The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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NRA Calls Racist Radical Right to Arms

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has released an "advertisement" that is a clear call to white supremacists and the Radical Right to rise up. It removes the veneer that the NRA is focused on protecting gun rights, instead putting forward a narrative that looks more racist radical right. This video is clearly crafted with the far right as the desired audience. The tone, images, and message are all characteristic of media out of this movement. What is chilling is not so much the video itself, but that it is produced by one of the most influential lobbies in Washington. It is the NRA, and its ability to mobilize a highly reactive membership, that holds the ears (and votes) of legislators. Below is Bill Moyers and Michael Winship's response to the NRA call to arms. My discussion resumes following their's.

librewolf's picture

What Nation Are We? This Way Lies Death and Ruin. Killing Medicaid (Patients)

On Friday June 23, 2017, Ari Melber, sitting in for Lawrence O'Donnell on, facilitated the best and most extensive examination of Medicaid and the potential consequences of the Senate (and House) Affordable Care Act replacement - aka "Trumpcare". Medicaid is the single most important component of American healthcare, directly impacting 70 MILLION people, and indirectly impacting virtually ALL of us. From infants being born, to many of the disables, to the elderly fighting to stay in their homes (or in nursing homes) to the poor (rural and urban), it is the bedrock upon which virtually all of us count. This is critical, and what the Republicans are proposing will drop a bomb on the overall healthcare system, and it will result in the deaths of tens of thousands. I cannot urge you strongly enough to take 23 minutes and watch the video clips from the program. Anything this critical deserves you time - and your voice.

librewolf's picture

Can We Arrest the Congress for Robbery and Attempted Murder?

open gravesMy life is on the line as are the lives of millions of others. My continued existence depends upon access to an expensive mix of medications and medical care for I live with a double-lung transplant. My yearly out-of pocket expenses are already over $20,000 a year. With the "improvements" proffered by Trump and the Republicans, that amount will at least quintuple - just for the insurance, and forget about deductibles and co-pays. Without a medical "lifeline" I will die. I suspect that most of us will have someone we know or love who will lose their lives.

librewolf's picture

URGENT! Protect Your Online Information and Privacy.

Courtesy Crocktock

On March 29, 2017, Congress repealed the broadband privacy rules that blocked providers from collecting and selling your information (name, accounts, browsing history, financial transaction, pictures, everything you touch and surf to on your computer, tablets, and in some cases phones). Clearly there are few of us who approve of this move, and it is purely in the interests of broadband providers. However, there are ways for you to fight back. Some of the information below was garnered from an excellent article by PC World - Three Privacy Tools that Block Your Internet Provider From Tracking You.

librewolf's picture

Lie Alert: Obamacare Imploding; Trumpcare the Best for Patients

Obamacare is "imploding", "collapsing under its own weight" etc. That is, and has been, the Republican drum beat, but is it true? I would argue that the answer is a flat out "No." But, but, but, what about those 130% premium increases, providers bailing on the Exchanges, etc. Yes, there are those issues ... in states who failed to implement the ACA (Affordable Care Act) the way it was crafted to function.

librewolf's picture

Blacks for Trump?

Hey Joe, get me some black extras to sit on the dais. I need to show some "diversity" in all those TV shots. Trump may not know much about government and being president, but he does know about entertainment. He regularly uses "extras" - like folks to applaud at press conferences. It is all one big show and Trump is the (prima donna) star.

librewolf's picture

How Deep Is the Racism of the Republicans?

As I watch Trump's efforts to block the entrance of Muslims into the United States, and the brutal tearing of families apart in the I.C.E. sweeps of immigrants, and the repeated crowing over destroying what Obama had built, and the white, white, white, Administration, I feel that I am being lashed by hatred and racism. Anxiety, Sadness, Anger, Depression? Oh yes, I feel these and I cry with the children who fear that they will never see their parents again, for I have been pulled from a parent and know that pain in my bones. All I know to do is to speak out and stand up and push back. It is either that or get mowed down, and that I cannot let happen.

librewolf's picture

Extreme Vetting? A Terrifying Thought

We have repeatedly heard Donald Trump, first as a candidate and now as President, say that he is going to apply extreme vetting for immigrants and refugees. This is either for effect, or he has seriously not informed himself about the processes that folks go through (or even spoken to one of his wives), or he is playing on the ignorance of the bulk of the American public on what refugee, in particular, go through to get here. So to clarify, I off er this post that does detail those processes.

librewolf's picture

Post Truth In A Dystopian Present

We are in a time when things are so insane that there is a background refrain of "you can't make this stuff up." Unfortunately, at least two authors have. One is so well known that there are periods (like now) when his name-cum-description is frequently invoked: "Orwellian." The other is Max Barry, who is the author of Jennifer Government - a world where you are born into a corporation or government, and assume your positions at the appropriate time. It is the ideal of the corporatist state on a global scale.1 For me, there is an eerie echo of it as I watch businessman Trump, with zero knowledge (or interest) in the functions nor purpose of government, ride roughshod over the Constitution as he reshapes it to his comfort level.

librewolf's picture

Trump Starts Running and So Many Troublesome Issues

I am finding the beginning of the Trump Presidency frightening in both its content and lack of consideration for the humans involved. From calling all those not with him his 'enemies', to gagging a number of agencies and having them suspend contracts and grants (putting who knows how many out of work), to targeting the Dreamers (and one assumes their families) for ejection from the country; to banning Muslim refugees from entering the country. It is a slash and burn approach that is largely embedded in a perception of 'reality' which frankly is not reality.


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