by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Op-ed by Maureen Dowd @, July 27
WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.
Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins. I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.
Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020 [....]
As one would imagine, this has hit a sore spot with the readership and currently has 1,534 comments.
A lot of them are along the lines of "fed up centrists"
Like this one just 34 minutes ago which already has 36 recommends:
And 108 recommended this one even though it was posted just an hour ago:
and again, 59 recommends
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 10:24am
two from the "I seldom agree with you but this time you're right" contingent, with 344 and 295 recommending, respectively:
Here's one along the lines of sick of the Maddow-ite focus; 224 recommend; my underlining
Another good example of "fed up with the purists", adding "it's all their fault":
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 10:50am
lots of Independent-oriented comments,like these
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 2:17pm
Dowd never addresses real issues. She sets up strawmen to destroy and mocks who ever is in her sights that day. It's all about ratcheting up the emotions at the cost of real discussion of the issues. Today her target is liberals. In 2000 it was the moderate centrist Gore. She's like republicans in style and that's why I've mostly stopped reading her. So really, the complaints about her interview with Pelosi was about eating chocolates and the quality of her shoes? bullshit
by ocean-kat on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 11:37am
Re: never addresses real issues. I find that to be stating the obvious like calling an orange orange. Starting in the mid 80's, she was strictly a political horse race reporter "on the bus" or "from the beltway". She brought a new way of covering that beat, called snark, and it was so popular that she was promoted to op-ed columnist, free to cover her own choices on the same and get even more snarky. I have nothing against those who are against that kind of thing or who find it not their cup of tea. But I will be forever grateful to her for changing political horse race from something that was treated deadly seriously. I think, and always thought. that it deserves cynical treatment.
As for this article in particular, I am only amazed by the reaction with the multitude of comments. Because therein the silenced are finally speaking; somehow she drew them out with the way she said this.
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 4:18pm
I sympathize with candidates trying to be candidates. I don't think the batch is so bad, just the expectations are so mangled. Where's the carny show? Anything short of that is deathly dull.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 5:02pm
I see Nate Silver kinda talking on topic with others right now...the "dislikable" factor. He retweeted Henry Olsen's reply to him here:
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 5:58pm
I should add what else he's saying:
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 6:05pm
Sigh, the 2 GOP winners who most chose as "who they'd like to have a beer with" don't even drink, while the recent Democratic winner comes across as a much more boring drinker than his flyboy competitor or his own wife (brace yourself for Dad jokes):
Let's revisit this: Bush's big "likable" moment was getting drunk and trying to go mano-a-mano with his father or mangling words like a real live chimpanzee, which arguably are kind of endearing in a Tom Cruise meets Pat Paulsen kind of way (if you ignore the mass Mideast carnage required to pull off this legacy presidency), while Donald Trump's likable moments were walking in on underage girls dressing at beauty pageants, or hanging out with famous perverts at Studio 54, or pulling his wife's hair out or fucking & laterpaying off a pornstar while his model wife is home nursing their newborn.
Hillary's "unlikable" moments included working on the Watergate committee & McGovern campaign, wearing a headband 90's style on the campaign trail, telling the press she coulda stayed home & baked cookies but... and not telling her carousing husband to go fuck himself (while ungraciously not inviting every woman who claimed Bill slept with or molested them over for cookies). Oh, and Travelgate (which affected the White House press directly) and her emails and drinking shots "inauthentically" with John McCain.
Jimmy Carter was as likable as your Sunday School teacher in church (feel yourself squirming in your seat) or catching you drinking (though Carter did surround himself with some pretty likable drunks, cokeheads and Southern rockers), Richard Nixon was a Quaker who wore black wingtips and black socks with shorts on the beach (and kept rather creepy lists on his enemies), Ronald Reagan came from that Leave It To Beaver/Reader's Digest era of squeaky-clean fake nostalgia (he once told a reporter his dog was named Lassie because he couldn't remember its name and Lassie seemed a good-enough fit) mixed with some Marshall Applewhite/Heaven's Gate devotion. George Bush Sr. in some ways came across likable for an old rich white person, Clinton had that "We Got a Right (to Party)" fratboy vibe going, and when we get to LBJ and before, well, "admirable" or "mythical" or "captivating" or "overwhelmingly persuasive" (what's that horse head doing in my bed?) might be better terms in an age where the cemeteries often managed to get up to vote on election day.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 7:49pm
From the NYT
Trump is a birther. He found good people among Nazis. He called John Lewis’ district impoverished. He called Elijah Cummings district impoverished. He insulted the intelligence of black female reporters. He told black female politicians who are American citizens to go back to their home countries. Trump is a racist. Trump will be re-elected if a critical mass of white voters don't care about the racism.
Edit to add
Even the WSJ is joining CNN and the WaPo in calling Trump’s tweets racist
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 11:11pm
looking for an old post, ran across this
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 12:41am
Maureen Dowd is an idiot. Which of the Democratic candidates is talking about Dowd’s book party, chocolate and high heels? Robert Mueller told us that the Russians are attacking. A bipartisan Congressional report says the Russians hacked all 50 states. Dow’s is offended by some twitter Lefties she doesn’t know who attacked an unknown author, high heels, and chocolate. What a chump.
Democrats are discussing policy. Expand Obamacare or Medicare for all with eliminating private insurance? It’s called differences of policy. Democrats are discussing issues of race because there are opposing views of solutions. Nobody is talking about chocolate.
Democrats are offering choices. If you disagree with Trump you are kicked out of the GOP. Ask Amash.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 2:13pm
Do you feel the majority of commenters (now 2,602) on her article, some of which I quoted, to be idiots too?
I'll repeat one here that I thought particulary apt and succinct:
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 2:36pm
by the way, been looking at this for quite some time and it looks to me like a lot of emphasis on partying and fun, and not very much political correctness much less earnest righteousness:
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 2:43pm
Can you verify the identity of any of these so-called lefties?
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 5:02pm
I didn't call them lefties. They chose to designate themselves #BlackTwitter.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 6:45pm
Last president, re-elected for a second term, recommends not Dowd's column from Sun., but Ross Douthat's:
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 6:48pm
btw, Saturday he proudly tweeted an op-ed @ WaPo, co-signed by 149 African Americans who served in the Obama administration:
One thing to ponder is that the op-ed wouldn't exist if he hadn't been elected and re-elected.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 6:56pm
I read this story several days ago. There's a third and possibly more prevalent explanation for the story Douthat cites. Perhaps it's not political at all. Perhaps there's not a liberal or a conservative view. People get scammed. It happens all the time. Very intelligent people get scammed. People with little education or intelligence get scammed. Liberals get scammed, moderates get scammed, conservatives get scammed. Sometimes the scams is sophisticated. Sometimes they're so ridiculous it leaves me incredulous that any one fell for it. Rich conservatives that are clever investors get scammed by Ponzi schemes by other rich conservatives like Madoff. Lonely widows get scammed by by men pretending to love them. People get scammed by Nigerian prince stories.
He got scammed. I feel sorry for the poor schmuck. There are people who read these stories of people getting scammed and are empathetic and people who are heartless and laugh about it with dozens of variations in between. I don't think empathy is a republican or a democratic trait in situations like this. I don't think there's a conservative or liberal version of this story about a guy that got scammed.
by ocean-kat on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 7:44pm
Oh you inspire me by saying this People get scammed by Nigerian prince stories to hijack the thread to a different topic. I was amazed by this at the end of the article you posted Oprah, Is That You? On Social Media, the Answer Is Often No, that those guys have moved on and are on top of the latest developments, really on top, they've got Facebook battling them, they are expert at what they do:
What is it about that culture that this is a particular part of it? Why isn't some anthropologist doing a thesis on it? I am so intrigued by that that I ended up following Remi Adekoya on twitter, he is a half Nigerian, half Polish foreign policy scholar who lives in the UK I believe. He writes on "our problem with Nigerian culture" all the time, a long series of articles and twitter threads, has lots of Nigerian fans who are incredibly concerned with how the scamming thing, in many different ways, hurts their country. It's like a major meme for them, it seems to be a big group where they are obsessed with purging a whole scam attitude from their culture and the cynicism that comes from it. Lest anyone say "people are the same allover", they would argue "no Europe is different, people don't have this flaw here." So it is not seen as the same thing as capitalism nor as what big corporations do. It is fascinating in a way, I supposed I wouldn't think so if it were my country.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 9:57pm
FWIW, Laura Ingraham finds it all Trump genius that has brought "Christmas in July":
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 10:48pm
The Diva of the Smart Set* vs. Progressive Fanatics
“The progressives are the modern Puritans. … The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.” – MoDo
Acid tongued, virulently anti-Trump Maureen Dowd is *correct* when advising her allies, the “progressive” zealots, that impeachment is a winner – but only for President Trump. However, MoDo is wrong concerning the motives of pro-impeachment fanatics.
“The progressive Puritans think we must honor the Constitution and go for it because it’s the right thing to do.” – MoDo
No, MoDo, “progressive Puritans” are blinded by pure, overwhelming fury, rage – just as when they shrieked and wept uncontrollably on election night. They, the anointed philosopher kings – the priestly caste, and they alone were entitled to win; the irredeemable deplorables had no business voting let alone winning.
It's that conceit, not a duty to “honor the Constitution,” which justifies their determination to steal an election.
* Mary Matalin knifed MoDo with that perfect epithet when they both appeared on “Meet the Press.”
by Gerry K (not verified) on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 9:35am
Moscow Mitch stole a SCOTUS seat and refuses to support legislation that would protect the voting system. Republicans openly support Trump’s racist rants, ignoring his slumlord son-in-law. Democrats openly disagree with other Democrats, Republicans who disagree with Trump are kicked out of the party like Amash. Republicans remind of Nazis with yells of “Lock her up” and “Send them back”. Like Moscow Mitch, Republicans are traitors. Like Donald Trump, Republicans are racists.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 3:04pm
Our Führer
If the Führer calls and commands, each of us must obey without question, whatever he may say. With the Führer we are everything, without him we are nothing.
Hermann McConnell Göring
The highest that a man can reach on this earth is to give his name to an historic era, stamping it indelibly with his personality. That is true in the broadest sense of the Führer. The present world is unimaginable without him.
Dr. Joseph Hannity Goebbels. link
by NCD on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 5:00pm
How bouts Rusky help swaying the election - you a friend of Ivan's? Like them Trump-Russia briefing sessions in Trump Tower, Manafort sharing data with Kilimnik? What's your thoughts re: Russia poisoning dissidents with Novichok in Salisbury? Constitutions need protecting, dontcha think? There are bad hombres out there who aren't progressives, right?
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 4:50pm