by Michael Wolraich
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As residents see fires and looting, some worry that local Democratic leaders are failing to keep control of the situation.
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 9:13pm
Some of the related threads of mine
THOSE CHARGED WITH DOWNTOWN CHICAGO LOOTING A MIX OF COLLEGE STUDENTS, out-of-work parents and convicted felons. But none have obvious ties to Englewood Aug. 15-21
much more on Seattle, Louisville, Atlanta, Minneapolis...
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 10:08pm
The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January
Tucker Carlson Justifies Kenosha Shootings: Vigilante Kid Did What ‘No One Else Would’
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 10:25pm
What "no one else would", including Tucker a "hearse chasing" racist. A Trumpian coward, and multimillionaire, inciting hate and violence from his secured residence in Maine. Civil war is good for looting the country by the GOP and boosting Fox and hate radio ratings.
If the rubes think this is bad, reelect Trump, the "not my responsibility" narcissistic imbecile, who relishes fanning the flames at every opportunity, the chaos President.
by NCD on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 10:57pm
Civil war is good for looting
I think that's the message the "protesters" on the street are sending too.
But that might be a little too complicated for you to respond to. So I'll remind you I'm not voting this year. You can just insult me over that. That's closer to your intellectual level.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:13pm
Not at all? No one down ticket? No resolutions?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:17pm
Absolutely the anarchist crew both right and left want to see all of this happen and would be glad to have Trump win as that would make for more converts to the revolution. Nothing worse for them than moderates winning office, especially those with bi-partisan behavior. Discord and anger is the music to their ears.
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:26pm
You can whine all you want about Fox News and righties on Facebook: It's very simple what has to be addressed for the low info voters and infrequent voters: why is all the looting and unrest (and the big police abuse cases as well) happening in cities with Democratic governments?
That's how they look at it, that's how they've always looked at it.
Lots of these people are not rabid racists, they just want things to get better, not worse, FOR EVERYONE. Not like say, Chicago or Baltimore. They don't want to live in such a place. They feel sorry for people who live in such a place. They felt sorry for New York City citizens when they lived in such a place and thought it wonderful when the crime rate and complaints about police went way way way down. Every swing state is like this! They don't want to live in such a place that has such apparent problems with both crime an policing. They see Dems running such places and if it happens to their town they throw the Dem bums out.
As a pol, it doesn't help to just say you are against looting and rioting and it is bad. You have to make a big show about doing something about it. Read the article.
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:23pm
Exactly. Makes them look like wimps unable to not just enforce rules, but not able to control a mob. Mobs strike fear in every heart except the insane, the most basic thing any government sells is security from a mob.
Edit to add: and anarchists are unhappy with all forms of traditional government.
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:56pm
With Wisconsin Unrest as Backdrop, Republicans Intensify Law-and-Order Message
On the third day of the convention, Vice President Mike Pence and other Republicans portrayed Democrats as tolerant of violence and riots. And they continued to try to soften President Trump’s image.
By Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns @, Updated Aug. 27, 2020, 2:37 a.m. ET
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 2:55am
‘It’s playing into Trump’s hands’: Dems fear swing-state damage from Kenosha unrest
Some Wisconsin Democrats worry that the images of violence and destruction will turn suburban voters against the party.
By Natasha Korecki @, Aug. 27
My note: Paul Soglin, quoted in this article, in the 1960's was a famous radical on UW Madison campus who later "sold out" to become mayor of the city...I don't know how many terms, was gone by then and didn't pay attention. But in his yud, he was very very radical including as a protester...
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 3:12am
res ipsa loquitor:
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 4:44am
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 7:30am
Police strangle a man accused of having a fake $20 bill in front of a crowd yelling for them to stop the assault
Protesters come out
Police shoot a woman sleeping in her own home.
I guess it is legal
Protesters come out
A man is shot in the back 7 times
Protesters come out.
I wonder how we can keep protesters off the streets
A man eating ice cream in his own apartment is murdered by a police officer
His father doubts the officer will be convicted
The same doubt is expressed by the father of the man shot in the back
Miraculously, the officer who shot the man in his apartment is convicted
The judge comes off the bench to hug the convicted officer
The system is not trusted
Police might consider not shooting people.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 8:05am
Comments from Kenosha sheriff in 2018
Edit to add:
The Kenosha police made no attempt to stop the shooter
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 9:09am
The sheriff and the Republican Party should stay outta folks bedrooms, make birth control access, family planing services like Planed Parenthood funded and available not defunded and illegal, and maybe the sheriff should pay attention to his primary job, training his 'garbage' police force not to shoot an entire clip into an unarmed citizens back while they sit in a parked car.
by NCD on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 11:39am
The fight now is between "justice" and "peace". When those looking for justice see police shootings, they want accountability. There is no belief that left to its own devices, the system will do the right thing. Those seeking peace are outraged by protests and say people should stay home. They will also tell people that they are not protesting the right thing.
When protests occur, you are told that you are turning off a segment of voters. The argument is that the Left or the Woke are doing things wrong. The initial attack from those seeking peace is never that things cannot change until the police change. The "peaceniks" will say that protesters have to stop.
You will be told that the vote is at risk. They will never point out that Trump is trying to kill us with COVID, steal votes by sabotaging the Post Office, etc. It is always the Left and the Woke who are the proble, Being willing to vote for a racist is not a problem. Being willing to vote for a crook is not a problem. It is always something that the Left and the Woke did wrong. You focus too much on abortion. You focus too much on Civil Rights. Just be quiet and you can win.
The words of the Kenosha sheriff speak volumes. The fact that his officers were handing out water to people who arrived with long guns speaks even louder.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 12:24pm
The fight now is between "justice" and "peace"
No it's not. That's what you would like it to be and that may have been where it started. But now the choice is between "peace" and "looting and burning down cities." The cities have had enough of the violence and are beginning to choose peace. This isn't going to be the summer of the protests against police killings. It's going to end up being the summer when the national guard ended the looting and violence and restored peace to burning cities.
And it won't just be Diamond and Silk that support the national guard. A lot of moderate black democrats will support the national guard ending the violence too
by ocean-kat on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:09pm
It is the summer of protests about police violence
Edit to add:
Which Democratic candidate is supporting violence?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:22pm
We'll see. For every Al Sharpton I can link a Keisha Lance Bottoms. Did you bother to watch the Don Lemon link above. The national guard has just begun to be called out. We're only half way through this story
by ocean-kat on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:21pm
Kenosha Day 4
Regarding violence, have you heard Reverend Sharpton send a message promoting violence?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:30pm
We'll see, story half through: EXACTLY. Actually, the thing is, everything has been done about this incident in a very quick manner that protesters have asked to happen with other cases in the past,. Protests in the past were that authorities were ignoring bad cops. As the headline on this thread starts out, that didn't happen in this case. The governor of the state reacted almost immediately. The victim was airlifted to a good hospital and had major representation within hours. There are investigations starting right away: state, FBI, DOJ.. The national guard is there right away. The name of the cop has been made public. Things are moving extremely quickly so far, nobody in power is ignoring it.
So protesting, rioting, looting do what in this situation when redress is moving quickly? This is going to happen again. Like other human beings, some cops are going to be bad. I thought protests were occurring because authorities were ignoring abuse and not offering justice. I see no evidence of that here yet. So what are they protesting? That there are bad cops? That's like protesting that there's homicidal maniacs out there. There's always going to be some and they are going to have to be punished, bad cops and homicidal maniacs. We haven't discovered perfect cop and anti-murder pills yet
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:47pm
Trust is built after multiple examples of acts of good faith.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 2:11pm
One thing I can guess from your comment is that you haven't read that best selling self-help book that explains how unhindered rioting and looting following protests on the streets are the solution when bad things happen to good people.
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:28pm
And you haven't read the volumes of books explains why people do t trust the system and come out to protest.
Kenosha was mostly peaceful ast night.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:32pm
I don't see how the "system" is not working here SO FAR. Unless you're the type that wants to abolish police totally, then protesting makes sense.
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 1:50pm
The "system" does not have along record of holding police officers to account.
NYPD used an illegal choke hold on Eric Garner captured on video. No indictment.
Tamir Rice playing with a toy gun. Shot by police within seconds. Shooting justified.
Where have you been?
The police resist change.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 2:07pm
I did read an article a few days ago where a BLM leader supported the looters. So it's all good I guess. I should have linked it here.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 6:08pm
Please link to the article
Edit to add:
I found this from a BLM Chicago organizer calling looting reparations
I also found this from Black Lives Matter Chicago co-founder saying that looting distracted from the issue of police brutality
So there was a person who justified looting. If she committed a crime, she should be arrested.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 6:49pm
I can do it for him, that's easy, I see that sort of thing all the time looking at protest reports
Here's one from Chicago Public Radio‘Winning Has Come Through Revolts’: A Black Lives Matter Activist On Why She Supports Looting, Aug. 2
It's easy because there's a lot of the organizers of protests of the hard core day in day out protesters in the blue cities that are borderline anarchists. They're radicals, they want revolution, they are passionate and they're not into reforming our system. And that's why from a lot of hard core protesters you'll also hear the chant "fuck Joe Biden"
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 6:47pm
here's the context for Ariel Atkins preaching that point at Chicago BLM events:
BTW, all of them are now forbidden to come within a block of her house. The mayor she values real property and she likes privacy, too. No communalism, none of this everyone come take what you need thing and throw out the rest...
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 7:11pm
here's a variant, before presenting an opposite argument, Rich Lowry @ Politico lists four examples of lefties who support BLM with the semantics argument that looting and vandalism is "not violence"
I think Joe Biden/Kamala Harris wing would disagree that it's "not violence". I think they think like: theft, looting violence, whatever you want to call it, it's all go-to-jail kind of stuff!
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 6:59pm
When the Klan burned sharecroppers' homes, did they appreciate that that wasn't the same violence as lynching them? Or were they not woke enough yet for the distinction?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 10:52pm
A mob is a mob is a mob is a mob and there are ways one can manipulate them is basically what Gustav le Bon theorized in 1895. All the best demagogues of the first half of the 20th century read it!
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 11:18pm
this is an official BLM Chicago press release which among other things addresses the downtown looting following the Englewood shooting, it implies socialistic redistribution via looting is no big deal until the mayor (and implied: other Democrats) does something about their grievances, meanwhile to steal from "the immense wealth" of downtown Chicago is just making up for things.Strange thing is, they talk like they are representing the looters, as if they sent them! Which I would be surprised if that was the actual case. Furthermore of interest, they imply they don't think this would upset the regular middle class white families, they seem to suspect many of those would think it all fair and square
Press Release on the Englewood Police Shooting
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 8:11pm
oceankat did you also know that the official organization has adopted the idea of being a disrupter of the traditional nuclear family? That's one I am surprised more right wingers don't pick up on. From What We Believe @,
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 7:33pm
I haven't seen that but I'm not surprised. There's this link between all these left orgs where if your focus is for example the environment, BLM and LGBT and every other issue has to be addressed too. Funny thing I was thinking about this just last night while watching the latest Rowling movie, Crimes of Grindelwald. I suppose I had read some article that was on my mind before I turned it on. As I watched I thought I don't even think or consider who most of these people are having sex with. I'm not assuming they're hetero, I'm not considering it at all. The only time I think about what gender the people around me or in the movie are fucking is when they're flirting or in an obvious romantic relationship.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 8:44pm
Scary homosexuals.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 8:57pm
you think so? First I bet I've lost more close gay friends to death than you'll ever have. Oh and your snark is a big fail because: the true woke are anti-traditional gay because they don't like cis-gender gays' attitudes; plain vanilla gay is conservative evil now, far from scary, and far from woke. They are an impediment to freedom from gender, they insist on things like if you have a penis and no vagina you can't possibly be a lesbian. Woke say you can, you can be whatever your brain says you are this week. Keeps the surgeons busy, too. (See Andrew Sulivan for more.)
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 10:36pm
The Woke are whatever evil you want them to be.
Like those at the top of the caste system in India, you claim superiority without facts.
You have no knowledge of my connections with Gay people, yet you claim yours are better.
Like your made up Woke people, you create fantasies that fit your bubble
Edit to add:
BLM is a leaderless organization
That is why I linked to BLM Chicago members with different opinions concerning looting
If memory serves, the young woman in question made a statement on camera
I posted at the time that if she had been seen looting, she should go to jail.
Edit to add:
You place yourself at the top of the caste system
You decide where everyone else resides
You get to determine which "tribe' is appropriate, but they are beneath you
I posted two different reactions to looting by two BLM Chicago members
To you, they are not worthy of consideration, because both are of lower station
Thus, they are both in the same "tribe"
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 9:03am
You have no knowledge of my connections with Gay people, yet you claim yours are better.
Oh come on. "I bet" is just a way of saying "probably with a high degree of confidence." I'd take that bet. Arta is involved in the NYC art scene where statistically speaking a higher percent of the population is out gays. Among blacks and especially black Christians a lower percent of the population is out gays. Odds are that Arta knows more gays and given her age lived through the AIDS epidemic when it was at it's worse. Not only did she know a lot of gays but likely knew many that died of AIDS. One can take a paragraph saying that or one can summarize it by just say, "I bet."
I'd never bet that I know more gay people than other people because I'm pretty introverted and don't have a lot of friends of any type. I don't know any gay person who died of AIDS. Though I would bet that I know more wilderness hikers and campers than you. It's a particular interest of mine and black people are statistically less likely to wilderness camp and hike than the general population.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 1:54pm
I have gay friends in the food, wine, and creative arts industries.
Went to a wine expo in NYC supported by a wine bar owned by a gay couple
Went through the AIDS era at a time of tension between black and white gays.
I know more black surfers, skiers, birders, and wilderness folks than you.
Edit to add:
I have a lot of friends gay and straight suffering through illness and layoffs. The Lefties and the Woke don't figure into the source of their pain.
2nd Edit to add:
The House passed the Heroes Act. McConnell put the Senate on time out. No Lefties or Wokes caused that.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 2:27pm
I know more black surfers, skiers,
I'm sure you do. I can count on one hand the number of surfers and skiers I know.
Possible but unlikely. How many times have you been a part of the Audubon Christmas bird count? Did you even know what it is before I mentioned it? I've done it around ten times and only saw one black man joining in. Statistically speaking the Audubon society and birders are a mostly middle and upper class white organization with black members significantly less than their percent of the overall population.
and wilderness folks than you.
Anything is possible but I doubt it. Unless you're also active in wilderness hiking and camping and since you've never discussed here even once it seems unlikely it's a large interest for you.
The point isn't whether the statement is true or false, that's open to discussion for clarification. The point is to say, "I bet" is a legitimate propositional claim for someone to make.
Eta: "Went to a wine expo in NYC supported by a wine bar owned by a gay couple"
If I used a visit to a diner run by a black family as proof of my bona fides with the black community you'd tell me that was racist.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 3:00pm
Oh yeah well though I've got zero surfers, I've made buds with a crew from the Black Falcons Motorcycle Club (they often cruise past my back yard when I'm tending my garden on weekends and yes they can use my hose anytime.) So there.
The argument here is silly. I just didn't like rmrd's obvious intent to suggest with insulting low level sarcasm that the movement against woke police is intolerant. Just the opposite, it's all about tolerance against intolerance.
As far as the gay bonafides contest goes, besides having tons of gay friends and clients not just in NY but across the country over my life and career in the antiques and art world, I would also like to say that I went to my first gay disco at age 17 and my S.O. during my entire second decade was the manager of the biggest gay disco in Milwaukee. That was before AIDS. Upon arriving in NYC at age 29 for a new job, one of the first things I did was to volunteer to help organize a charity auction for GMHC, it was a little over a year-old organization formed to address the new "gay plague."
Go to the top of my wokee thread and you'll see that more than a few gays are some of the first and most active fighters against woke intolerance.
by artappraiser on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 3:02pm
I know it's trivial and silly but so often people have misunderstood what people mean when they say,"I bet" that it's a pet peeve of mine. I'd had people respond with, "I don't gamble" as if I was seriously proposing we place money on the proposition. As I'm sure you know, "I bet" is just a more emphatic way of saying "It's likely." Just as "Fuck yeah" is just a more emphatic way of saying "yes."
I'm not sure why but occasionally I get into these discussions about vocabulary, it's different forms, use and misuse. I argue about the multiple definitions of a word and connotations as opposed to definitions. Something about how people so often misunderstand and distort vocabulary irks me.
I just recently got into a long argument on the World of Warcraft forum over the use of the word, "cheating" as it refers to the game. Silly I guess, debating vocabulary with a bunch of video gamers. I also get really annoyed when people don't know when to use then and than and you're and your. But usually I'm able to hold my tongue when I see it.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 3:41pm
I never understood where people get pet peeves. I've been to dozens of pet shops and animal shelters, never seen one. Worse, where do people walk them? I mean, you live in an Arizona desert, but there are owners with pet peeves in the city who deprive them of fresh air. It must be stopped.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 6:01pm
You can find them virtually any where.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 6:20pm
Hey, let's do a head count on gay friends.
Is Woke another way of saying fringe group?
Glad the cycle club get to use your hose.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 3:26pm
It seems to me that you live the cloistered life. I said black birders. I admit that I'm not an avid birder, but I have met black biders. and follow them on social media. Cornell University has a good app for recognizing birds. I included wilderness people under that same conditional statement. Getting up early to wait for a deer to show up after lunchtime, shoot the deer, than run after it and dress it is not my idea of fun. But I am friends with black people who hunt, deer, buffalo, etc. Birding, hunting, hiking, etc are not major interests for me, but I have friends involved in the activity. Many black birders, hunters, hikers, surfers, etc tend to stick to their own groups and away from bigger crowds. The skiers tend to travel as groups. I make a run, then tend enjoy two carbon beverages in the lodge. Breckinridge was the last trip. Wine is more my thing. Most ski lodges have good selections.
There are many blacks who enjoy the outdoors, but some say that they feel unwelcome in some situations.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 3:17pm
It seems to me that you live the cloistered life.
I doubt it. I'd bet that black birders will tell you that when they interact with the larger group of birders they are a significant minority. Unless they are involved with a specifically designated black birder group.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 3:50pm
The ones that I know tend to go by themselves or with a single partner.
Christian Cooper, the Central Park birder, was out birdwatching by himself.
On most occasions, they are not interacting with a larger group.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:13pm
Christian Cooper, the Central Park birder, was out birdwatching by himself.
Sure, Birders spend much time solo bird watching since birds are every where out doors and birders are always looking for them. But as a serious birder I'd bet that he's gone on more Audubon Christmas bird counts than I have. Serious birders do the Christmas bird count. It's a really big deal in the birding community.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:27pm
He's also an elite Manhattan gay sharing an apt. on the hip lower east side with his boyfriend, has an Ivy league degree and intellectual resume. His sister is a playwright and film, TV and comic book writer, she admits creating the buzz about what happened to him and why she did it. Their parents were liberal activists and they were raised learning to be smart about this.
by artappraiser on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:52pm
I get the same impression. Especially as he never shows any interest in stories about any other people except those with black skin, zero interest in any other tribe, misreads intent of others a lot as if he has no experience talking with anyone but tribe and because he will never give a hint about where he lives. Without that info, just reading what he writes for years his written word sounds like he only has interactions with an inner city black culture and a southern rural black culture. You, on the other hand have shared enough personal anecdotes to know that you've had a great variety of social interactions and from that interest allover the world and with very different micro-cultures, i.e. in the army, in Asia, in Florida retireeville, welcoming international visitors in a ghost town in AZ, interacting with southern border people, etc.
by artappraiser on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:17pm
I admit that I don't gives hints to where I live to strangers.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:26pm
Yeah, because mentioning a state would make it easy for us to single you out as The One out of the millions who live in that state. I know that when artappraiser mentioned living in NYC I just googled it and immediately identified her out of the 3 names that popped up.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:37pm
Actually, I said because I knew the response I would receive.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:39pm
But there's a gazillion art appraisers in NYC. (Or were before Covid, that is.) You could narrow it down a heckuva a lot by searching for Bronx, but still there's got to be at least 500 in the "exclusive" Riverdale section of the Bronx.
by artappraiser on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:56pm
Dude, you've been a Dag member for 9yrs, 11 months. A decade - happy anniversary! You're as much of a stranger as your gay husband is. Isn't it time to meet the Fockers? We don't bite. Much.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 5:48pm
"some of my best friends are gay" vs "I've worked in the New York art scene for decades and it's gay as fuck" (as Randy the gay satire singer would out it)?
I've had a handful of gay roommates and friends. Still pretty sure AA both knows 1000x as many people as me and perhaps 1000x as many gay people as me, likely the same for black people. Would tighten up the numbers a bit if I were to bet.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 5:38pm
Sykes is a Wisconsinite as well as a Never Trumper, he has decades of political talk radio experience there.
Let me be blunt: he was a local conservative talk radio guy, so he knows exactly what riles people in Wisconsin, especially people interested in politics and culture wars, as his livelihood depended on doing it.
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 2:16pm
A wingnut with a long rifle killed two people and was able to walk past police even though a crowd was shouting that rifle just shot people.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 2:19pm
Plenty of Wisconsinites probably quite upset about that, they like their law and order and don't like violent protests after curfew with people starting fires in dumpsters (with gas pumps nearby yet!) and other people walking around with guns after curfew. Charlie's point: the governor should have cracked down with law and order more so that things didn't happen like militia guys walking around with long guns looking Rather EVERYONE should be at home after curfew. Then it would be much easier for cops to like, arrest a guy with a long gun wandering around all by himself.
You realize "law and order" also means no militias roving around?
You also realize that BLM-friendly Seattle's free zone was advocating having militias roving around keeping the "peace" instead of police? You want to allow militias, everybody gets to play. You can have the left wing zone over here and the right wing zone over there.
Plenty enough left wing guys have been attending BLM protests carrying guns. I've posted plenty of examples on this site this summer.
BTW the city of Kenosha is small and has a small police force. They could not handle everything if curfew was not obeyed. That's one main reason why the National Guard was called. There was little warning any of this would happen, no reason to plan for it in a place like Kenosha. No reason to have a lot of anti-riot training in advance and no reason to expect large night time demonstrations.until the shooting of Blake happened. Their police force is really just hicks, so is the mayor, this is not Milwaukee you are talking about here, much less Chicago.
Edit to add: I listened to a press conference by the mayor and the sheriff the other day. Right away, they shut down the entrance and exit to the city from the Interstate, hoping to keep outsiders like that guy out. They got a lot of grief for that from citizens, including businesses who could not get trucks in and out. It didn't help anyways, all kinds of outsiders found a way in via old highways. That's small town hicks, they were thinking everyone basically thinks and acts like them, they don't have to worry about like radical Islamists, doesn't enter their mind. That's why they need things like FBI, state and federal help in a situation like this. Which many will protest against, I am sure.
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 2:51pm
Coverage of Biden's statements by Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 3:05pm
FWIW, former Deputy C.O.S. to Harry Reid, now a Dem activist, likes Joe's "law and order" messaging here:
by artappraiser on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 9:07pm
by artappraiser on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:04am
Wisconsin governor urges Trump not to visit Kenosha: 'I am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing'
By John Bowden @ - 08/30/20 07:02 PM EDT
by artappraiser on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 8:44pm
Kenosha mayor prefers Trump not visit 'at this point in time'
By Justine Coleman @ - 08/30/20 04:53 PM EDT, with video
by artappraiser on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 8:49pm
Bill Kristol likes what Biden said:
by artappraiser on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 10:02pm
Clearly a campaign talking point:
by artappraiser on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 12:12am
U.S. Department of Justice Confirms Federal Civil Rights Investigation Into Shooting of Mr. Jacob Blake
Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Wisconsin
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, August 26, 2020 (my underlining)
by artappraiser on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 10:39pm
is classic Wisconsin passive-aggressive "polite" (a slightly altered version what a Canadian might say, something like oh geeez too much right now, maybe can't you just leave us alone for a while, eh?)
Make sure to check out the pained facial expressions.
by artappraiser on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 9:48pm
Trump wants to hug a flag and get a ride in the Kenosha cops armored car and shoot paint balls at radical Kenosha paid by Fauci socialistic violent coup plotting BLM anarchists!!!!! And tweet LAW AND ORDER!!!!
With no Democrat Party China 99% harmless virus MASK!!
by NCD on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 11:04pm
Tweeting that saved a nation, sir, surely you need to be added to Mt. Rushmore.
by artappraiser on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 10:36am
so far looking like while they don't like the protesters, they still don't like Trump either; I am not surprised:
LETTER FROM WISCONSIN: Trump Claims He Saved Kenosha. Wisconsin Voters Aren’t Buying It.
Wisconsinites might be souring on protests, but so far, they aren't embracing Trump.
by JR Ross for Politico Magazine, 09/01/2020 10:59 AM EDT
JR Ross is the editor of He has covered Wisconsin politics for more than 20 years.
by artappraiser on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 12:55pm