by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Benjy Sarlin, Talking Points Memo, September 21, 2012
Mitt Romney will release a copy of his 2011 tax returns at 3 p.m. Friday as well as a summary of his tax rates -- but not, as requested by Democrats, copies of his actual returns -- for the years 1990-2009 [....]
The campaign's description of Romney's taxes are below, from Romney's trustee R. Bradford Malt: [....]
My comment: From reading the portion of Mr. Malt's letter that TPM quotes there, looks to me like Romney has always had running for office in mind when filing 1990-2009, making sure he paid a certain amount on average, to the point of letting deductions slide when they might make what he paid on average lower. Seems as if he doesn't want those returns public for some other reason than the amount of taxes he paid. Also doesn't seem that his wanting to keep them private has anything to do with the amount of charitable giving (though names of charities might still be one of the problems.)
Thanks for the link. I am surprised no one has commented on this so far. I'll bite.
by AmericanDreamer on Sat, 09/22/2012 - 9:47am
I'd like to see him issue a very clear statement about any un-taxed income, i.e. what did or did not go into or come out of his offshore accounts. He's talking about paying taxes on his taxable income as if his taxable income were his only income.
But he needs to prove it, so that the American people can decide whether he paid his fair share or his legal share.
(And this business about not deducting his "charitable donations" to avoid going below 13% just goes to show that in Romney's mind, optics and competency are the same thing. Somehow or other, money just isn't real to him and he doesn't think it should have to be real--I don't know how else to explain it but it is just so obviously strange and not presidential at all.)
by erica20 on Sat, 09/22/2012 - 1:35pm
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/22/2012 - 11:21pm