by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
A comment on the article from Martin in New York: "Telling that Ms. Dowd compares Clinton to Brady, since she talks about politics strictly as if it were a game, without impact on people's lives. And taunting Biden with what she imagines are his son's wishes is just tasteless--but I guess there's really no room for decency, or ideas, in politics anymore."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I keep reading about Biden possibly deciding to run. It makes me wonder if the Corporate Dem wing of the party are trying to make sure they deny Bernie Sanders the nomination. Biden's entry would offer a legit alternative choice that wasn't Sanders if people found they couldn't warm up to Hillary, and dividing the race between the three of them might give her a better chance of winning outright. The media would then begin comparing Sanders to Eugene McCarthy after RFK jumped into the 1968 race ... I know, "Politics ain't Beanbag."
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 2:58am
I don't think Biden is popular with the far left. I don't see any of Sanders vote going to him in a three way. Biden cuts into Hillary's vote and would make it easier for Sanders to win.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 3:45am
It is curious that the DNC has still not announced a schedule for their debates. This morning Debbie Wasserman Schultz said once again that they're still ironing out "details" when pressed by Chuck Todd on if the first would be this month or next. What are they waiting on?
by barefooted on Mon, 08/03/2015 - 1:28am
The Clinton campaign is the sticking point.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 08/04/2015 - 1:58pm
Why? If the DNC is waiting for various "controversies" to fade, they'll never schedule a debate.
by barefooted on Tue, 08/04/2015 - 2:11pm
They only want to do a few debates and closer to Iowa which will kick off the primary season in February. Clinton campaign is being very cautious about her exposure. That is all I know about it. Who ever wins the Democratic primary will be the next president. Republican party is in disarray.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 08/04/2015 - 2:43pm
If Joe Biden decides to run I'll support him. His gaffes aside, I think he would make a far better president than either Hillary or Sanders. There is a heart to him that I don't see in any of the others, but I think he still understands realities. He's a savvy politician who has shown he can work with both sides, but still not let them snow him.
No politician is perfect and they'll all have things in their past vulnerable to attack. Biden is no exception, so it's not necessary to get out the "yes, but" list. I'm looking at possible presidential material and I see it in Joe Biden. I wish more people saw it, too, but I know it won't happen. He could never get the votes, but he's probably carries less baggage than most.
by Ramona on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 11:00am
Biden is a lot like LBJ when it comes to getting things done. It would be nice to see him run. The question is he going to.? So far he has shown very littles interest in it for good reason.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 12:48pm
I don't think Biden is at all like LBJ. LBJ was a hard and aggressive negotiator. Biden gets things done by being a push over. According to articles I've read Reid was totally pissed when Obama sent Biden in to negotiate when the Bush tax cuts expired. It fucked up his negotiations and he thought he could have gotten a better deal. When the shut down happened some months later Reid told Obama he wouldn't get involved unless Obama promised not to send Biden in to cut a deal. I'd go with Hillary, Sanders, O'Malley before I'd vote for Biden. The only candidate I like less than Biden is Webb.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 2:11pm
Harry Reid isn't exactly negotiator par excellence, is he? . Joe the pragmatist knows how to get things done He's been an effective Veep and an asset for Obama. Reid can think what he wants.
by Ramona on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 8:52pm
Biden is a good veep and a good senator. He's good in a supporting role. I just don't see him as presidential timber. Just my opinion. My comment was just one example. I could write a blog explaining why but who knows if he'll even run or be in contention if he does. Both Hillary and Bernie have more fight in them and that's one thing I'm looking for.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 10:25pm
I think they are just throwing jello at the wall. Marcos over at Daily Kos made some comments on several threads about what was driving the interest or clicks the past few weeks and it is not the election. People are focused on the deaths that are happening in the hands of the police. In my opinion that is a good thing.
The clown car does get some attention with the outrageous statements they make but that is people being curious looking at the freak show. This is why Marcos has them on the front page instead of Sanders and Clinton. There is a debate coming up with the GOP so that will draw some eye balls.
People are not tuned into the election cycle. Clinton's handlers are slow walking this cycle to protect her from dropping in the poles early. The poles will tighten but they want it to happen later to help her stay on top with the early primaries. There is still no debates scheduled for the Democratic Party. The speculation is that they are waiting on Biden to jump in. Maybe the party is trying to talk him into it. He is unusual because his family life is important to him and they come first. Dowd is too self absorbed in her career to even understand that.
Sanders has made it clear he is not going to be buying large amounts of air time so they want his kind of grass roots campaign to go away. They are sure he will go away because they run the horse race and he is not going to be part of it.
The pundits are grasping for some straws right now because Trump and Sanders should not be climbing in the poles. Right now the general public is not interested in what the media has to say about the horse race they are trying to create. Clinton isn't going to start the horse race in earnest with any debates until fall. So in the meantime they only have their jello.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 12:34pm
They start their campaigns way too early, but since politics is all about money now I suppose they have to. I'm not getting too excited about any of it yet. It will peak and then, unless something exciting happens, it'll all go downhill from here. We make our decisions based on a multitude of facts, but as more and more come out, we'll do a back and forth, back and forth, until after the primaries. Then we can get serious.
by Ramona on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 1:17pm
Should Biden decide to run - and I don't think he will - it would turn the primary on its head. I agree with ocean-kat that he wouldn't attract true Bernie supporters, but I don't see that leading to a Sanders nomination. On the contrary, Biden in the race would split the Hillary vote and likely turn attention, especially the media, to a "battle royal" between the two. That would hurt Bernie in the long run.
Hillary would win the nomination, but the party would end up badly bruised - the last thing I think Biden would want.
by barefooted on Mon, 08/03/2015 - 1:43am
Barnicle has a great piece on Biden and Beau. I hope he can put aside his personal struggles and look forward toward presidency. This country needs someone like him leading us.
by Nancy Hardnet (not verified) on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 8:05pm