They raised if from a five to a seven on the INES scale, which seems to be the highest end of the scale. They have plugged the hole that was flushing radioactivity into the sea. No mention of the rods melting through the containment vessel.
Don't know how she got her degree, but in a spate of illogical crapola, Jasmina Vujic, professor of nuclear engineering at University of California, Berkeley:
"said that there were major differences between the Chernobyl and Fukoshima disasters.
Chernobyl was situated in an area with a high population density in the centre of Europe, she said, while the Japanese plant is in a lightly populated, coastal region.
"From that point of view, the impact on environment and population, would be much smaller than Chernobyl," Vujic told Al Jazeera."
I do hope she lets 'the environment know that it need not sweat the readiations since there aren't many people living there. Might make all the difference, no?