by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Maiello at Rolling Stone again...
Ranked choice works great in Oakland
by jollyroger on Tue, 02/16/2016 - 9:41pm
I suspect half of this article was to bitch about superdelegates. Of course Bernie could try to woo superdelegates, as Obama ended up doing, but like everything else in the process, it's too rigged for Bernie to follow, and he gets more mileage out of complaining.
Yeah, we can go with individual candidates just like we can break up unions and force their candidates to go it alone - since political parties are an awful lot like unions. Will that help things? Without the party financing things, we'll either have the state funding things (think Mitch McConnell ponying up for the good of the country even as he supports gerrymandering and voter ID laws) or just Donald Trump vs Michael Bloomberg vs Mitt Romney as the self-funded elite individuals.
Parties magnify the vote even as it stratified opinion - yeah, partially sucks, partially placated the majority. Would ranked voting have improved on our Gore, Kerry, Obama/Clinton choices? Not really - only a deep slate of prospective candidates can do that, and I dont see that we have that or that we didn't have the chance to consider Howard Dean or Wesley Clark or Dick Gerhard or Jim Webb or Bill Bradley or name your flavor. Figure out a way to highlight downtime races and it'll help things. The other is goading on a "proble" that hardly exists.
Our real issue isn't with President at all - it's that we have limited attention to any other race come presidential season. The only state race I've heard about is Rand Paul needing to campaign for senator now that he's dropped out of the prep race.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 11:04am