by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Speaking with parents and students from Stoneman Douglas high school today, Trump proposed arming 20% of the teachers. “One shot would have ended it”, said Trump.
also said this
Trump vows tougher background checks, mental health screens for gun buyers in meeting with students
@ USA TODAY 2:41 ET Feb. 21, 2018
seems to me right now with him on this topic, it's whatever might please the crowd at hand at that minute. Just throwing stuff at the wall, seeing what sticks.
by artappraiser on Wed, 02/21/2018 - 6:31pm
Pandering all over the place:
Trump on course for clash with House GOP over gun control
Conservatives are demanding that ‘concealed-carry’ language hitch a ride on any bill to strengthen background checks.
@, 02/21/2018 12:34 PM EST
Could easily happen when you start the day taking your memes from Fox & Friends and then meet with the students in the afternoon....when you are an empty narcissist, that is.
by artappraiser on Wed, 02/21/2018 - 7:05pm
A glimpse of some of his personal talking points:
Photo reveals Trump's notes at gun violence listening session @ The Hill
by artappraiser on Wed, 02/21/2018 - 7:12pm
Arm the teachers?
Seven days... First chance he gets...
Whistling to the NRA Gun Grabbers - Wed, 02/14/2018 - Dag
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 12:06am
Republican policy semiautomatic, Toles:
by NCD on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 12:20am
Rubio had no acceptable answer for the father of a girl shot in the Florida high school massacre when confronted about assault weapons. Rubio accepted millions of dollars from the NRA.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 8:05am
by Peter (not verified) on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 10:47am
Let’s arm the teachers so SWAT can mow them down.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 10:50am
As a gun owner I know how difficult it is to aim a pistol and to consider who else might be in the line of fire. Especially in an active shooter situation. Some years ago I watched some videos of an experiment with an armed teacher or student in a classroom. Armed with a paint gun. Even knowing that at some point a shooter would enter the classroom and being prepared the shooter still shot several students before the teacher or student could retrieve the weapon. Often the teacher missed the shooter, accidentally shot other students, or was shot before she could shoot the assailant. This in a test where there was no actual fear of getting killed. Even police or military who are much more extensively trained can panic in an active shooter situation. Gun battles are much more chaotic and difficult than most imagine. It's not at all like in the movies. Arming teachers is not an effective solution to this problem.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 2:38pm
You know when I saw Trump's first reactions my first thought was that he is not a gun person, even though he went to a military academy what he mostly learned there is how to haze others
So I am very cynical that he truly cares about gun rights beyond a need to pander to what he thinks his base thinks and of course to pander to the NRA if it continues to be to his benefit.
But what you say here compared to what he has just tweeted, about training, that is just more proof that he really isn't a gun person.
For all these reasons, I think it's possible that he really could end up supporting some control measures it all depends upon which way the winds blow. If protests take the right tack and don't ally with too much other liberal agenda, The poll numbers are just so incredibly high for more controls, I find it hard to believe he will fly contrarian in the face of that. This is different from the Dreamers thing, and he even vacillates on that.
by artappraiser on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 3:42pm
I forgot my main reason for making this assumption:He has consistently not just supported but lauded local law enforcement, clearly that is one thing he sees that as a win win. He's gone to ridiculous heights on that. They are a demographic highly supportive of lots of gun control!
Conversely, it doesn't appear to me that he really gets the tie in of the extreme 2nd Amendment maniacs with the anti-deep-state crowd that is part of his base, the anti-Federal crowd, how the passionate 2nd amendment people want the right to protect against jack booted thugs taking over the government. (Probably because he doesn't care about understanding Constitutional principles.) He doesn't see how law enforcement is often their enemy.
I think it's entirely possible he may end up siding with the "Nazis" who "want to take away the guns," is what I am saying. It may end up being an existential crisis, but then again, he's not capable of being that deep? Which group of fans to keep, which to toss, is probably more like it. Isn't that a no brainer with polls saying 90%+ want more gun control?
by artappraiser on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 4:37pm
by Peter (not verified) on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 4:18pm
You propose to do this in every school? Isn’t it likely that things like fist fights between students could be resolved by gun shots rather than breaking up the fight physically if 10- 20 teachers are now armed. Seems like a recipe for disaster. The more aggressive teachers are the ones more likely to want to be armed.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 4:45pm
I don't believe most mass shooters are looking for soft targets. Most target the place and people who they feel they have grievances. Some men go to their work place and kill their colleages. Some men feel they have a grievance with their wife or girlfriend. They target her home and family, or they target her work places and work friends, or they go to her church and kill her and other parishioners. They don't go to the local school just because it's a soft target. Most school shooters go to the school they attended because they feel they have a grievance there.
I also don't believe that arming teachers will make schools less of a soft target. Let's look at the most recent school shooting. Cage pulled a fire alarm to get crowds of students into the hall ways. Cage could have missed every target he aimed at and still have killed 17 people and injured dozens. If he missed his target the bullet would likely have hit the person standing to the left of him or some person 20 yards farther down the hallway. Cage didn't even have to aim, he could just spray bullets down the hall way.
Even if there was a highly trained armed teacher in the hall way he could have been 20 yards away standing in a crowd of students coming out of his classroom with crowds of students coming out of classrooms between him and the shooter. He'd have to spot the shooter through that crowd and hit that individual target without hitting any of the students in the hall way between. An extremely difficult if not impossible shot. Practicing at a gun range doesn't prepare you for this.
Most mass shooters want to die. They have already decided to commit suicide by cop. They just want to take as many people as possible with them. There's an incredible power that comes from deciding to die, there's no fear. The shooter can walk down that hall way spraying bullets without caring if anyone is shooting back. Where as those defending the school want to live. As bullets come towards them the instinct is to duck or hide. It's hard to calmly take aim and fire. The adrenalin kicks in with the fear. Their hand shakes. They really don't want to kill anyone. It's hard to kill someone who deserves it let alone one of the innocent students in the hallway. They are even more careful and slow to fire at the intended target. If some student in the crowed chaotic hallway moves in front of the bullet they are even more reluctant and more careful to take the next shot.
Think carefully about the details. Imagine it in your mind if you were an armed teacher coming out into that hallway and discovering it wasn't a fire drill but an active shooter situation. I think anyone who plays out the details in a step by step fashion telling the full story would realize that arming teachers would rarely if ever be a useful response to school shootings.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 10:01pm
Trump says: I am a nuanced brilliant guy and the media is the enemy, I care about fixing the problem. CNN et. al. lie:
Trump brings the gun-control conversation back to himself and ‘fake news’ @ WaPo, 1:28 pm
Translation: oops, that was not a crowd pleaser, walk it back and try something else. Whatever it is, blame Congress when they don't enact it. Stay popular.
by artappraiser on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 2:59pm
by Peter (not verified) on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 8:17pm
Trump’s budget cuts funding for school security
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 10:25pm
Trump is right. But teachers with Glocks are no match for a teen with an assault weapon and a huge magazine. The teachers wouldn't stand a chance.
Hardening must first include placing wireless armed mines in all school hallways, exits and entrances. Once armed, shooters would not be able to move without blowing off a foot or leg. Anti-personnel rockets, in critical locations, remotely armed and targeted from school district headquarters, would be absolutely awesome.
After the shooter is disabled, bleeding and down, then the teachers could execute the coup de grass with a shot in the neck to sever the spinal column.
by NCD on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 10:40pm
Arming the teachers is a waste since there are so few teachers, and so many students. If schools would arm the students that would be effective. One bad guy shooter one thousand good guy students with guns. They could hand out the guns in the morning home room and turn them in during the last class of the day.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 11:14pm
Best way to do it, yes, arm the kids.
Mechanical Arts could armor the hall walls and doors for shooting practice. The kids could blow off 100 round mags with bump stocks down hallway free fire zones, it could also give the less academic types reason to not drop out.
by NCD on Fri, 02/23/2018 - 1:22am
Ok but no free guns from this taxpayer, they have to learn to make their own with a laptop and a 3-D printer so that they have learned some Mechanical Arts!
by artappraiser on Fri, 02/23/2018 - 1:46am
I just checked to see if Popular Mechanics was still around and guess what, yes it is, and on the top banner there's this story
Well-Meaning Gun Owner Accidentally Creates Illegal Firearm in Viral Video
Cutting the barrel didn't disable the AR-15, and actually made it illegal to own.
by artappraiser on Fri, 02/23/2018 - 1:50am
Actually, what I am seeing bouncing around the news is floating trial balloons along the lines of "NRA wouldn't be that upset if we raised the age for assault weapons to 21" So then they could say they did so do "something" or "act" as has been the meme with many teen protestors. And the NRA could pretend they were upset. Trump already proposed that Tues. and repeated it in a tweet Weds. .
by artappraiser on Fri, 02/23/2018 - 2:22am