by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Op-ed column by Paul Krugman @, April 2
Pessimistic facts regarding the known problem of red regions not wanting the help that would actually help them; summary:
And when it comes to national politics, let’s face it: Trumpland is in effect voting for its own impoverishment. New Deal programs and public investment played a significant role in the great postwar convergence; conservative efforts to downsize government will hurt people all across America, but it will disproportionately hurt the very regions that put the G.O.P. in power.
The truth is that doing something about America’s growing regional divide would be hard even with smart policies. The divide will only get worse under the policies we’re actually likely to get.
Krugman addresses one problem. Trumpland hates government when it is headed by Democrats. Kansas love tax cuts even as schools failed and the state went into debt.They will blame immigrants for the loss of jobs even as they reject government programs that would increase jobs. The hardcore Trump supporters will be with us for a long time.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 7:54am
Republicans want "the divide" to get worse, that's why every policy they have promoted for 30+ years increases it.Republicans use it to stoke anger, and direct blame at the gov, brown people, godless libs, socialists.
Their voters are like marks in a rigged betting game, the more they lose the harder they find it to quit, they can't face the fact that their addiction to voting "white" (GOP), was a con and they are the suckers.
by NCD on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 1:04pm
The point Krugman (or Moretti, to be precise) makes about investment happening where the brains are gathered is the key element here.
All the tax cuts a state, city, municipality, or smallish bingo club might offer to encourage entrepreneurs are wasted sacrifices if there are no smart people there to hire after one has given away the place to make something happen.
by moat on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 6:47pm