by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
From TPM MUckraker, Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association says that Muslims have no first amendment rights.
"Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam. Islam is entitled only to the religious liberty we extend to it out of courtesy. While there certainly ought to be a presumption of religious liberty for non-Christian religious traditions in America, the Founders were not writing a suicide pact when they wrote the First Amendment."
Some people you kinda have to feel sorry for...or not.
As you learn when you read the full story, the Founding Fathers indeed spelled out that Muslims -- "Mahometans," as they were then called -- were among those whose religious freedom they were enshrining. The ignorance of the loony right continues to astound but not surprise.
by acanuck on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 6:11pm
Yup; he couldn't even get that part right! I confess it started me laughing too hard. Too much Bigotry must take up too many little grey cells, I think.
A Libertarian dude at my FDL just called Obama 'hen pecked [sic]. Zounds. At a feminist website!
by we are stardust on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 6:51pm