The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Foodflation, Food Insecurity and Civil Unrest

    My wife and I noticed several months ago that the food we chose to buy was getting much more expensive. I was probably more inspired by Michael Pollan and she by Mehmet Oz, but years ago we agreed that we would cut out the hydrogenated stuff and the high fructose stuff and the high sodium stuff.

    Ramona's picture

    Foreclosure for Fun and Profit

    There is a lovely new residential-shopping complex in Myrtle Beach called "The Market Common".  We haven't been there yet this year, but last year we walked around it a few times.  In my wildest dreams I couldn't afford anything in their shops, but honestly?  I never saw anything I would be willing to give up my entire SS check to buy.  Still, I kind of took a liking to the place, faux as it was.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Violence and Political Gain

    I haven't blogged about Tucson because it left me sickened and sad, and because Articleman said it all better than I could have. Anyway, I had nothing to say. Violence like this is a terrible, terrible thing. Everyone should be against civil bloodshed. What else could there be to say?

    Donal's picture

    Killing Fathers and Children

    In his post from Tuesday, Nihilism in Action, "real" conservative Daniel Larison joins movement conservatives in rejecting any political attribution of the bald, smirking assassin :

    Donal's picture

    Book Review: Shooters

    I wrote this review for another site last May, but it seems pertinent now, so I'm reposting it here.

    Donal's picture

    WikiLeaks in the Free Culture Movement

    Although various leaks and a few other leaking groups are still cropping up in the news, Liberty and Solidarity offers the first argument I've seen that puts WikiLeaks in context as part of a larger, coherent movement.

    Donal's picture

    Phone Sex + 3 Minutes

    Update: Rather than push Stardust's piece down, I'm updating here. Mother Jones has a photo essay on phone sex operators, which will ... probably not be so good for business. The woman above writes:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sarah Palin & Republicans Count the Minutes Until They Can Use Violent Rhetoric Again

    Sad SarahThose inside Sarah Palin's inner circle have come forward to admit the ex-Governor of Alaska was truly heartbroken over the recent massacre in Arizona.

    "Sarah is destroyed." said a Palin Associate. "She had a new ad with her holding a hunting rifle to Obama's head. It's a great ad. And harmless. But now she just can't use it.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Lee Loughner, Arizona Massacre coverage around the Web

    As the big news agencies initially fumbled the Arizona Massacre story by reporting that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had been killed by shooter Jared Lee Loughner, online news has shown its strength with numerous takes on the shooting, as well as breaking information.

    Here are some stories you may be interested in from around the Web:

