by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I would not be surprised if Bob Mueller concludes that the Trump campaign did not violate the law with regard to its interactions with the Russians. I’m really open to that possibility. Why? Because, as you know, The New York Times, The Washington Post, every media outlet that is worth its salt has reporters digging into this, and they haven’t found anything.
And I think that, had there been something there, they would have found something. And I think Bob Mueller would have found it already and it would have leaked.
So, I’m really open to the possibility that there’s no there there on a crime being committed by the campaign and the Russians. Right? That interaction leading to criminal charges.
Thanks Hal... from the interview:
The following is what we publicly know of Comey relating to Mike Flynn and the private meeting... What we and Morell don't know is what info Mueller's team has from flipping Flynn that may or may not establish intent...
Jun. 7, 2017 | Natasha Bertrand | Business Insider
Here's what James Comey will tell Congress in his first testimony since being fired
From Comey's full prepared Senate testimony »
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 12:34am
You're right OGD. Maybe Flynn can testify to a conspiracy between Trump and the Russkies. Morell's point is that even with all the digging by NYT, WaPo, et al., for over a year all we have is speculation. Yes, Trump obviously wants to shut down the investigation. But that may reflect a very legitimate fear that Mueller will dig up evidence of criminal or scurrilous behavior that is wholly unrelated to the Russian hacking allegations - kinda like the Lewinsky charges that Ken Starr brought. Tax evasion or even fraud and sexual assault jump to mind.
by HSG on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 8:44am
Why the hell is Morell talking about the mainstream press?
This is about the intelligence community, congressional committees and the special counsel.
Remember, almost everything we knew about Watergate came out of divulged grand jury testimony, etc.
If this isn't released, either publicly or as a leak, we're unlikely to know.
But we have all sorts of meetings with Russians going back to 2013 and before (even 2002), Russian relations that have been denied or described as something that they weren't - especially the Jun 9, 2016 meeting & Trump's lost weekend in 2013 where he was doing a Trump Tower Moscow deal tied to his pageant, and multiple versions of "facts" for example here and here.
Jared Kushner, Wilbur Ross, Paul Manafort , Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn all left Russian connections off their security documents - Manafort & Flynn being charged for it already. And then there's Carter Page who's a big loudmouth goof just dripping with inadvertent inconsistencies and damaging info on others. A few others like Priebus in the mix as well.
And then Mueller now has 15,000+ emails to use to compare with sworn testimony looking for any other deviations. And at least Manafort's phone that was hacked by FISA or similar order.
There's been plenty on Cambridge Analytica tied to Wikileaks tied to Russian hackers & social media spammers, plenty on hacking DNC & DCCC & private gmail accounts (Podesta, et al)
This is not "speculation" - Papadopoulos and Flynn have already pleaded guilty, and their testimony almost certainly extends to Russian interference of US election 2016 (*not* the much more limited "Russian hacking" bit you propose). Manafort & his assistant have been charged. All roads seem to point to Rome at this ppoint - I've no clue why Morell is out pretending it doesn't, but in general the intelligence community - FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. - fucked up bigtime, so maybe some of them want to hide their shame. Bad approach. We can't afford more bullshit.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 10:14am
Peracles... Yup don't look to the mainstream media...
It's those low-level squirrels ferreting out the nuts and putting 'em in the basket...
Dec. 19, 2017 | Jackie Flynn Mogensen | MotherJones
A Groundbreaking Case May Force Controversial Data
Firm Cambridge Analytica to Reveal Trump Secrets
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 12:20pm
Almost all we have is speculation because contrary to right wing claims Mueller is a straight arrow who is running a very honorable investigation. There are no leaks from his team. There's no Mark Felt feeding damaging information to a couple of rookie reporters at the WP or NYT. Or Ken Starr's investigation that leaked like a sieve because Starr had a strong partisan motivation to bring Clinton down. We'll need to wait until the investigation is over to see what went down.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 5:53pm
Hal... more...
December 20, 2017 5:32 pm | Allegra Kirkland | TPM Muckraker
Does New Report On McGahn’s Flynn Concerns Bolster Obstruction Case?
Here's the FP link...
December 20, 2017, 12:07 PM | Murray Waas | Foreign Policy
White House Counsel Knew in January Flynn Probably Violated the Law
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 8:06pm
There may well be there there but, as O-Kat wrote, Mueller is playing this close to the vest and the mainstream media hasn't documented evidence of a conspiracy between Russia and Trump to hack the election. Indeed, they still haven't proven that Russia hacked the election.
by HSG on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 8:35pm
By "hacked the election" do you include illegal help of one side over the other, or you only thinking breaking into voting machines?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 11:42pm
They have found something. But if you keep your eyes closed, you're sure not to see anything.
Hey, note Congress is investigating *2* campaigns now. We know about Stein's. Wanna bet #2 is Bernie's? Grab yourself some popcorn.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 2:35am