by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Edward Abbey called the county seat "the shithead capital of dipstick county, colorado a few decades ago. It's gone through some changes for the worse since, but none as virulent as the old rather movements developing over time coalescing under the banners of the 9-12 Movement and the Tea Party.
No Dems bother to run for the County Commission any longer; occasionally an Independent runs, and we work like crazy for 'him', but nah; it's always a rout.
The Forest Service is in the process of closing about 150 of 700 miles of roads in a section called Boggy Draw. And many locals are taking exception to it, including Sheriff, 'Pit Bull Spruell, who just did an gig on a racist radio program. The local Free Press editor sent me the website to ask if it were indeed as piggish as she thought. What could I do but explode in laughter and say, "Yup." and "Lord love a duck!." (When interviewed, he claimed not to know the show's content or bent.)
Anyway, things are getting ugly around here, though some folks are fighting back a little. To put it mildly, it would not be anything but frightening to work for the Forest Circus or the BLM here.
The Constitutional class teacher has some odd points of view, as does the Sheriff, as he thinks his conscience trumps the law. Anyway. Ahem. This is my county; well, at least the west and north ends of it.
My side is over here; the La Plata Mountains and mesas and flintrock-topped mountains:
by we are stardust on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 10:58pm
Farking skin heads in coats and ties. OY
by cmaukonen on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 11:23pm
Real purty country, stardust. Too bad about the dipstick infestation.
by acanuck on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 3:08am
The roads were allowed for industry.
If industry ever wants access again, the forest service will allow it.
The lesson learned; the forest service and industry are bedfellows; and to assure nosey citizens don’t see or report violators.
Evidently average American citizens will be precluded from seeking refuge in the forest.
You will only be allowed to go where the Sheriff of Nottingham' (Forest service) allows.
Some citizens have ruined it for others, but that’s no reason to shut down the roads.
If it’s all about risk management, then put a pay booth at the roads frequented; use the proceeds to maintain the roads. Let the least used roads deteriorate.
Except WHY let them deteriorate? Fire prevention needs access in the event of lightening strikes.
Or is the plan; the citizen taxpayer pays for the roads, but can't use them?
Only the bedfellows and special guests of the Forest service. are allowed to use the public’s forest.
Hire more employees to protect OUR forest resources. Now that would be a public works program. A new 21st Century CCC
The war is over, Congress needs to reopen the program, help end welfare.
Kids needing to aquire skills, could be taught the principles of work.
The older generation (voters) remembers the popular support and the value of the CCC camps. Help end high unemployment amongst inner city youths, who turn to a life of crime, because what else can they do to earn FOOD, Work or steal
CCC Camps would be a perfect jobs program.
by Resistance on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 3:20am