by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Jews and "Christian Zionists" are not the only Americans who look with favor at the Jewish State. Seventy percent of Americans view Israel with favor.
In short, that means that discussions about a small group of Americans having a stranglehold on American foreign policy is not only evil--it is factually incorrect, i.e. rightly or wrongly, the American People continue to love the Jewish State.
My friends, these are the facts. The discussion should proceed accordingly.
If we stick to recent years, I'm part of that seventy percent(I don't think things were always as good as they are now, though).
by Aaron Carine on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 10:06am
Passport @ has more on the poll, focusing on "who's our worst foe?" but also talks about some other points, and has a link to the poll results at Foreign Policy Initiative, which I haven't looked at yet.
From a quick google, it seems like everyone calls Foreign Policy Initiative non-partisan, including Wikipedia, but I also note there that the Board of Directors consists of Eric Edelman, Robert Kagan, William Kristol, and Dan Senor so I am thinking to suspect a some neo-con skew to the polling and poll questions, and a skim of the summary results says I'm right on that. Still, Foreign Policy's Passport says it's definitely worth checking out in more detail and I trust their editorial.
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 11:38am
Ok, I was curious who are the other "best friends" on the list and I found it:
But Passport is right that there's some other interesting stuff; I got kick out of a couple of answers to the following question:
The top answer was
but there were also these two amusingly partisan answers to that:
"Barack Obama/Admin" actually made #2 with that percentage, #3 and # 4 were "Middle East" @ 6.5% and "Islam/Fundament/Milit" @ 6.4%.
And then this one, which tells me that Michele Bachman types are not getting their message across
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 12:06pm
This might have something to do with it.
by cmaukonen on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 2:11am
I like Iraq Veterans Against the War, but Prysner is wrong about one thing: Al Qaeda are real enemies.
by Aaron Carine on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 7:44pm
Only 70% of Americans view the Jewish State of Israel favorably? I would have guessed a higher number.
It is ridiculous to go from there to a claim that this proves anything at all about the powers behind formation of our foreign policy and stunningly wrong headed to claim that that approval means any discussion about the powers which control or influence that policy is "evil" regardless the opinion held going in or coming out of that discussion.
Some Americans would love for discussions of extremely important and emotionally loaded subjects to be guided by fair minded common sense and respect for simple logic. That, friends, actually is a fact. The false assumptions stipulated here by the presenter as "facts" which should guide and limit further conversation on the subject probably explain why there is so little response.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 12:05pm