The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Wattree's picture

    This Poem of Yours



    This poem of yours,
    it represents
    more truth than I can bear.
    So please stop speaking of horror and death,
    I don't want to hear it no more.
    I want to see an evil enemy,
    not babies crushed and torn;
    I want to see pictures of angry infidels,
    not of mothers as they mourn.
    How do you expect me to support
    our troops if you keep talking
    to me this way?
    Now whenever I sing
    America the Beautiful
    decaying corpses get in my way.
    Stop this!
    It's un-American,
    to bring on this brutal truth.
    Please don’t tell me justice
    is just a myth;
    You wouldn’t do that,
    Would you?

    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    I think about this problem/issue all the time.

    For me the issue revolves around the fact that I have problems listening to FOX News for more than five minutes.

    But I must check-in from time to time and not ignore the lies but rather call the liars to task from time to time.

    I absolutely go nuts when the repubs claim their hero as either Lincoln (who sure the fuck had and has nothing to do with them) and Reagan who was nothing more than an icon in metal attached to the front of a semi truck driven by racists who attacked 'welfare moms'!

    People write these 'histories' but amount to nothing but propaganda.

    Right wing think tanks will write a tome about Jackson and skip the parts that involve old Andrew as a slave-owner or a proponent of genocide of an entire race of people.

    Right wing think tanks write lines for the morons like Dinesh D'Souza that claim that slavery was a good thing; I mean slaves were property after all and who does not wish to 'protect' his property?

    Right wing think tanks tell us that all was well in Jim Crow America and the Pat Buchanans of the world just eat it up. I mean the Blacks had their world and we had ours until the commies became involved.

    I swear that over the last few months some idiot wrote a tome explaining that if we had left the Confederacy alone, the slaves would have been freed?

    But read some of the papers discussing MLK, Jr. back in the 60's and he was seen as a commie and an adulterer and....well there was certainly no unanimity concerning his legacy. 

    There is this Melissa on MSNBC and she is the subject of some MSNBC commercial and she speaks about her Dad.

    And her Dad would sign her birthday cards:

    The struggle continues, Dad.

    Hamurabi knew the value of propaganda and so did the Mongol Genghis Kahn and so have countless invaders/demagogues since.

    So the Americans who really believe in Truth and in Justice and in the True American Way, must continue in the struggle.

    And hope



    I completely agree, Richard.

    In fact, my next piece is totally dedicated to the malevolence of these people. It’s up to people like us to express our frustration on paper, and people will begin to see.

    The process is already beginning. Even Republicans are beginning to see through the GOP. The people are beginning to recognize that this is no longer a race war. We’re currently knee-deep in a class war and the GOP is turning out to be too dumb to even try to hide it.

    The recent vote on gun control is a case in point. Those dummies thumbed their nose at 90% of the American people over a completely common-sense measure. Then they moved with historic speed on the air traffic control furloughs just because they needed a ride home, while content to allow children and war heros to suffer the effects of the sequester.

    So Richard, people like ourselves have a lot to talk about, and we should never allowed ourselves to be distracted by side issues that take the discussion in a different direction. Obfuscation is their one and only defense.

    I agree with you.  I think the country has reached a turning point and are tired of the class war.  Many politicans are going to get smacked down in the next election for not listening and caring about the 90%.