by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Colin Moynihan @ NYTimes, Oct. 26
Protesters splattered red liquid onto the base of the bronze statue of Theodore Roosevelt outside the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, and later published a statement on the internet calling for its removal as an emblem of “patriarchy, white supremacy and settler-colonialism.”
“Now the statue is bleeding,” said the statement Thursday from the protesters, who identified themselves as members of the Monument Removal Brigade. “We did not make it bleed. It is bloody at its very foundation.”
The group said the museum should “rethink its cultural halls regarding the colonial mentality behind them.” [.....]
The statue of Roosevelt, a conservationist, has stood outside the museum since 1940. Created by James Earle Fraser, and owned by the city, it depicts Roosevelt astride a horse and flanked by a Native American and an African-American [....]
Any comment from our illustrious Dagblog host?
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/26/2017 - 9:09pm
Oh c'mon, Michael did it himself as part of buildup to centennial of Teddy's passing.can't let current presidents and southern monuments hog all the news.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 12:27am
They're clearly a bunch of radicals and fanatics. Blasio set up a commission to debate the issue but you can't talk to these guys. They're just unreasonable men.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 5:03am
They may talk tough, but I'd guess they're just blowing smoke. Though the idea of putting granny down at this point isn't a bad one - her lumbago's gotten sumtin' awful.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 7:26am
This is something a Russian front group would do.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 8:48am
Pravdably. Fortunately there's nyet anyone like that around here - we'd recognize them right away.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 9:12am
Supposedly, there are more than 8000 police surveillance cameras in NYC. Perhaps one or more caught the Monumentors in action.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 9:33am
Could be.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 10:13am
first, let me say I adore that "time to get shit done" clip!
Then let me just say that I thought right away that this could be counterops to make lefties look bad. I looked at the manifesto link and it is so over the top it like conservative parodies of political correctness, also reminds me of some SDS literature of my youth.It is like the imaginings of Rush Limbaugh of a left that doesn't exist any more one that he is still getting old conservatives all riled up about.
But then I thought no way this could be Russian ops precisely because: Putin wants to be the Teddy Roosevelt persona! Talks softly, carries a big stick, manly man, rough riding, hunting and fishin, wrassling alligators or whatever, forcing troublesome peoples to calm down, and intellectual to boot. Proving you are the bestest smartest manliest manly man stock in the world, a bull moose, and your people along with you, they are the A-team, will protect the weak third world peoples and other weak types like disabled and kittens and puppies, but only if they deserve it. Unfortunately Pootie can't see that the rest of the world doesn't see a TR, they still just see: a shifty KGB guy.
Of course, as we have seen, that is no guarantee that Russians might be involved because: they are most definitely not the A-team, their ops are sort of clueless bout 'Merican culture. And that goes for back to Soviet days, now that I think on it. Their spies, they just don't get us. So nope, this can't be a Russian op. That's not to say that if this group could talk the right game, they might get a donation from same.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 1:00pm
Thought of related side issue, did some googling. Is interesting that with the whole Putin Russian nationalist thing, not only do they have the huge new Ivan the Terrible monument that you posted a story on a while back, they have a brand new monster one of Kalashnikov in Moscow and 10 new monuments to Stalin since 2012.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 1:14pm
Well, Kalashnikov is a badass - can't deny engineering talent. Ivan & Joe, not so much, unless "Engineer of Souls" is really a technical accreditation. BTW, Josef Škvorecky's book of the same name isn't bad.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 2:12pm
An actual crowd gathered to protest the statue in October 2016
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 12:20pm
True patriots that love their country don't allow their country's historical statues to be defaced.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 5:44pm
For sure! Everyone's got to be on the same narrative for that whole thing to work! The signs and symbols tell you the story!
Or as the author of my link calls it: "domain consensus"
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 6:50pm
Our patriots, on the other hand, agreed to disagree from the start, for example with the Hamilton in a toga in the NY Stock Exchange by historian Stephen Knott @ Politico, just published
Democracy:MESSY! Trains don't run on time and people hate each other and actually say so....
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 8:56pm
weird synchronicity here on several topics, if Michael ever checks this thread, I would think he'd want to know about this book if he already doesn't, it sounds right up his alley (not the review, but the book itself):
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 6:35pm