The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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A Word of Caution for Those Rushing Out to Celebrate Their Release From 'Captivity'

The pressure is on to "reopen" the economy (a misnaming of what needs to happen). The vision of what that means and the reality that will continue to evolve are in vast conflict. However, regardless of vision, there is a harsh reality that few seem to understand.

It is more dangerous to be out in public now than at any time since January 22, when we first became aware that there was one person with the virus in the U.S.

How many reading this are saying "Say WHAT!?"

librewolf's picture

Living Clean and Reducing Risk of Infection

We are living in a dangerous time, dealing with something the majority rarely, if ever, even consider – Fighting a contagious, and possibly deadly, microbe. It is a virus known as Covid-19. Many will be sickened, few will escape unscathed, and some of us will die. How many don’t die largely depends on their being able to protect themselves, but more importantly, it depends on the vigilance of everyone else. If you are in my place (the highest risk group) your heart just sank. And every time you watch/read/listen to the news your heart drops a bit further.

I am not an expert, but I have been living with a double-lung transplant and suppressed immune system for going on 9 years. I also once worked for one of the largest sterilizer companies in the United States earlier in life. So here are my ideas, and what I am practicing, in these perilous times.

librewolf's picture

This is What Autocracy Looks Like

We are watching the disintegration of a nation - the United States. Trump started his campaign rooted in racism and xenophobia, and has hammered that them repeatedly throughout his tenure thus far. He has operated from the politics of division with fear and hate powered by non-stop lies and distortions. His theme is clear to his most ardent supporters. "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) is truly "Make America White Again. " His attacks on "illegal" immigrants, is actually aimed at restricting (if not eliminating) legal immigration (from non-white) nations.

librewolf's picture

Why Hate Violence and Hate Crimes Are 'Special'

I am hoping that this discussion of what hate violence legislation is, and the underpinnings of it, will address the questions (and scoffing) I know are happening across the country as it is once more at the top of the news. I am a survivor of hate violence, and I have friends who have experienced hate violence, two of whom were murdered. My experiences inform me that many people, especially white people, not only do not understand the need for hate legislation, but who actually see it as "special" treatment. It is not, and I hope the following article helps explain why it is important.

librewolf's picture

I Feel Stunned By the Hate Expressed in Acts and Voice

I don't know about you, but I feel stunned. I feel like I have received three body blows and cannot yet catch my breath.

librewolf's picture

Stratofrog Passes

Dear Friends and Acquaintances, My partner of 20 + years and spouse, Kelly (aka Stratofrog), finally laid down her burdens early this morning at 2:30am. She went through an heroic end on her own terms after fighting a brief but bitter battle with an inoperable brain cancer. She shared her love and warmth with many and those who called her friend almost always formed a deep and lasting bond. She loved the best in each of us without judgment.

Kelly was a musician, poet, and artist and what she loved the most was her family and most particularly, her children Josh and Cory. She will be missed but not forgotten as she has left her imprint on our hearts.

Many of you already expressed beautiful sentiments in my earlier post and I shared them all with her several times. To say she was touched would be an understatement.

librewolf's picture

For the Friends of Stratofrog

There are many here who likely remember Stratofrog from TPM days. Some have kept in touch. I bring sad news that Stratofrog has a glioblastoma - an aggressive cancer of the brain. Diagnosed 2 weeks ago today, symptomatic for about 6 weeks, it is estimated that she has only a few weeks to live.

She is handling this with tremendous grace and strength, with love at the top of her priorities. She sends out an embrace to all her friends, including those who are in the circle of never seen but gladly met.

librewolf's picture

Do Not Mix: Chemical Plants and Natural Disasters

The consequences of Hurricane Harvey go on and on. Even under the "best" of circumstances the flooding caused by the days of torrential rain would be hazardous as the toxic fluids from automobiles, gas stations, businesses, and household chemicals mix with flooded sewers and sewage treatment facilities. In other words, flooding around any modern town or city is going to result in a toxic stew. However, this region of Texas is far more than a modern city (or collection of cities). It is the petrochemical capital of the United States, as well as having significant numbers of chemical production facilities.

librewolf's picture

Joe Arpaio, Trump's Kind of Lawman, Pardoned

Joe Arpaio is Trump's kind of lawman: cruel to the point of sadism, racist, makes his own law, and self righteous to a fault. Unfortunately, I am not embellishing the truth. After decades of effort by civil rights organizations and many citizens of Maricopa County and beyond. Arpaio had been ordered by the court (in 2011) to stop racially profiling people assumed to be Latino, stopping them, and turning them over to immigration authorities (ICE). Many of those stopped were citizens or legal residents, and many were not Hispanic; however, all that was required was that a patrolman, or a deputized citizen (and there were lots of those) believe you were Hispanic. Arpaio flagrantly ignored this order and continued his practice of harassment and illegal detention. So he was brought back to federal court and U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton found him in criminal contempt of court.

librewolf's picture

Voting on Trumpcare Today - Speak Out!

Today Mitch McConnell is calling a vote on 'healthcare', though no one knows what they are going to be voting on. It is critical that we flood Washington with phone calls, emails, tweets, and if you are close enough, your bodies. Call your Senator's local offices, and stop by those home offices if you can. We MUST let them know in no uncertain terms that there are hundreds of millions of us who do NOT want this shredding of the Affordable Care Act, nor the massive transfer of wealth from those receiving Medicaid to the top of the economic structure.

This site will give you links to both phone and email access to all of our senators:



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