The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    Herman Cain is a goofball who thinks he's sexy. Who cares?

    Herman Cain is in the news again, this time for allegedly sexually harassing a couple of his female employees some time in the way back.
    Donal's picture

    Kvitova Is WTA Champ


    Over the years, the season ending WTA championship event has moved from New York to Munich to Los Angeles to Madrid to Doha and this year to Istanbul (not Constantinople) — and is scheduled to be held there until at least 2013. In accommodating such an event, the ancient city wants to prove itself fit to host the 2020 Olympics. By this time of the year, a lot of the top players are tired and banged up, but up to 1500 ranking points were available and prize money ranged from $110,000 for just playing to $1,750,000 for winning the title (if undefeated in the round robin).
    [Update: The WTA and BNP Paribas, the title sponsor, announced Saturday a joint donation of $250,000 to the Turkish Red Crescent to assist victims of the earthquake in eastern Turkey that killed at least 580 people on Oct. 23.]
    Donal's picture

    Style Police

    Some of you smart people still mangle the apostrophe S business:

    It's vs Its

    Only use it's if you can also substitute it is in the same place:

    It's Howdy Doody Time! = It is Howdy Doody Time!

    I think it's clear that the economy stinks. = I think it is clear that the economy stinks.

    The party is its own worst enemy. ≠ The party is it is worst enemy.

    The kitteh purred whilst licking its fur. ≠ The kitteh purred whilst licking it is fur.

    Ramona's picture

    Why Junk Insurance deserves an Occupy Movement

    Things are heating up in Chicago and I don't know a soul who is surprised by that.  It's Chicago and it's Emanuel Land.  Last week the Occupy Wall Street Windy City branch decided to occupy Grant Park past the posted 11 PM closing time.  The police, never ones to miss even vague radical clues, guessed correctly that these folks had other things on their minds and weren't going to be ready to leave just because a simple sign said they should.

    Donal's picture

    Will Harrisburg Incinerate Itself Financially?

    In, Harrisburg, Pa: a city at war with itself, Reuters offers the latest on the PA capital's money woes:

    For three days last summer, Mayor Linda Thompson joined religious leaders to pray for a "cooperative spirit" among city leaders, the business community and residents here in Pennsylvania's state capital.

    The prayers have gone unanswered.
    Donal's picture

    Occupy Baltimore: Disperse Ye Rebels!?

    Occupy Baltimore Livestream picked up by 1100 Global Revolution viewers as OB general assembly discusses the group's responses to Parks and Recreation's deferment of issuing a permit.

    Donal's picture

    Pushback Against Occupy Sites

    The Portland Press Herald reports on the bombing of Occupy Maine:

    "We are more motivated to keep doing what we're doing," said Stephanie Wilburn, of Portland, who was sitting near where the chemical mixture in a Gatorade bottle was tossed at 4 a.m. Sunday. "They have heard us and we're making a difference."
    Donal's picture

    Bank Transfer Month

    I do plan on moving my account, but instead of all standing in line, why don't we just make November: Bank Transfer Month?

    Donal's picture

    Occupy Baltimore Day 18

    Friday night I went to Occupy Baltimore (OB). OB's website had a Gender and Race Equality Rally scheduled for 6:30 PM and the usual General Assembly at 8:00 PM. I hadn't been there in the evening before, and thought it was about time to actually see a General Assembly.
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Joe Nocera Borks Himself

    In the Times today, Joe Nocera (who I am loving as a left of center columnist who knows business) really whiffs it when he claims that Robert Bork deserves to have be on the Supreme Court today.  He doesn't say it that way.  What he says is that the Democratic opposition to Bork's nomination, back in 1987, was the start of all the partisan division we're experiencing today.  In short, he claims the Democrats were unfair to Bork, and that Republicans decided to retaliat

