by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The article cannot be faulted for noticing how the support of Israel has always been in the mix. But there are other elements that did not get their due.
The movement came out of particular issues involving the Cold War. The failure of Vietnam was a very large thing for them to either accept or reject as a necessary outcome. The movement also was deeply involved in the opposition to changes in U.S. politics as a result of the victories of the Civil Rights Movement.
This nutshell is too small.
by moat on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 9:53pm
The author said as much in his intro, that it is a very condensed summary. A small shell indeed for so many nuts. So while there is no doubt much more that could be said about the neocons it appears that everything he did say is substantially correct and on point and so begs some questions; have the policy positions and decisions which they helped form and were so effective in bringing about been good for the U.S? Do they have any success stories beyond their success at staying powerfully and gainfully employed pushing more of the same old line? Have they been good for Israel? Have they been bad for countries in the Middle East or have they been horribly and unconscionably bad for those countries? Can the actions which their world view demands be sustained without eventually bankrupting our country but in the meantime pushing it more towards outright and open fascism? Is there a wiser world view which would lead to policies that would give us reasonable security but wouldn’t lead to so damned much death and destruction in other places?
Is a worldview that somehow distinguishes itself from that of the neocons and so goes by another name but in the end comes to the same conclusions and takes the same actions as would a neocon be one that we should be wary of in our next President?
by A Guy Called LULU on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 11:48pm
I don't mean to insist upon an historical perspective so as to call a rose by some other name. The worldview of the next President is important. There are distinctions to be noted in the use of power.
Obama was against the Iraq war but saw himself obligated to execute what he inherited of it as he saw fit. He expanded efforts in Afghanistan when he considered that was necessary. Although he campaigned on the promise to close Guantanamo Bay, it is still operating. I don't think he lied about his intentions but saw things differently when he had to face all the other consequences of the decision. Obama continued and expanded the Bush Doctrine in regards to fighting the "War on Terror." Do all these decisions mean that he is a Neocon too? If one looks at the matter at a distance with a general checklist the answer could be yes but that would blur the lines of important differences with the genuine article. My objection to the checklist is that it leaves out how the military industrial complex is integrated in the projection of American power.
Sanders is obviously not a Neocon and is unlikely to start an invasion someplace but he has not implied that he is going to scale back U.S. influence. He says he will continue the War on Terror. He says he will crush ISIS by getting Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States to march over and kick their butt. Pulling that off is going to take a big stick and a bigger carrot. Sanders hasn't discussed much in the way of foreign policy but his proposals to sharply curtail trade agreements and tp break up banks will have an extensive influence on the rest of the world. My respect for him would be greater if he took more responsibility for that element.
Presidential politics aside, the change in attitude you speak of has a lot to do with our citizens becoming more "cosmopolitan." The arrogance of our leaders reflects our character.
by moat on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 11:49am