under my carpet is dirt and crumbs. If I am lucky I sometimes find a candy wrapper. You have to be well off to find a commie under your carpet. Commies can be pretty picky about what carpet they reside under.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 2:01am
them commie basterds are all over the damn place!
They just pretend to be orts and such!
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 4:37am
Under the carpet of the House! Aha! (Why does this remind me of a Robert Benchley or a James Thurber story? LOL)
When I first moved to NYC, I lived on the third floor of a 3 story walkup in Long Island City. It was one subway stop from Manhattan and I was about 2 blocks and the East River from the U.N. It was an odd neighborhood, half residential, half industrial, and the residential was mostly Old World Italians. I called it the mafia grandmother neighborhood, as each Sunday, the new cars were parked on the streets as the low level wiseguys came to have Sunday dinner with grandma ... Anyway, I had a couple of neighbors, a very nice looking couple, that I suspect might have been those Communists you and your grand-daughter were looking for. They mostly kept to themselves, but since the guy's last name was also Smith and we both lived on the third floor, we often got our mail mixed up. Their subscription to Soviet Life was not the only clue that they might have been Commies, but it did arouse my suspicions. They lived there for a couple years, but then left somewhat suddenly ... probably to go live under your carpet.
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 3:44am
Oh Smith.
I had these beautiful pix of my granddaughter hiding behind a couch and then looking under this huge rug and then pointing up like she had found something of value!
And I spent two nights attempting to get them on this blog!
I got to figure out how to do this!
But Soviet Life? hahahahahahahah
Remember Life & Look?
If I knew then what I know now I would have been a commie.
And I would have been good at it!
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 4:41am
Good one, Richard. You almost had me with the Santorum/Hunger Games bit. That's how crazy these politicians are getting! (I'm reading "The Hunger Games" right now. It's really very good!)
Would love to see the pics of your granddaughter. I think you can use free image hosting like PhotoBucket or TinyPic.
by Ramona on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 8:19am
During the 1930s communism and socialism were very popular. It was pressure from the Communist party, unions and socialists that persuaded FDR to to pass the New Deal legislation. Paid for my high taxes on the the rich, corporations and elites. 90% tax on the highest incomes.
The cold war propaganda killed the communist parties and socialist and was trying to kill the unions as well. The tax rate and new deal legislation remained intact because the elites were still scared shitless of a communist uprising/take over.
The launch of sputnik intensified this since if the soviets could put a silly little ball up in space, they could put a bomb over NYC.
Once this became not the case with the fall of the Soviet Union, the changed the tactics and went for the jugular.
But their capitalistic empire is collapsing around them and they do not realize or accept that this is what unbridled capitalism does.
So the paranoia arises anew.
by cmaukonen on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 1:32am